Rating:  Summary: God Speaks Up About What to Eat and Avoid Review: Jordan Rubin was quite ill with Crohn's Disease, diabetes, anemia, chronic fatigue, and other ailments prior to writing this book. Dr. Atkins was his doctor, as was Barry Sears, author of "The Zone" who was his nutritionist. Rubin was eating well but he was still sick. He found in the Old Testament of the Bible the dietary laws that Moses brought to humanity from God, which is basically to stay away from pork and shellfish, and eat natural foods. In our modern society, this correlates to not eating anything that has preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and to avoid ingesting animal foods where the animals are fed growth hormones, are raised with toxins, and are not fed in a healthy manner. This diet has nothing to do with religion, as Rubin has stated in interviews that a person can keep "Kosher" and still ingest artificial sweeteners, and foods that have unhealthy preservatives. The information prescribed in this diet is identical to the dietary messages contained in the book "If God Was Like Man" which is to not ingest anything that has preservatives, including animal meats where the animals are raised on unhealthy farms. In a nutshell, eat foods that are naturally made, or made from nature such as organic fruits, vegetables, fish from clean water, bread that has no preservatives, and avoid ALL artificial sweeteners, and preservatives, because they are NOT preserving your body, but causing ill health instead. You can find certain nutritional supplements (such as calcium) in most health food stores, however, as long as you are consuming only "food made from nature" sans the preservatives, you will preserve your life, and become healthier. The diet contained in this book is a natural one, coming from a man who is devoting his life to help humanity live longer and healthier. This book will help you on your journey. Eat Well!
Rating:  Summary: It Makes Sense Review: This is an incredibly original look at dieting, a biblical look. At first, I was skeptical, but then it occured to me, I believe that your body is your temple, housing your soul, and what would help you the most when trying to achieve your best physical state? Applying religion, of course. I am not the person who picks a diet and does it. I am the person who takes ideas as a collection and applies them to my every day life. I have been very successful with my body through this pursuit. I really recommend this method for others who wish to be in tip-top shape emotionally and physically. Knowledge (wisdom) is everything. You have to guide your body according to what YOUR body needs, not to what a book says will work for everyone. This book has some good ideas, though, and they should be applied to your individual dieting system along with everything else that works for you as an individual. Of course, you must also get a comprehensive book detailing food's calorie, fat, carb, sugar contents. Then, you should also read books that will help you find and love yourself. A great one I just read is called Lucky Monkeys In The Sky by Michele Geraldi. It's a great journey that can act an example for learning to love (mostly yourself). Caring about yourself is step #1! Don't skip it by reading diet book after diet book. It is the essential tool for weight loss and, if you negelect to have it, you will not be successful.
Rating:  Summary: I FEEL GREAT!!! Review: Great book and diet! Jordon has got it all right. I have already done the first phase or the 40 day healt experience as he calls it, and I feel great. I've lost 30 pounds but most important, I feel amazing. I recommend anyone who wants to feel better phisically and emotionally try doing this diet, it sure works.
Rating:  Summary: The Maker's Diet Review: At first I was skeptical about this book. I've read many other diet books and none of them worked for me. There is something about the combination of mind, body, spirit and health that appealed to me. Although I don't consider myself a religious person and the idea of this diet being based on the Bible somehow frightens me, I am drawn to the ideas and knowledge Jordan Rubin offers in this book. I'm normally not a reader and very rarely finish a book, but I can not put this one down. Being the skeptic I am, I looked for reasons or a motive for him to write this book that are not pure. I realize it's really none of my business what his motives are, agreeable or disagreeable to me. If people can be helped by reading and learning about what he has to say, good has been done. At least now I have hope that I can become the healthy person I would like to be. This book is a blessing.
Rating:  Summary: The Products are the Best! This tells you how to use them! Review: I have been using Dr. Rubin's Garden of Life Products for two years now, and can tell you they're the best available for health. I cured myself of Acid Reflux Disease with the products and with the advice found in his previous two books, especially the Guts and Glory Program. This man has very strong religious beliefs, which may or may not appeal to some, but the health benefits of following this program are enormous and life changing. I can not imagine a day without Perfect Food. If you want to truly achieve vibrant health, to supplement our lamentable food supply with living organic food, and rid yourself of all intestinal ills forever, read this book! And read the others too!
Rating:  Summary: Nothing New Under the Sun Review: After reading the book and current reviews listed on this site, I find it quite interesting that many have become so taken by marketing hype. Most of what he espouses in the book is nothing new. Many nutritionist and chiropractors have been saying the same things for years regarding quality of agricultural soil, organic foods and processed foods. I believe he has taken tidbits from different diets to make-up "his own." In fact, people will certainly experience weight loss from a diet so high in protein. In actuality, our diets are much too high in protein and should be made up more of vegetables and proper grains. Moreover, I have seen his products in health food stores and was shocked at the blatant sticker price. His products are easily the most expensive on the shelf. I work for a design/marketing firm with clients in the same industry and know that most of the companies like Rubin's have supplement manufacturers helping to formulate and create the products. I would speculate that the mark-up he must average is anywhere from $40-$50 per product. Not to mention whatever he has made from book deals. It is truly a shame that so many people believe exactly what they are told is truth. I have been following Garden of Health and notice that they no longer place much emphasis on the "Dr." title. This is valid because if anyone were to do a bit of research they would find the school he attended is not accredited. I do not believe his intent is entirely bad, but we should all keep in mind that marketing, which is what I believe this book represents, is a manipulation of truth, especially when a dollar figure is involved.
Rating:  Summary: ONE book does it all Review: The author offers an excellent approach to improving one's health by offering a program that addresses the importance of the Body( "Proper maintenance of the body is essential to overall health."), Mind (You are what you think. Purity and health of mind greatly affect your physical and spiritual well-being.), and Spirit (Often referred to as the soul, the spirit combines with the body and mind to create the whole of your being.) This is not a miracle book that claims to cure all health and mental problems, but it really does provide practical health-related information based on Biblical wisdom and scientific resaerch and it has done good to MANY people.
Rating:  Summary: It's not just about losing weight Review: What I like about this book is that it provides not only a diet for losing weight and restoring the digestive system, but it also provides an element of spirituality, philosophy, and knowledge that is not provided in diet books that simply claim to make you lose weight fast. Yes, this book is for people who want to lose weight but also for those that want to get more health and long term benefits out of their diets.
Rating:  Summary: Time to make a change Review: If you are ready to make a change in your life to improve your health, then this is the way to start. It's an excellent 40 day program that gets you on the right track, hopefully, for the rest of your life. Lots of great info on foods God intended humans to eat and how we can apply this ancient wisdom in our modern times.
Rating:  Summary: fantastic Review: The diet really works and you do not sacrifice essentail nutrients like in many other diets. Apart from the diet, you get much more out of this program. It really shed some light into many health concerns that are deeply rooted in the digestive system. This is a great book.