Rating:  Summary: Word of God? Or just good sense. Review: Although I am not christian, I found this book to be very helpful. Some things, such as "clenzology" were a little vague, and I found it to be a revised version of his previous book 'Patient heal thyself' However, I have been using the hmo's and following diet guidelines, and the results have been undeniable and that is enough for me.
Rating:  Summary: not another fad diet Review: To all the critiques out there, this is not a fad diet. Depriving people of the opportunity to read this book is depriving people of information that can make them healthier. This book does not claim to help you lose "20 pounds by this summer !!" It is a health program derived from Biblical precepts and adopted to modern life. It has certainly helped me with my digestion problems and has given me the energy that I didn't have before I started with this. Yes, organic foods are a bit more expensive and this diet does require a change of lifestyle, but hey...so does cancer and other diseases...so take your pick. It's about how to live healthier and prevent health problems in the future for you and your family.It has helped so many people, that there is a support group/community for "Maker's Dieters". http://makersdietclub.squarespace.com/
Rating:  Summary: An Author's Illusion Review: In life there is nothing so false that does not contain some element of truth and so it is with the Maker's Diet. In fact, I would suggest the name of this book be changed to the hallucinations of an Author's Diet -- or the Author's Made-Up Diet. I wouldn't be so bold as to give God credit for this highly acidic diet full of beef, lamb, eggs, sugar, fermented foods, like kefir and yogurt, dairy, that will only lead you to sickness and disease. Bottomline the author really ought to reread the Bible and especially the part where Daniel refused to eat the King's meat and drink the King's wine and asked for pulse (Hebrew translation; that which comes from seed) and water. Within ten days he was stronger than all those who had been eating the kings meat and within 3 years was called the strongest and the wisest man in the land. Jordon give up your meat and eggs idea it is flat out wrong and is not part of God's plan nor diet for us. I have to admit this is the worse book I have ever read on diet and in fact I have thought of a better name: The Author's DIE-it. Now, finally, I would like to make a comment about your statement that we are not in the Garden of Eden anymore and that this is why we should be eating meat. Jordon, just because we are not in the Garden of Eden doesn't give us the license to eat the animals. Eating meat was the lesser law given to the childern of Israel because they couldn't live the higher law of eating the manna from heaven so they went back to eating meat and all who came out of Egypt died wandering in the wilderness. Only their children recieved the blessings of going home to the promised land. In fact we should be striving to get back to the Garden of Eden by eating more plant foods, especially green foods, as admonished in the first chapter of Genesis. Jordon, if you want the lion and the lamb to lie down with each other, without the lion eating the lamb, you are going to have to stop eating the animals, especially the lamb and stop recommending to others this DIE-it as if this is God's plan. If you really want to know for sure Jordon, have your blood tested live and you will see for yourself, right in your blood, this is not God's plan or diet for you or for anyone else seeking true health and fitness. LIVE-it not DIE-it!
Rating:  Summary: God Speaks Up About What to Eat and Avoid Review: Jordan Rubin was quite ill with Crohn's Disease, diabetes, anemia, chronic fatigue, and other ailments prior to writing this book. Dr. Atkins was his doctor, as was Barry Sears, author of "The Zone" who was his nutritionist. Rubin was eating well but he was still sick. He found in the Old Testament of the Bible the dietary laws that Moses brought to humanity from God, which is basically to stay away from pork and shellfish, and eat natural foods. In our modern society, this correlates to not eating anything that has preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and to avoid ingesting animal foods where the animals are fed growth hormones, are raised with toxins, and are not fed in a healthy manner. This diet has nothing to do with religion, as Rubin has stated in interviews that a person can keep "Kosher" and still ingest artificial sweeteners, and foods that have unhealthy preservatives. The information prescribed in this diet is identical to the dietary messages contained in the book "If God Was Like Man" which is to not ingest anything that has preservatives, including animal meats where the animals are raised on unhealthy farms. In a nutshell, eat foods that are naturally made, or made from nature such as organic fruits, vegetables, fish from clean water, bread that has no preservatives, and avoid ALL artificial sweeteners, and preservatives, because they are NOT preserving your body, but causing ill health instead. You can find certain nutritional supplements (such as calcium) in most health food stores, however, as long as you are consuming only "food made from nature" sans the preservatives, you will preserve your life, and become healthier. The diet contained in this book is a natural one, coming from a man who is devoting his life to help humanity live longer and healthier. This book will help you on your journey. Eat Well!
