Rating:  Summary: I'm no dummie, but I like it Review: Geoghegan and Homan have managed to provide a valuable resource for those who want to know more about the Bible that is not overly shallow or too complex. Their humerous style makes for a fun read! It's not just about the Bible. It also shows how the Bible has influenced culture and art.
Rating:  Summary: Should be titled The Politically Correct version Review: I give this book 2 stars because of its fun facts and helpful, brief overview of the Bible. However, I hope that no one reads this book as their introduction into the Bible. God help them! This book uses the PC terms for AD and BC when we are talking about a book that talks about Christ. How absurd. Second, the overview of Genesis says that the serpent tempted Adam and Eve to eat the apple. I guess the feminists also got to this book, too. Eve was tempted and ate the apple, and then tempted Adam. Its pretty clear. But the overview is not. Third, there are words in the book the editors seemed to have missed because they are spelled wrong. i.e. "thnk" on page 13.
Rating:  Summary: Everyone Could Learn Something From This Book Review: I have read the bible before and like many, have been confused by some of the meanings trying to be said. The bible for dummies guides you through the bible explaning everything without a bias explanation and even giving interesting facts such as, Hebrew word meanings translated in english, The Apcrypha, The dead sea scrolls, and many more. Most importantly, this book points out parts in the bible that have been misunderstood in history and gives a new light on the subject. It is also done in an easy format, where anyone could understand. I recommend this to everyone. Experts or non-experts. You might see a interesting new view on things or learn something new. I know I did.
Rating:  Summary: Everyone Could Learn Something From This Book Review: I have read the bible before and like many, have been confused by some of the meanings trying to be said. The bible for dummies guides you through the bible explaning everything without a bias explanation and even giving interesting facts such as, Hebrew word meanings translated in english, The Apcrypha, The dead sea scrolls, and many more. Most importantly, this book points out parts in the bible that have been misunderstood in history and gives a new light on the subject. It is also done in an easy format, where anyone could understand. I recommend this to everyone. Experts or non-experts. You might see a interesting new view on things or learn something new. I know I did.
Rating:  Summary: Giggle and laugh your way through the Bible Review: I should have known from the title that this book would not be serious, but must it be a laugh riot? Is it the premise of the Dummies series that there be a joke for every so many words of text? It's a shame because there is much good information in here, but the authors insist on inserting gratuitous humor in every paragraph. To some it may seem cute but it gets tedious quickly. The book could be 2/3 the size and far more readable if one didn't have to wade through so many attempts at humor. This is entertainment as pollution. The authors undoubtedly know their Bible, if only they could talk to the reader as one adult to another on a fascinating topic, and leave out such things as the lyrics to the Beverly Hillbillies. It may be hard to believe, but some people do get beyond high school and some people do like TV shows and comedy but don't want them threaded through an explanatory book. Read any non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov to see how complicated subjects can be delightfully and simply presented without resorting to silliness. If you have any reverence for the Bible, whether as religious text or simply good literature, stay away from this book. If you value your time and want to read for learning as a pleasure in itself, stay away as well.
Rating:  Summary: Well-balanced overview of the Bible Review: I've read a lot of books about the Bible, yet this one seems to me to be the best. Part of what makes the Bible for Dummies so good is the balanced approach of the authors. Most introductions to the Bible are overly biased, either in their religious fundamentalism or their anti-religious "fundamentalism". The authors of the Bible for Dummies treat the Bible with honesty and respect. When there are questions or controversies stemming from a biblical text, they present various ways of interpreting the problem, and they do so with a diverse audience in mind, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, etc.Another positive about this book is it not only covers the whole Bible (including the additional Catholic and Eastern Orthodox books, or Apocrypha), but it has interesting asides on subjects few other intro books cover. For example, it tackles thorny theological issues such as "Does God change his mind?" and "Who really killed Jesus?" to more humorous stuff like "Why Kosher Delis Don't Serve Cheeseburgers" and "Why Do Fish Ride on the Back of Cars?" And speaking of humor: the authors seem to me to maintain a good balance between interjecting the humor Dummies' readers expect and providing substantive information. Perhaps my favorite part of the Bible for Dummies is its discussion of how the Bible has influenced art, literature, and even the movies! I've appreciated great works of art throughout my life, such as Da Vinci's Last Supper and Michelangelo's David, but now I appreciate them in a whole new light, both as they relate to the Bible and as they reflect the artists' interpretations of the Bible. It helped me appreciate how easily I can be influenced by culture when interpreting sacred texts. And who knew The Matrix had so many biblical allusions? All in all, I'd highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Giggle and laugh your way through the Bible Review: The Bible for Dummies is an excellent book. I'm not a genius, but I'm well educated and fairly well read. I've tried on several occasions to read the Bible, but had a very hard time understanding it, as the 2,000 years separating its authors from me were a hard gap to bridge. But now I feel I really understand the Bible, and believe I've acquired what the authors refer to as basic Biblical literacy. I loved the book so much I even bought copies for my friends. So I would like to thank the authors of Bible for Dummies, and strongly recomment this book for anyone trying to understand the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: Better Understanding of Bible Review: The Bible for Dummies is an excellent book. I'm not a genius, but I'm well educated and fairly well read. I've tried on several occasions to read the Bible, but had a very hard time understanding it, as the 2,000 years separating its authors from me were a hard gap to bridge. But now I feel I really understand the Bible, and believe I've acquired what the authors refer to as basic Biblical literacy. I loved the book so much I even bought copies for my friends. So I would like to thank the authors of Bible for Dummies, and strongly recomment this book for anyone trying to understand the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: This is the best book about the Bible. Review: The Bible for Dummies is the best book about the Bible on the market-by far!!! I teach university courses on the Bible and Biblical Studies, and to the joy of my students, I assign this book as one of the texts. So what works so well in The Bible for Dummies? First, the two authors, Geoghegan and Homan, are very solid Bible scholars. They know the ancient languages, texts, archaeology, current issues, and the material record. They really know what they are talking about. Second, they are incredibly gifted in simplifying very complicated ideas. They write very clear in an entertaining and engaging prose. Finally, they have a real gift for uderstanding the Bible's influence on civilization, from Madonna to films like the Matrix. Do yourself a favor, and read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Perfect Introduction, or Re-Introduction to the Bible Review: Unlike the reviewer below who seems to think that levity and the world of theology doesn't mix, I beg to differ. I don't agree that this book deserves that kind of criticism. Who has a better sense of humor than God? If He had made our lives devoid of laughter, where would we be today? I have not devoted time to Bible study since I was young. I picked this book for it's obvious simplicity. I am so glad that I did. I was surprised to find that it can turn those Bible stories we love to hear and read about into a book that I consider to be a real page-turner. I have shared my opinion with friends and family members alike. Many of whom are looking forward to getting it and reigniting their interest in the Bible as well. Read it and enjoy it for what it is!