Rating:  Summary: This Should be in a Mandatory High School Coarse. Review: This book is full of the fragmented advise i have learned over the years, all in one hard to deny package. I'm almost 30 years old, and never saved a dime. I always told myself one day I will, when I can afford it. This book made me realize the one step I avoided, automate it. Plus, I was always gonna save alot to make up the time I lost, and 10 years later I finnally quit fooling myself thanks to this book.
Rating:  Summary: This book is powerful Review: The Automatic Millionaire is filled with timely advice that can positively help anyone who wants to change their financial situation.Even though I am in my 50's, I just started an IRA following Dave Bach's advice advice. With Pres. Bush's revisions to retirement plans, now offering more contributions and a make up provision for older Americans like me, how could I refuse.Besides, it's pretty obvious that social security is in serious trouble (even though the deomcrats tried to say this was safe) I hope that Pres. Bush gets SSI privatized so we'll get something back.I highly recommend The Automatic Millionaire for anyone wh wants to take charge of their financial life. Also recommend The Savage Truth About Money by Terry Savage and More Wealth Without Risk by Charles J. Givens
Rating:  Summary: Buying this book only makes Bach rich. Review: But reading and applying the strategies that Bach teaches in this book will make you rich. If books made people rich, librarians would be the richest people int he world. You must not only buy and read, you must also apply the information. Knowledge is power when applied.Also recommend debt free living by Mary Hunt and The Millionaire Next Door by Stanley and Danko.
Rating:  Summary: Very good book! Review: The Automatic Millionaire will put you on the fast track to financial success. So easy to use. I also recommend The Truth About Money by Ric Edelman and More Wealth Without Risk by Charles J. Givens.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful advice that really works Review: I found the advice in The Automatic Millionaire simple, easy to use, common sense and automatic. Certaintly a lot better than going through 1,000 page college-like textbooks that are supposed to be financial books written by people with no financial credits and really don't know what they are talking about. The Automatic Millionaire is common sense....but common sense is not always common knowledge. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Average reading, common sense and automatic. Review: The methods described in this book are actually things that do make sense and are eye openers. Very simple stuff to follow. Not complicated at all. Just put your finances on automatic.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing groundbreaking Review: I applaud David Bach for creating a step-by-step guide on the basics of saving but I must say that I found nothing particularly unique and original about his approach. His 10% method is well-explained but we've all seen 15% and 20% methods too that would work just as well if followed perfectly. I think this book serves as a reminder that our saving habits in this country need to be reviewed, the US has one of the lowest saving rates in the Western world and our credit craze has serious implications on our long-term wealth. David's book just affirms what good common sense already tells us.
Rating:  Summary: More important now than ever Review: With Allen Greenspans speach earlier today, it is very obvious that baby boomers who were depending on social security are going to have another strategy. For that reason, Dave Bach's excellent book The Automatic Millionaire is more important now than ever. Dave will show you how to set up an IRA and other retirement plans (yes--you too baby boomers. It's not too late) and take advantage of the new, higher contributions limits thanks to President Bush. Dave will also show you how to pay off your 30 year mortgage earlier. You will also learn to pay yourself first. Other books you should read include The Millionaire Next Door, The Millioniare Mind, The Truth About Money by Ric Edelman and More Wealth Without Risk by Charles J. Givens.
Rating:  Summary: Plan for retirement while living better now . Review: Dave Bach's strategies will not only help you create a powerful retirement income, but, it The Automatic Millionaire will also help you live better now in the present while saving for the future and becoming debt free. The hardest of Bach's strategies for me to implement was the 10% solution. Like most people, I always paid everybodyelse first and found that I had nothing to pay myself. I felt that I couldn't afford to pay myself. Since reading The Automatic Millionaire, I now pay myself first and everyone else still gets paid as usual and on time. I have found that I don't even miss the 10% that I thought I couldn't afford. The fact is, I can't afford not to! I have also opened a IRA and filled out a new w-4 form at work which by itself is paying for over 1/3 of my IRA and increased my take home pay. I have my paycheck direct deposited into my brokerage account and my IRA comes out automatically...I don't even miss the money. And thanks to President Bush, we can all now put more into our IRA, 401 (k) and other retirement plans. I have set up my mortgage on a biweekly system and that is saving me thousands. It gets done...automatically. Dave Bach has created a very powerful and effective way to create wealth. His system works and it is easy. And his book is a quick, easy read. No pouring through 1,000 pages of mostly outdated information that doesn't work and trying to figure out what to do. I read The Automatic Millionaire in 2 evenings and went to work right away. For additional reading and education, I also recommend The Millionaire Next Door by Stanley and Danko, The Richest Man in Bablyon by George Clason and More Wealth Without Risk by Charles J. Givens which offers over 300 ways to drastically reduce expenses, money that can be used for investing or paying off debts. You will also find that Givens pushes the 10% solution very strongly. Stay away from books that push "budgets" and are mostly loaded with fluff. I think the only person that made money with a "budget" was the guy who started Budget Rent-A-Car. Which brings me to another strategy that I use and recommend, starting your own business. The tax benefits alone make it worthwhile. I just had my car serviced and ran up a $800 bill. The good news is that since I use that vehicle in my home based business and have a permanently affixed sign on my car, all auto expences are 80% tax deductible! Previously I got 0 tax deductions. Not to mention additional income and additional money that I can put away in a sep-ira or solo 401 (k). Makes a lot of dollars and sense. The Automatic Millionaire is an excellent book to jump start your financial life. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Secure Retirement for All Review: David Bach has written several books on personal finance. He authored "Smart Couples Finish Rich" and "Smart Women Finish Rich" before he wrote this book, "The Automatic Millionaire". Bach lectures individuals and families on personal finance and investment, and in this book he demonstrates how relatively easy it is for ordinary people to reach one million dollars in personal wealth over the course of 20 to 40 years. Before you write this book off of your list as just another "get rich quick" scheme, you need to know that this is not that type of book at all. It does talk about acheiving one million dollars in wealth, but what Bach is advising is how to set aside money, using 401K, IRA, and other means, to reach one million dollars in wealth over a longer period of time, to ensure a secure retirement. He doesn't advocate taking unnecessary risks. Instead, he shows how a person can start saving money (he recommends saving 10 percent of your income) without excessive risk and still reach his/her financial goals. The reason this book is titled "Automatic Millionaire" is because of Bach's plan for saving. He reccommends making your savings plan simple by having the money transferred automatically from your paycheck and directly into an investment plan. He feels that making things "automatic" is necessary to guarantee that one's savings plan will be a success. If you rely merely on discipline, in David Bach's opinion, you will likely not reach your financial goals because after a while, you will lose interest in investing and will stop saving money (Personally, I have more confidence in the ability of people to be self- disciplined, but Bach feels otherwise). Thus, to make sure that you save money, Bach recommends establishing an automatic savings plan. That way, the money will be out of your reach and you cannot fail to invest or change your mind about saving for the future. Bach makes many recommendations in this book, besides saving money. He also stresses the importance of eliminating debt, refinancing your home mortgage if the interest rates have fallen, and consolidating debt to eliminate excessive interest payments. He wants people to eliminate debt and take other steps as soon as possible to set themselves on the path to financial security. Overall, this is a pretty good book that can prove to be very helpful for those who are not familiar with investment and need a place to get started. For seasoned veterans of personal finance, there really isn't anything new in this book. But for the majority of people, "Automatic Millionaire" can be a very helpful resource. It shows how simple it really is to plan for the future by setting up an automatic savings plan and preparing for a safe, secure retirement that is free from reliance on Social Security.