Rating:  Summary: A place for magic Review: I think sometimes we forget that every breath we take and every decision we make is infused with so much magic...even when it's difficult. If you ever forget who you are or why you're here, read this book.
Rating:  Summary: More Familiar Every Time I Read It Review: I dug my first copy of this book out of a years-old box in someone's garage and read it because I had nothing else to read. By the end of the first chapter I was so intrigued that I finished the entire book in one sitting and started it again the very next day. I reccomend buying your own copy and reading with a pencil in hand. Underline and make notes by the parts that make just a bit too much eerie sense to you. Put it down, wait a while, read another book, and then re-read this one, paying attention to your annotations. I've found that it is a very effective way of learning about oneself. This book has also been therapeutic to me in that it gives me ways to verbally express feelings I've had in the back of my head forever but could never put into words ["I was convinced she didn't exist, yet she haunted me still." Chapter 11, paragraph 3.] Not only does this book present a gripping and highly emotionally engaging lovestory, it also gives the reader a whole new frame of reference for looking at life. A definite must-read and must-own.
Rating:  Summary: Have you ever wondered... Review: This book is a perfect bridge between "Illusions" and "One", but also stands well on its own. Richard Bach opens himself up to the reader, sharing highs and lows equally in his search for self and for a soul mate. I appreciate his honesty about how he almost loses her when he does find her because of certain limits he has set for himself and others. His willingness to share some rather brutal truths about himself make it much easier for me to accept some of my own. Not long after reading this book I did some soul-searching and opened myself up to possibilities I had refused in the past. As a result, I've found my own soul-mate and can even better appreciate how hard it is to break through self-imposed limits!
Rating:  Summary: Uplifting! Review: Throughout my life of reading, this book is at the pinnacle of my favorites list. I do not put my name to something that I don't think is absolutely brilliant, unless I feel I need to warn people not to read it. I beg all of you to read this book, no matter where you are in life. I first read it when I was 14, and have read it a million times since. Every time I open the pages, something new jumps out at me, something that is relevant to me at that point in life. Not only is the story intriguing, but I have picked up bits and pieces of wisdom that relate to my everyday life. I have recommended this book to many people, and all of them swear by it. I intend to continue to do so, almost like a missionary for Richard Bach's message, which is incredible. I connected deeply with this book, as I hope you will. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A love story for modern times Review: This, in my opinion is Bach's best work. It is one of the only books he has written where instead of just giving his, sometimes overly egotistical, opinions on life and how to live it; he lets us in to the emotional side of his being. Love is hard, and you can feel the strain of his relationship with his soulmate Leslie in every page. The letter from Leslie speaking of the differences in their approches to love, she comparing it to music and he to a chess game, still makes me weep every time I read it! The only bad thing I can say about this book, is at times I found myself HATING Richard's guts(from a female point of view he sometimes behaved like a complete jerk). But I find myself reading this book again and again to remind me that even though love's road is rocky and difficult, it is SO worth the journey.
Rating:  Summary: Not quite disappointing after reading other Bach books Review: I loved the other books I have read by Richard Bach. The books I have read are "Illusions", "Jonathon Livingston Seagull", and "There is no such place as far away" which is a wonderful children's book. This book isn't bad... but compared to Richard's other books it rambles on pointlessly. This is a good autobiographical account (almost like a journal) of a man falling in love but after the third chapter it just becomes hard to read.
Rating:  Summary: Another Triumph Review: Richard Bach is an author who has the rather suspect honor of having quite the Messianic following. Whether or not you believe he is truly spiritually advanced, there is no doubting his gift with language, and the deep personal insights he finds so easy to convey. I would recommend the Bridge Across Forever to anyone who is interested in reading a strongly passionate modern-day love story. Like much of his work, it is presented as non-fiction, with spiritual elements that you can decide the validity of for yourself. Indeed, one of Bach's gifts is his ability to make us question the rigid reality we have been taught--both in terms of physical manifestations of the 'supernatural', and in terms of constricting definitions of such ethereal ideals as love. A wonderful gift idea for Valentine's day, and a wonderful treat for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: A story of soulmates Review: "The Bridge Across Forever" is a wonderful story of a man who was so busy looking for his "perfect woman", he almost missed her. Fortunately for him, a few unusual encounters help him to see the light. A great story for anyone looking for perfection in a relationship. Soul mates aren't perfect, because we aren't. Another novel that uses this theme is "The Destiny of Miro" which features a soul mate relationship that spans two lifetimes.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, No blanket advice! Review: I have read many books that call themselves love stories or memoirs, but morph into self help manuals, presuming to help ME find greater meaning and/or love in my life. The thing I most enjoyed about Richard Bach's story is that, although he tells in detail what worked and what didn't work for him in his search for a soulmate, he does not suggest that this is what will work for everyone. I also enjoy the fact that Bach does not idealize himself in this work. He is a wonderfully flawed human being, and this comes through, even in his own words. He may idealize his mate, but after all, that is his right. And who knows? Maybe she is that perfect, after all. Either way, as a hopeless romantic, this book inspires me that perhaps one day, I'll find someone who thinks I'm as perfect as Bach's Leslie. Bach's adventures into new age religion are interesting. I enjoy the fact that here also, Bach does not preach. He shares his experiences and discoveries matter of factly, admitting that he finds them confusing at times. I find it an act of bravery that he shares such intimate details of his romantic and spiritual lives.
Rating:  Summary: Can Soulmates Divorce? Review: This is a marvelous narrative of the inner workings of a man's struggle in the conflict between his spirit and his ego for control of his life. Sensitively told, and retrospectively insightful even about his lack of insight, it is a human tale of Richard's spiritual development over many years, concluding with a soulmate marriage. I have noticed that many readers have expressed doubt as to the veracity or true nature of Richard's spiritual growth and maturity as his long soulmate marriage has ended in divorce. This, I believe, arises from a misunderstanding of what soulmates are and how they relate. Do soulmates ever divorce? Is there more than one soulmate for each of us? Do soulmates ever fight bitterly? What happens if your soulmate dies? How can you recognize if someone is really your soulmate? What if your soulmate fails to recognize you, or leaves you? Are soulmates always happy together? After 22 years of romantic ignorance on my part, I found the answers to these questions, and, of course, what I needed to change in myself to find my soulmate, in a book recently written by psychologist Carolyn Miller, called "Soulmates: Following Inner Guidance to the Relationship of Your Dreams". It's available on amazon.com. Check it out. From the perspective of Dr. Miller's book, Richard Bach stands as a fine spiritual warrior engaged in a winning battle over his ego as he continues into the latter years of his life.