Rating:  Summary: Financially Free Thanks to Bob Review: This book is amazing! I learned so much applicable information and if you're smart enough to follow through on his "upsells" (as one pessimistic reviewer calls it) you too will find financial freedom. My first real estate deal netted me FIFTEEN TIMES the total amount I ever paid for any of Robert Allen's programs. And to prove that he's not all about the money, I was allowed to start his program with no money down. I've spend thousands of dollars on other so called consultants so I know I am qualified to say that "BOB" is the REAL DEAL. This book is the key to the door of financial freedom. But don't take my word for it go to www.millionairehalloffame.com, you'll see me and other likeminded people fulfilling our dreams. Hope to see you there.
Rating:  Summary: Use with Common Sense Review: This is the first time I've ever reviewed a book here at Amazon. I only had to pay $5 shipping and handling to obtain this book, as it was offered free as a special promotion. The potential cost though is everything you have. BE CAREFUL!When I got the book and started reading I was impressed by Roberts sound saving advice, emergency savings, low and medium risk investments before sticking your neck out. It was at this point that his representative called inviting me to join the protege program. When I told her I was a divorced mom with little to no child support and barely making it but with no outstanding debt she suggested I take out a credit card to join the Protege program and even sent me a bunch of online credit cards offers with HUGE interest rates. This is the opposite of what all smart financial advisors would tell you to do. Of course, I'm a smart woman and will use the parts of this book that can help me and reject the rest, but buyers beware. Don't get sucked into the hype and give away your wallet.
Rating:  Summary: Great book by the great Robert G. Allen Review: I have read some of Mr. Allens other work, most notable, The 1 Minute Millionaire and I can't help but come away awed by this great businessman. When I read Robert Allen I always get a "aha" or a "wow." In Multiple Streams of Income Allen discloses many diverse ways of creating income, some which include working for a employer. All of these attacks on Allen trying to get people to 86 their jobs and focus solely on entrepreneurship is not completely accurate, although I feel it is the best way. Allen's real estate strategies covered in this book are more a less a condensed version of Nothing Down and Creating Wealth. The techniques worked well back in the 80's when Allen first promoted them and they still work well now. I know. I've used them. Everyone should look at discounted mortgages and tax liens. They are two of the most powerful and safest way to invest while getting high rate of returns. Tax liens are government guaranteed and yield between 18%-50% depending on the state that you live in. They are also one of the best ways to get real estate for literally pennies on the dollar. I have heard of some people who have picked up houses for as little as $300! Perhaps the most attacked and also the best and most profitable income streams outlined by Allen is network marketing. I can understand the confusion by some people. I too initially was turned off by network marketing untill I realized how powerful it really is. As Allen explains, network marketing is a lot like real estate. In real estate you can buy with little or no money down and use leverage. In network marketing, you can start your own business with very little capital investment and the ,everage is leveraging people. Instead of OPM you use OPC-Other Peoples Contacts. If you have any doubts about the power of network marketing, just check out todays (2/23/2004) issue of Investors Business Daily. There is a full page article on USANA and discusses other network marketing programs as well. More to the point, it discusses the growth these companies are experiencing. Mutiple Streams of Income is a good book and a must read for anyone who wants to succeed in the new millenium. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Good book to help you escape the rat race Review: So many people are caught up in the rat race. Go to bed, bet up fight that crazy traffic every day to go to a J-O-B (Just Over Broke) come home and start the whole process over again. WHAT A JOKE! Fortunately, current employment stats are showing that more and more people are leaving the job market for the stock market or to start their own home based business or to invest in real estate or to start their own business via MLM aka network marketing. Allen unveils multiple ways to make income that does not require a unappreciative boss. The bst boss you will ever have is the one that looks back at you in the mirror each day. Aside from Allens great book, I also recommend Rich Dad Poor and Cash Flow Quadrant Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. There is a better way and people like Robert Allen and Robert Kiyosaki are showing the way. Good luck!
