Rating:  Summary: Depression and its dark hold Review: Tracy Thompson humanizes the often-clinical subject of depression by openly sharing her proverbial skeletons in the closet.
As a fellow victim of "The Beast," (an all-too-accurate description of the disease,) I felt at one with her honest portrayal of a lifetime of
challenges and frustrations manifested from this disorder. From her candid descriptions of failed relationships and struggles in her professional life, to the irrational
fears and worries that accompany depressive episodes, this book made me realize that all I felt was tangible. Thompson breaks the unspoken taboo on this illness and makes one realize that it can affect anyone. Having previously read Elizabeth Wurtzel's "Prozac Nation," I spent a great deal commparing the two and found Thompson's account of her struggle more human than Wurtzel's. While Wurtzel, too, accurately depicted the
despair and despondency of major depression, her work came off as much more whiney and self-pitying than Thompson's no-holds barred recollection of her trip down depressions long and winding road. A book well-dope and worth a read whether you share in Thompson's plight or not. A real eye opener that makes you realize the extent to which one person can cope and survive.
Rating:  Summary: Recommended By A Friend - Very Enlightening! Review: Tracy Thompson's personal story of her lifelong struggle with Depression was extremely enlightening to me. A close friend of mine has been suffering through bouts of Depression during most of her life. While I knew instinctively there was something drastically wrong at times, I never fully understood the pain and anguish she was coping with until I read Tracy's story. While portions were very unsettling to read, it was heartwarming to see Tracy finally coming to grips with The Beast (her term for severe Depression) and understanding it's power. Throughout the book I saw incredible similarities between Tracy and my friend's behavior. I now can relate to what my friend has been going through, and understand why she behaved as she did from time to time. I also gained the respect that The Beast is a formidable force to be reckoned with. However, thanks to modern science and pharmacology, it appears that the taming of The Beast is a possibility for many who suffer from it's unrelenting grasp. This book is a must read for both those who are suffering with severe Depression AND those who care about a loved one who is dealing with this debilitating disorder.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best Review: Unlike some authors of depression memoirs, Tracy Thompson is brutally self-aware and isn't afraid of sharing her less than flattering experiences with a mood disorder. Especially, since she is a journalist and in the public eye (as I am, but to a much lesser degree), I admire her bravery for "coming out of the closet" so to speak. As she (and I) found there are a LOT of people out there grappling with a mood disorder and taking medication (cracks about Prozac notwithstanding). The book is unique because Thompson shares her unglamorous but effective tools for dealing with depression (after therapy and medication have been established). I, too, suffer from horrible perfectionism and it was heartening to read that this writer was able to overcome at least some of it and go on to have the life she wanted. Sharing the messy side of depression isn't what makes this book different, but that the author was able to take a long, honest look at herself and begin to make steps toward change was. Bravo.
Rating:  Summary: Superb book for those who suffer with depression Review: What hope and comfort the author gives to the depressed person or their loved ones. The author has clearly expressed the suffering one does when they are depressed, often able to put in writing my very own thoughts and fears. This book gives hope of recovery from re-current depression and gives tools that anyone with a mental illness can use, despite the fact that it wasn't meant to be a "this is how to fix your life book". It is the story of one woman and her trials with re-curring depression and how she overcame her "Beast". A must read for anyone involved in mental health or suffering with depression. I keep my copy close at all times to refer to when I feel I have lost hope of ever being "well". If you feel the same I would strongly encourage reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Beast Review: What I liked about this book is that it does not offer itself up as a cure or approach to handling depression. It simply walks you through the dark corridors of depression through this one person's experience. I have suffered with depression for several years and I found comfort in this book if only in the knowledge that there was someone else out there who could articulate exactly how I felt. To describe depression and have someone understand who is eternally upbeat is an impossible task. But to know there are others out there who understand...well, this book just helped me deal a little better with this awful illness.
Rating:  Summary: Good read for those suffering from depression... Review: What I liked about this book is that it does not offer itself up as a cure or approach to handling depression. It simply walks you through the dark corridors of depression through this one person's experience. I have suffered with depression for several years and I found comfort in this book if only in the knowledge that there was someone else out there who could articulate exactly how I felt. To describe depression and have someone understand who is eternally upbeat is an impossible task. But to know there are others out there who understand...well, this book just helped me deal a little better with this awful illness.
Rating:  Summary: enlightening Review: when i read i have this tendency to underline or highlight phrases and words that strike me. reading this book i eventually had to give up on the note-taking, because otherwise the entire book would have been highlighted! i saw myself in nearly everything tracy went through. it helped me to understand things about myself that i wasn't even aware of. the periods of being "fine" in between the depression, the way it would sneak up on her, the way all motivation to work or function would just fly out the window, the way a person could seem perfectly "normal" to everyone around her and yet inside be a complete mess. all i want to say is thank you!