Rating:  Summary: Don't bother Review: Unfortunately for the reader, Dr. Rubin has made several mistakes with this book. First, although the spiritual overtones could be very inspiring, it's so heavily biblical in nutritional justification that it distracts from the rest of the book - unless he feels that nutrition is only second to ones' faith in the bible? Secondly, he basically tells us that everyone practicing a vegan/vegetarian diet better start cooking up some bone marrow, knuckle & neck bone soup before they waste away and die. What about the millions of people that have thrived on these diets since early history and statistically outlive their meat-eating friends with less chronic illness? There is an incredibly large amount of research that completely demonstrates the opposite of what Dr. Rubin claims as simple fact. One example would be The China Study -the largest, most comprehensive study between diet and disease ever done. Which leads to a third mistake - where are all the mounds of research and references? I read the book with an open mind despite my earlier arguments. However when I reached the end, the book only gave me a few pages worth of notes, which is the same problem with most fad diets (i.e. The Blood Type Diet)- they're mostly opinions and theories. Although I would happily suggest this fad diet over Blood Type, Atkins, or The Zone - I'd like to suggest "Eat To Live", by Dr. Joel Fuhrman or "The Food Revolution", by John Robbins. These books each have over 30 pages of notes and reference and have changed my life forever. Most people have poor diets in America, so any improvement is a good thing and I'm glad this worked for Jordan, but I would recommend something a little better researched and a lot less bible-driven for the best nutritional advice.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshing Review: Whether you agree with the religion or politics in the book, it is refreshing to see a story and a message with such conviction. It is clear that Rubin is committed to helping people achieve health on their own rather than being dependent upon a system that serves special interests more so than those seeking help in the first place. And what an emphasis on the quality of WHOLE FOOD. Making us aware of what we are putting in our mouths every day and having us ask the simple question..."Is this food?" WHAT A REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT!!!
Rating:  Summary: Maker's Diet - Our Missing Key for Health - A Must Read! Review: Dr. Jordan Rubin has done his homework with this book. It contains both ancient wisdom and current information on the causes and prevention of health and diet related diseases in our culture.He presents researched facts, not just more nutritional opinions. With all the confusing fad diets out there, this book brings us back to our ancestorial roots and shows us what has worked for thousands of years. I consider this a must-read for anyone wanting optimal health and tired of being on the "prescription treadmill." The recipes in the back of the book are delicious and the resource section is amazing. I also found his other 2 books, "Patient Heal Thyself" and "Restoring your Digestive Health" very informative and helpful.
Rating:  Summary: Shameless! Review: This man is making mega-bucks selling "products" to make people think losing weight will make them morally superior. And using the Bible to do it? Come on! This book is shameless profiteering on self-loathing. Period. He should be ashamed of himself.
Rating:  Summary: If you're looking for another miracle... Review: Wanting (needing) to lose 20lbs, I really wanted to believe this book was "the one." I am a Christian and thought this was finally a Biblical answer to weight loss. As I read through the book, much of the information made sense and I was very excited to start the program. The thing that bothered me all along was that he started eating the "Maker's way" and taking the HSO's at the same time. It's never really clear that the actual diet was what made him well. After I prayed about it, it began to occur to me that this was intentional. He never says outright that you have to take the supplements, but strongly recommends them. Shouldn't the "Maker's way" be enough if God's law is so great and helpful? (Which, by the way, we're freed from by the Cross, for us hardcore Christians!) Upon closer examination, the food do's/dont's and program guidelines are extremely similar to Sugarbusters or South Beach. In the text, he recommends no caffeine. In the list, he lists organic coffee beans. Lots of stuff just doesn't line up. I really began to think that "The Maker's Diet" is just a way to sell the **expensive** supplements. "The Maker's Diet" has been around for thousands of years in the form of kosher Jewish eating/hygeine rituals. What's new about this book - the only thing - is the supplements. All of that said, I think the book has terrific information to remind us to stay away from that nasty refined flour/sugar, diet soda and non-organic meat, fruit and veggies. It makes all the sense in the world to eat closer to the way God made it. I do believe there is Biblical evidence for taking care of our bodies in this way, and "Maker's Diet" was a good reminder. But, save yourself the $20 + and just read your Bible. This is no miracle, as much as I wanted to believe it.
Rating:  Summary: I've tried everything, but this one WORKS! Review: I'm a very busy person, so planning meals and squeezing snacks in between was very hard for me. The number one thing about this or any other change in your diet, it has to be a permenant change of life. If you want a quick fix, then you better start saving for surgery, and that still takes maintenance. You need to get your head straight before you begin. Look at your whole entire body, and I mean at every flaw. Evaluate what you want to change in the future. Set reasonable goals for yourself. Reward yourself as you accomplish those goals, and not with food. Pamper yourself, get a manicure or a massage. Take each day at a time and if you do cheat, admit it to yourself and start the next day fresh and stick to it. Don't say 'oh well!' and keep cheating, or you'll never get to your goal.
