Rating:  Summary: Only in America... Review: A great book, Cavuto tells some great stories. It doesnt slam the left, it doesnt pimp the right, it just gives great stories about people rising to the top and living the American dream. The trick is these people he profiles did it without backstabbing and corporate hijinks. You'll be glad you read it, I promise.
Rating:  Summary: Only in America... Review: A great book, Cavuto tells some great stories. It doesnt slam the left, it doesnt pimp the right, it just gives great stories about people rising to the top and living the American dream. The trick is these people he profiles did it without backstabbing and corporate hijinks. You'll be glad you read it, I promise.
Rating:  Summary: Compassionate, humble and inspiring Review: At a time in our country's hsitory when we look at every successful CEO and wonder "on whose back did he make his money" - comes this collection of examples of the so many who struggled to overcome what most would say are impossible odds to pursue and attain their dreams. I am fortunate to know Mr. Neil Cavuto personally and each and every day, when I think things are getting too much for me, just thinking of the focus and dedication with which he has overcome his many challenges in life to achieve his lifelong goal and how humbly he compares himself to others like him, who would let no challenge go unmet to attain their goals, allows me to realize just how much I have going for me. Neil is an inspiration to everyone whose life he has touched and I am truly grateful he took the time to give us all a glimpse into the personal lives and sacrifices that so many "heroes" make to attain their dreams. Truly worth the read.
Rating:  Summary: Some people just don't get it Review: I read all the reviews and there was one that pathetically stood out. To the person who wrote the following, are you just clueless? He writes, in part:
The title of the book is More Than Money, but judging from the relentless, shameless plugging of his own book on his own show, it's clearly all about the money to the pudgy-faced Mr. Cavuto, and selling his book. This book is literary pablum, and I'm being generous by even using the word literary, etc. etc.
This reviewer is so completely WRONG, I have to say that you must be completely stupid. And to insult Neil Cavuto by referring to his face, I wonder what you look like.
Rating:  Summary: Will Use This Book With My Coaching Clients Review: I was drawn to this book because I'm a Coach who specializes in Professional Development and Business Success, helping others succeed despite tough challenges. I often recommend that my clients read books on optimism because optimistic individuals generally achieve more than pessimists. What I like about Neil Cavuto's book is that it presents case studies on how people achieve great goals in part by maintaining their optimism. Also, I know a great deal about the achievements of Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher and British entrepreneur Richard Branson and can vouch that Mr. Cavuto did an excellent job in summarizing their stories. The sections on Kelleher and Branson give me every reason to trust that stories on the others are accurate, too. Finally, since one of my friends is afflicted with MS, and has managed to keep a positive outlook (I am in awe of her), I have some sense of the health and psychological struggles Mr. Cavuto is facing. It is a testament to his strength that he has written this type of book. I will recommend this work to my clients when I believe case studies will reinforce the coaching process.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring, Encouraging Review: It's incredibly rare to find a business/finance whiz-kid who is also imminently likeable and relatable...who can take complex financial issues and make them understandable and relevant to the layman. Neil Cavuto is such a person, and with this book, he has topped himself. This book could be called "Chicken Soup for the Business Leader" because it tells inspiring and moving stories behind some of the major successes in the marketplace. In fact, this book, while recognizing the value of dollars and cents, really gets down to the real priorities in life and re-defines success as being something beyond "the bottom line." Jesus once asked, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" Cavuto offers real world evidence that it is possible to be productive and prosperous without losing those things in life that are truly precious. This should be required reading in every high school and college in America.
Rating:  Summary: More than Money, More than heart, Truly Inspirational! Review: More than Money, More than heart, Truly Inspirational! Reviewer: cathy ellis from orlando, fl United States Neil Cavuto always seems to speak the truth with his no-nonsense business centered television, but his words go far beyond traditional corporate America in this truly inspirational book. Cavuto has had to deal with some very challenging problems in his relatively young life. He faces each hurdle and continues to take on what life may bring, stronger because of his faith, family and friends. There could never be a better time for a warm, fuzzy, feel-good book about "Corporate America," especially in light of the deceptive scandals and greed of some CEOs in the past few years. Cavuto captures the true spirit of American worker, the loyalty, the drive, the integrity that once was and hopefully will be again. This is a must read for everyone that wants to see greatness in the workplace restored. These are the true stories of people that should be known as no less Corporate Saints. Cavuto is proving to be a role model, again! This book is one that's time has truly come.