Rating:  Summary: Never gives you the whole story. Review: After reading "Patient Heal Thyself" I was looking forward to this book to pull everything together and make it simple and organized. A sort of reference book. It doesn't do that. The first half of the book is a boring world history and medical lesson that could have easily been covered in a short chapter or two. Then, when you do finally get to the heart of the program you have to go search all over the internet to find out what you really need (Clenzology?, Aromatherapy?, Functional Fitness?) only to be led to some other video, book, potion, or pill that you need to buy. This book is more "headline teaser" than solid information. VERY FRUSTRATING! Just pick your groceries from the edges of the store, skip anything overly processed, get some good whole food cookbooks, cook, and enjoy. Good Luck!
Rating:  Summary: Dissapointed Review: OK .. upfront I will tell you that I do use Jordan Rubins products, it is hard to find whole food supplement and this is why I gave it 2 stars. However, I was dissapointed in this book. For the general public this will be of use to them in cutting through some of the stuff out there and move toward healthy eating. What I found so upsetting was what I held in my hand was an INFOMERCIAL for the $200 package of material that you need to FULLY understand and implement Jordan's findings. There is just enough info to make you curious and then he referrs to to another book or product for the details. Not that helpful for those of us who have been working at our health for awhile. If you want a starting point, this may help but be prepared to do your own research or spend a lot of money for "the package" at the end of the book.
Rating:  Summary: He we go again! Review: Why does Mr. Rubin insist on selling his products in every single book he writes? And, why are all the supplements he sells so expensive? I have tried HSO and if anything it really wrecked my intestines. Also, I do not think his PhD in Nutrition was from an accredited school. Everyone has jumped on the "God bandwagon" since the Passion movie was released. Mr. Rubin is just cashing in the diet craze and God in this book. Why not just say: "eat whole, natural foods" not processed ones and avoid fried foods and raw meat and fish in all forms from cradle to grave and you can save your $$$ on buying this book or any other diet book for that matter. Why not say stop eating like a pig? Why not just say pray to God and and stay near him? Folks are now cashing in on God. Jordan, God sees your intent based on your high prices... Dr. Mercola is no better. It is a shame that that nutrion has to become big business. It is a shame that our food chain is contaminated and these charlatants need to bilk us to get our health returned. We are all running around like scared sheep looking at who to follow next... Who can you trust anymore but God directly? Why use brokers to access God's grace and love for us? Just pray and eat smart.
Rating:  Summary: Just what America needs, another diet book Review: You can't go wrong telling people that a god inspired you (making sure you let people know that you mean the god of the bible, as oppposed to Thor, Zeus, or Shiva) because that automatically guarantees you a marketing base in this largely christian nation. Add 'science' to the mix for the not-so-religious, structure the diet towards an already existing supplement line that's making money for you, and you've got a hit on your hands. Be sure to say that your god has been good to you when the money starts rolling in. This diet is almost guaranteed to be a success by getting purchased and then gathering dust on the shelf along with the rest of the fad diets. An excellent example of marketing savvy. In order for a diet to work, one must monitor portions, eat sensibly (there are better books on the market that can help with this, check out Dean Ornish or Michael Eades), starting and maintaining an exercise program, and most important, doing it for life. If this seems daunting, hire a dietician and a personal trainer to help. The constant awareness of the amount of cash spent on these alone should keep one on track.
Rating:  Summary: Very inspiring and helpful Review: This is a must have book for all health-conscious people, including those trying to lose weight and those that suffer from problems originating in the digestive tract. As the authors puts it: "The simple reason The Maker's Diet can positively affect so many health problems is that it improves the health of the entire body, especially the digestive tract, which affects virtually all other bodily systems. The healing of the digestive system in turn positively affects the immune system, endoctrine system, heart, lungs, blood supply, brain, and total nervous system. This proven health protocol involves a conscious return to the protein, fats, carbohydrates, and additional micronutrients originally provided by our Creator for His highest creation, mankind" This is not by any means a magic cure-all program, but it has helped LOTS of people, including me.
Rating:  Summary: God and Rubin's diet Review: The whole book is about eating foods as natural as God made them. Then the kicker is to add in expensive supplements that Jordan Rubin is making a fortune on. The inconsistency there bugs me. I tried the Hso miracle when he first started selling and it didn't do a thing for me. I would be more convinced of his spiritual principles if his supplements were affordable. There was nothing new in this book and I'm surprised that Dr Mercola recommended it.