Rating:  Summary: Very possibly Allen's best book Review: Not since Charles Givens More Wealth Without Risk has someone put together so many risk free or low risk ways to make money. You can use the "Cooper Covered Call" method along with IBD to make 10%+ monthly returns. You can invest in index funds or if you are more aggressive but still shun the stock market, you can invest in the Pro Funds Bull or Bear Funds. In the past year I have made over 90% with the bull fund. During the NASDAQ meltdown over the last three years I made over 200%. And these are No-Load funds. Allen also does his usual unequalled job discussing the merits of real estate investing, discounted mortgages and investing in tax liens. With tax liens you can earn 18%-50% (in some states) goverment guaranteed. Sure beats the returns of money market funds, cd's and savings accounts. Allen also discusses Network Marketing in depth. Anyone who does not understand network marketing and why it is the wave of the present and the future, well, just stick to your 9-5 job. Check out the stock performance of publicly traded network marketing companies like Cell Tech, Usana, Natures Bounty and NuSkin to see how well network marketing companies are doing. It works folks. Allen also discusses how you can be an entrepreneur or an intropreneur. How to create an internet business legally and ethically. I hate to even address the nonsense about Mr. Allen sending out spam and other such nonsense. I can only assume that these comments are made by people envious of Mr. Allen's success. They are completely without basis.
Rating:  Summary: Great starting point... Review: Robert Allen covered all the fields I could think of in this book. This is book is a must. It'll motivate you into action no matter how you want to invest your money.
Rating:  Summary: It worked for me. Review: I am surprised at the negative reviews. Although they sound like good intellectual arguments I know from personal experience Mr. Allens' methods work. I believe the spam problem comes from him allowing unscrupulous spammers to be afflitiates. I was surprised to see spam from him in a hotmail account I don't use anymore. I took one of his courses and after studying a month I have been making at least 5K extra every month. I am now self employed. I also know that 96% of the people that take that course never earn a dime. You will get out whatever effort you put into what he teaches.
Rating:  Summary: Money To Change Lives Review: I can't say enough about Multiple Streams of Income. I read this book many months ago, followed basic techniques and plan on reaching my first million in a year (cash that is!) I now have two businesses grossing over half a million this year, am writing a book, and can't wait to spread the wealth with people in need. To understand the author's motivation behind the money, read The Enlightened Millionaire. His big heart for giving to others and God has proven his worth...not the money. But money can be the catalyst to changing the world for better.
Rating:  Summary: Greasy...taste like crow...or is it SPAM? Review: Like another worthy reader wrote, I hate SPAM almost as much as I hate Democrats (actually they said Republicans, but I thought I'd move this to a bipartisan level). These folks SPAMMED me for months. I finally read their add, and wanted to learn a bit more about an organization that could get ME to read their SPAM. They know how to market, but nothing about it meets my moral minimums of the Golden Rule. This book, like this organization, smells like bacon, or pork maybe. Old pork, and VERY GREASY. I ordered the online version, and to my amazement, got 6 other PDFs with "valuable information" in them. The tipoffs should have been all the typos (not you Amazon, don't pull my review). ;-) Outdated information, basic common sense. If you don't know about compound intrest by now, you probably won't have the will power to use it. Drop the book, run, be thankful your wallet is still in your pocket. Just check out the used prices of this rag.
Rating:  Summary: I hate spam about as much as I hate republicans Review: This Allen took the liberty to spam me, so I thought I would take the liberty to bash his book. Who thinks they can get rich by reading a paperback book? People who live in trailer parks who can't articulate a sentence to save their lives buy these books in the hopes of getting rich. Do they really think the rich are going to give away the "code" to success to them? Please, this Allen guy will walk on your back as he has walked on others. Go ahead "Joe Lunchbox," send him the little money you have. Go buy a suit, spend $6 on a haircut, borrow some money from your great uncle for startup cash, and get into your minivan and go make some money!! I believe in you.