Rating:  Summary: Worth Getting...But follow the program..Success has a Price! Review: I have to say for the people who don't believe this diet works...for the people who think it is too complicated, etc. It does work...it's only as complicated as you make it. Read it...don't expect a miracle. Understand the concepts...which are pretty simple. You will be altering your eating habits. Most of us don't eat enough veggies, for one. We are trained to graze on greasy foods. I challenge you to come up with your own plan...eat the veggies, fish, chicken, salads...following the rules, for a week. Then, try to enjoy a fried seafood platter with baked potato. I can almost guarantee you your body will not enjoy you...not only will guilt set in but it processes differently than the healthy veggies, etc. you have retrained to. You won't crave the bad stuff. And the book teaches you to eat close to nature...unprocessed so that your body takes more time to break down the food. Processed foods cycle fast and you are starving again. You will find the foods you thought were 'good' might not be so tasty...maybe you have just trained yourself to eat those sort of foods. Experiment with Mexican food as well...you will feel guilty and bloated versus the other choice and leaving satisfied and healthy. It's a learning process...once you figure that part out, I think the weight loss is just an added bonus!
Rating:  Summary: The Maker's Diet...It Can Change Your Life !!!!! Review: Just finished reading The Maker's Diet. I think I have every alternative health book ever written that claims to improve health. But, I'll have to say, this is the first one to really make sense. And I've studied alternative medicine just on my own for about 18 years. If you will notice, Jordan has a lot of regular foods on his diet...in fact, MOST of them are every day foods...the difference is...THERE ARE NO ADDITIVES!!!!! What did our grandparents and great grandparents eat in their day? They ate a lot of what we eat NOW...except, they GREW THEIR OWN vegetables, and fruit, and raised their own chickens. And when they wanted MEAT...which, by the way, was probably almost every day...they just went out in the country side and brought home a rabbit, or deer, or turkey, and they processed their own beef and pork. I am head over heels in love with the message in The Maker's Diet...and I think if a person followed it to the letter, they would see profound improvement in their health in no time at all. And while I think the supplements he recommends are probably some of the best you can find anywhere, I don't think...unless you're battling a serious or heaven forbid...terminal illness, that you really "have" to take them to see improvement. About 3 years ago, the Hallelujah Diet was the rage in our area. I bought all the books and videos, because I knew 3 people who had made drastic improvement in their health using that diet. My husband and I (our children are grown) went on the diet..and stayed on it for 3 weeks. We juiced the vegetables, left off the sugar, quit meat...and I can tell you for a fact, that after about 1 1/2 weeks...we felt so good and energetic...our thinking was so CLEAR..we could NOT believe it...but then we started "wanting" meat...and "wanting" ice cream...and our health was fairly good...so we thought..."Oh, why fool with this...". But NOW...we're getting arthritis, vision could be better, etc...and we're thinking..."Ok, "maybe" diet WILL make a difference." Our ancestors started the day off with bacon and eggs, biscuits and gravy, coffee with sugar...and ended the day with fried chicken, whipped potatoes with real cream and butter and red eye gravy...with flour gravy on the side... corn cut off the cob...and topped with a big dollop of butter.. and covered with salt and pepper...fried okra, green tomatoes, and squash...and then topped it all off with a big apple pie and a bowl of ice cream...AND LIVED TO BE IN THEIR 90'S!!!!! BUT...they raised their own chickens...grew their own potatoes, milked their own cow and made their own cream and butter... grew their own corn, okra, tomatoes and squash...picked apples off their own tree..and churned their ice cream. AND YES, that takes TIME...but, oh, what a life...we're newly retired...and just now going "back" to that way of life...and I can tell you for a fact...it's priceless!!!! I wouldn't trade a day in our garden for a week in the Mall Of America. We all need to learn to slow down and LIVE...THIS IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL...life is not about MONEY and STUFF...it's about how you feel inside and who you have beside you...Anyone interested in the Maker's Diet can also check out the website of Dr. Joseph Mercola....author of Total Health Program...I think his site is www.mercola.com TONS of good information on his website...there is also a Maker's Diet fan club...and The Maker's Diet website is www.makersdiet.com If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired....The Maker's Diet is your answer....it's all up to YOU !!!! Katydid
Rating:  Summary: It's a good book but some information is inconsistent Review: I read "Patient Heal Thyself" and noticed the same thing. It will recommend not eating seafood but then in the latter chapters, it would include seafood as the recommended diet. Don't get me wrong; the information in the book is unique, like none other. I was just a litte disappointed by the inconsistencies. A book should be thoroughly edited before it goes out to the public and it seems that Dr. Rubin missed that aspect. Otherwise, I would recommend this book to anyone who wishes to be more healthy and vibrant. For people suffering from a debilitating disease, I would recommend his other book, "Patient Heal Thyself."
Rating:  Summary: NOT A FAD DIET Review: To all the critiques out there (especiall the one below), this is not a fad diet. Depriving people of the opportunity to read this book is depriving people of information that can make them healthier and help them lose weight in a safe way.That is why I am writing this review. This book does not claim to help you lose "20 pounds by this summer !!" It has certainly helped me lose weight as well as alleviate my digestion problems. It has given me the energy that I didn't have before I started with this diet. Yes, organic foods are a bit more expensive and this diet does require a change of lifestyle, but hey...so does cancer and other diseases...so take your pick. It's about how to lsoe weight (if you need), live healthier and prevent health problems in the future for you and your family.