Rating:  Summary: Great book Highly recommend Review: Not since Charles Givens blockbuster More Wealth Without Risk has anyone put together so many winning strategies in one book! And unlike Givens, Allen shows many ways to make more money even if you have nothing to start with.I have been a fan of Robert Allen since I read Creating Wealth back in 1986. (I did it a little backwards, reading Creating Wealth first ahead of Nothing Down) Creating Wealth opened my mind to what was available and typical of Mr. Allen's wisdom, what he taught back in 1986 still works today. Take a look at the foreclosure markets. I rest my case! Allen was also one of the very first to taut the coming (at that time) marketablity of discount mortgages. Guess what? Discount mortgages made a lot of money for people in those days and is still making money for people today. I invested in Gold as per Allens advice and when the big stock market crash occurred in 1987, I made a ton of money by being in other investments such as gold. Ditto for real estate that market plummeted inthe 80's. Following Allen's advice, I was able to pick up loads of real estate at bargain prices becuase most real estate investors back in those days saw real estate only as a tax benefit, not for gains. Their loss. Robert Allen has always been ahead of the herd, a pacesetter in wealth building. Multiple Streams of Income offers advice similiar to Creating Wealth with several new ideas. -Cooper Covered Calls - most everyone has heard about covered calls, but trading? -Options - many people think that options are risky. No so. -Inforpreneuring- interesting and profitable -Network Marketing - even Wall Street has taken notice Of course Allen revisits Real Estate with Nothing Down Techniques, Discounted Mortgages, Tax Liens and more. He makes a strong case for network marketing and offers the difference between investing in say a franchise for hundreds of thousands as opposed to starting your own network marketing business, which is much like a franchise with a proven system only you can start with literally nothing down and use the leverage of people. Similiar concept as real estate with some of the advantages of franchising. No capital investment with huge returns. Multiple Streams of Income is chock full of advice. The investing advice is also great and certaintly better than what you will find say in JBQ's ridiculous book which cost many people millions in lost dollars. I saw a review here by Mr. Donoghue. My guess is that some people will try to bury that untill mindless 1 star reviews. If you can scroll back and read it, I highly recommend that you do. It shows a system of investing that yielded huge returns even during the Clinton "bear market." Multiple streams of Income covers this strategy. I highly recomend you read it if for that reason alone. Beats the typcial buy and hold (or is that buy and hope), dollar cost averaging and other so called sensible stategies which don't work unless you have a 20-30 year time horizon. Ask anyone who saw their investments plumet during the Jimmy Carter years back in the 70's how long they had to wait to get their investments back up to break even level. Want to take a guess? Would you believe 15 years? That is close. Overall I rate Multiple Streams of Income a 10 in a field which only allows 5 stars. This book works as a great enema for people who have read other junk on real estate, stock market investing or just wealth building. I also recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Automatic Millionaire and I believe Allen would too. Be wary of books written by people who are writers only and have no real investment or business background.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book right along with Nothing Down! Review: Multiple streams of income offers diverse ways to effectively make money. But I also recommend Nothing Down for those who want to create wealth via real estate.
Rating:  Summary: I'd buy it..In fact I did and I love it! Review: Multiple Streams of Income is a very powerful book with lots of information to take you where ever you want to go. I bought the hardback copy about 4 years ago and was quite impressed to have made money in mutuals while just about everybodyelse lost money. I have been using the Pro Funds Ultra and Short Funds switching back and forth based on moving average indicators. I have also used the Cooper Covered Call Strategy and option strategy covered in this book and have continued to make money since 2000 while the market averages as a whole have been down. In addition, I have also used the tax lien stratgy both to invest in tax liens and to buy real estate property for literally pennies on the dollar. Network marketing? Just check out the stock performance of USANA to determine how powerful this concept is and how well network ma rketing companies have been doing while other industries are shutting down. If you think USANA was a fluke then check out Nu Skin, Natures Bounty or other publicly traded MLM companies. Network marketing has exploded while other industries have imploded. Folks, MLM works and once again Robert Allen was absolutely correct in promoting this concept way back before the fact. Interesting that Allen is always disputed and always prooves his detracters wrong. Thank you Robert. I let my ex boss and all the people I used to work with when I used to work a J-O-B how much I don't miss that RUT and how much I LOVE the FREEDOM that I now enjoy. Multiple Streams of Income is a very powerful book if used and applied.
Rating:  Summary: 1st step to your wealth = invest your $17.47 somewhere else Review: I'm just curious why today (Apr 10), a couple of weeks after the release date and a massive marketing campaign, it's still impossible to look into sample pages of the second edition of Allen's book, or why there is no table of contents...??? ... strange...! I've purchased the first edition, and I must admit that there are some great ideas in there. But the main thing the author is showing is how we (as readers) are helping to make him rich... Although I have serious doubts about the level of "updated content", what would otherwise explain the agressive e-mail marketing campaign(s)(I'd rather call this "begging") to promote the second edition? Imho, this is just a load of re-packaged stuff, and supposedly updated. Prove me that I'm wrong and show that to us on this very page. Until then, invest your $ somewhere else!
Rating:  Summary: I'd pass... Review: Good read, enjoyable, well written... but I read this book to gain what it claims to deliver. And deliver it did not. While this book caused me to come forth with one good idea, I would hesitate to recommend this to anyone. Don't be fooled by books that claim to have sure-fire ways of making you big bucks. Snake oil and hubris, I say! Do you really want to know HOW TO GET RICH? Try an invaluable book called "The Mind Accelerator"-- now this is straight and concentrated strategy for ultra success.
Rating:  Summary: Financially free thanks to Allen Review: All I can say folks is that this stuff works. Certaintly better than reading and trying to make money with that junk from JBQ. But then, Allen is an entrepreneur JBQ is not. Allen is an investor. JBQ is not. I guess that tells you the difference right there.
Rating:  Summary: Be ppreared to make a lot of money Review: Robert Allens techniques work. No matter if you are interested in real estae, network marketing, discount mortgages, infopreering, Entrepneuring, Tax Liens, Internet or whatever, you will make a lot of money only if you apply what Robert G. Allen teaches. Great book. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Surprise! The Mutual Fund Strategy Makes Money Review: To be up front, i should reveal that my mutual fund investment strategy and my opinions on variable universal life were the inspiration for those Robert Allen investment strategies. If you read the book that is fully-disclosed and obvious. Now the question is "Do these sector investment strategies work?" I can tell you that over the past five years to 6/30/03, our Diversified Sector Portfolio which is a global sector rotation strategy was the #1 World Stock portfolio ranked by Morningstar Principia Pro Separate Accounts. For one five-year period to 6/30/02, the strategy as reflected in The Donoghue Plan ActionGram outperformed every Fidelity fund and every investment newsletter in America (for those of you checking the Hulbert rankings, Hulbert has not yet tracked us for five years, so you will only find shorter-term rankings.) This is not to brag but to encourage you to open your mind to non-traditional investment strategies. You can find more information at www.thedonoghueplan.com if you desire. Bill Donoghue
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Review: This is one of the best self-help books in the non-fiction category. My other favorites are the magnificent "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins, and the video/dvd "New Sex Now" guide to Life's Ultimate Pleasure.
Rating:  Summary: There are Better Books Review: Anyone recommending a universal life policy or options for the average reader is immediately suspect. You can stop right there. I put together a "listmania" list of alternate financial writers from well known sources such as "The Wall Street Journal" well know and respected in the field. Look at those first, skip this. My huumble opinion Jack in Toronto