Rating:  Summary: PEOPLE WHO TAKE ON LIFE FULLY, AND SUCCEED! Review: Neil Cavuto had written a precise easy to read, account of people who take on life fully, and succeed. The true stories in the book are encouraging and uplifting. Real people who have faced setbacks of all kinds,- dyslexia, financial loss, cancer, depression, - yet they go on to achieve success because of their compassion, honesty, honor. They succeed as a result of their intense hard work and perseverance, - and then from their pinnacle of power as CEO's of their respective companies they help others. These personal and professional tradegies and triumphs are inspirational. You will recognize their names as you read this book and you will be amazed at the challenges they overcame that you never knew anything about. They didn't whine or complain or play the "blame game." They took the curves thrown at them by life- picked themselves up, and climbed their way right back up the ladder of achievement. They simply never quit!Mr Cavuto's "More Than Money" is about learning the true lessons of life.
Rating:  Summary: MORE THAN MONEY Review: Neil Cavuto's MORE THAN MONEY is an extraordinary, deeply inspiring, heartfelt, and very moving book. Mr. Cavuto's reasons for writing the book are in themselves inspiring. As the title indicates, he wants to describe, and remind us of, the most important values in life, all of which are about "more than money." As a storyteller, gifted as he is humble, he chose to personalize and dramatize those values by showing them in action, describing the fascinating, heartbreaking, triumphant, heroic, nobly compassionate, and ultimately, profoundly inspirational and heroic lives of the more than two dozen people, who became and are HIS heroes. Many of the people and lives whom Mr. Cavuto celebrates, appreciates, and expresses his undying gratitude to, are world-famous-Joe Torre, NY Yankees, Geraldine Ferraro, retired politician, Richard Branson, Virgin's founder, while others are less-well known. Most have achieved major professional success, even greatness, in sports, business, politics, and more, but what makes them Mr. Cavuto's heroes is that every one of them rose to personal greatness, and a dedication of their lives to crusades and missions, with the same universal goal: helping as many other people as they can. The people whose lives he profiles with such clear and worthy admiration and respect, became his heroes because they survived major catastrophes, deadly illnesses, devastating fires, and the deaths of those they loved most, for example, during 9/11, have experienced much of the worst of life, and most importantly, made their survival a life-changing experience, that made them prioritize what is best for others over themselves. It is their courage, nobility, selflessness, determination, and encompassing compassion, the way they dealt with their own tragedies and losses, and what they did while, and after, surviving, that has inspired Mr. Cavuto as he's struggled with the continuing devastation in his own life for almost twenty years. After losing both of his parents to cancer, Neil Cavuto became a cancer survivor seventeen years ago, and the inspiration and example of his heroes greatly helped him through the next, difficult ten years of cancer remission, and supported and elevated him even more when seven years ago, he was also diagnosed with incurable Multiple Sclerosis. A rare, double survivor, Mr. Cavuto has a special appreciation for those survivors whose suffering makes them think less about themselves, and more about the too-vast suffering of many millions of people in America and around the world. While he interweaves the story of his own life, within the unforgettable life stories of his heroes, his primary focus is always on them, and what they did and are doing, and his writing this book that celebrates and illuminates the life-missions and crusades of his heroes, is his own, very important way, of helping other people endure, rise above, and if possible, avoid, the causes of suffering that are so tragically common in our lives. As I read Mr. Cavuto's book, he quickly became my hero, as his heroes became my heroes too. These heroic survivors, their life-stories, Neil Cavuto, and his own life and book, combine to make MORE THAN MONEY have a far greater and enduring value and quality, than the mere wealth, fame, and success that he puts so well into the proper context. Only rarely does a book have the power to change a life, but Mr. Cavuto's book has changed and improved mine and the lives of those I love, and for that, I'll be forever grateful.
Rating:  Summary: More Than Courage Review: On his television show, Neil Cavuto seems like a nice guy. After reading his book, I can see that this persona is no act. He really is a nice guy who wants to share his experience of overcoming adversity with others. He tells us about his battles with cancer and MS, but not in a maudlin way. Rather, he rises above these physical limitations by turning to others for help and inspiration. Instead of focusing on himself, he tells us the true stories of other famous people who have had to overcome tragedies and illnesses to turn their lives into something positive and gain the respect and admiration of others. If you are dealing with a chronic illness (as I am) this book is a must. However, you don't have to be in such a state to enjoy this book.
It is a good read for everyone. You'll be glad you read it.