Rating:  Summary: no Review: If you have money, you can make money. If you don't, you can't. This won't make you an automatic millionaire.
Rating:  Summary: Why Is This Book A Bestseller?? Review: As a "book" it is okay. Well thought out, it has a plan, and it is put together in a logical fashion. I am not trying to be negative, but the problem is that there is always a similar book on the Amazon.com top 100. It is called having a savings plan plus compound interest. It is not a lot more complicated than that. The problem in general is to execute a savings plan year after year. If you have a job with the government or you never move and you never have a personal crisis where you must draw on your savings, and where everything is set for life that is fine. But most people have more than one job, they move, they buy new houses, they get married, or divorced, they spend fortunes sending their children to college, they need special renovations in their homes, they travel, they have good years and bad. Sometimes they get sick and lose pay lose their jobs and are financially wiped out. That is why these books (in my humble opinion) are a simplification of reality for most people. The problem is to execute the savings plan. That takes sacrifice and persistence, and more often than not some luck. One cannot get this from just reading a book. For most people it takes a change in lifestyle and spending habits. This means a new job with more pay, or the wife working and saving that money, or a second job, or fewer new cars, smaller cars not an SUV, less trips, less eating out, etc. That is how you will generate your savings. Okay this book is fine as a general guide but there are just too many of these books with a similar theme. So as a book with anything new - just 3 stars. And do not rush out to buy. That will be your first saving! My humble opinion. Jack in Toronto
Rating:  Summary: Young and confused about money - read this book! Review: Let me start by saying this book is a wonderfully practical and easy read beneficial to those of any age (I finished it in about an hour and a half), but if you are in your twenties and haven't begun to think seriously about your money or your future, this book is a must read! In that stage myself, I found David Bach's information extremely helpful and inspirational. We are not too young to start thinking about our retirement (especially if we want to retire early). But besides that, Bach offers information on setting up a personal emergency fund and on buying your first home. If you are like me and wish that you had a personal coach to guide through this part of your life, buy David Bach's book - it is your one on one coaching manual!
Rating:  Summary: This guy is for real Review: Aside from buying books and other products from Amazon.com, I am also a customer of Nightengale-Conant and purchased Dave Bach's tape program from N/C. Using his 10% solution applied to my mortgage will save me an easy $126,000 and pay my 30 year mortgage off in 22 years. Bach also encourages using the 10% solution but cutting in half and using 1/2 of that 10% or 5% to invest and the other 5% to pay off debt. For example, if an individual or couple is earning $50,000 per year, they would be saving $5,000 per year. $2,500 would go for investments and the other $2,500 would go to pay off debts. Inhis excellent book, The Automatic Millionaire, Bach also provides charts and forms to assist you in becoming a Automatic Millionaire. He shows you how to invest your IRA money-automatically. How to pay off your mortgage automatically and more. Bach also provides websites and toll free numbers for mutual fund companies and brokerage firms to set up your investments. You will al so find the best places to get the highest yield on money market funds. Having read other books and purchased other financial products and been dissapointed, clearly that is not the case with Bach. I would also recommend The Truth About Money by Ric Edelman which is even more comphrehensive than The Automatic Millionaire and works with, not opposed to Bach's ideas.
Rating:  Summary: Buying this book only makes the author rich not you!!! Review: If you are looking for investment tips, this is a WRONG book!!! It is a 'cheerleading' book which is suitable for NO-brain mid-afternoon coffee time. It is very easy to summarize this book - force saving, cut bad spending habit, buy a house instead of renting and pay mortgage ASAP, NO personal debt and invest in 401k and other accounts. Why bother to buy this book?! Sometimes I could not understand why people are wasting [$] to learn the basic responsibilities which they are supposed to know from day 1. Go to local Barnes and Noble and I bet you only need one hour to finish reading without paying a penny!!! Buying this book only makes the author rich not you!!!
Rating:  Summary: You either like it or hate it - mixed reviews Review: I saw Dave Bach on the Ophrah show a couple of nites ago. I agree that much of what Bach says is not new but that doesn't make it a bad read. Sometimes the best advice is what we already know. Some people need to be reminded to pay ourselves first. That it is okay to invest while you are in debt. And that simple things like a bi-weekly mortgage which you can do on own (some unscrupulous companies charge $400 or more for this service + additional fees)can save you 5 years of mortgage payments. Bach recommends no load mutual funds (no doubt this upsets commissioned brokers and advisors)and other advice that takes money out of the pockets of sales people and puts it right back in ours. Some of what BAch says has been covered in his other books, but again, sometime we need to be reminded and what if you didn't buy those earlier books? I highly recommend The Automatic Millionaire. Title is very appealing and the book really works.
Rating:  Summary: Very similar to authors other books Review: I gave this book a low rating for one reason, the book is so similar to the authors other books that there really isn't a reason to buy it if you have read the other books. Many of the examples and stories in the book are taken from the authors earlier books. If you have read his other books, save your money and invest it. If you have not read any of the authors books then this is a pretty good book with practical advice on how to automatically save for your future. Many people talk about saving but never do until it is too late. I have used the same method of investing and it does work over a long period of time. So my adivce is to buy the book if you have never read any of his other books. If you have any of the other books I think you will be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Automatic Millionaire hits #1 at Amazon! Review: Without a doubt, Automatic Millionaire is prooving to be the best selling financial book in America...and for good reason--IT WORKS!If you haven't read this great book yet, by all means do and take another lesson from Bach by ordering it from Amazon and save some $$$$.Great book. Let's keep it #1 and let's help make a stronger America by stamping out financial ignorance.This book is needed badly. Tell your friends about it.How many of your friends could benefit with a bi-weekly mortgage? That strategy alone could easily save $25,000 in mortgage payments!Get this book and let everybody know about it.
Rating:  Summary: Good, sensible advice Review: The advice by David Bach may not be new, but how many people are applying it? Pay yourself first was originally covered in the classic Richest Man in Bablyon and the late Charles Givens beat it to death in his classic More Wealth Without Risk. Most people have heard about it, but again I ask, how many people are actually doing it?If you are not taking at least 10% of your paycheck and paying yourself first then you are cheating yourself.Think about it; we pay our mortgage, phone bill, telephone bill, light bill, garbage bill, credit card bill, groceries, entertainment etc. but the last person that gets paid is ourselves.Bad strategy.I also agree that most people are not taking maximum advantage of their companies 401 (k) plan and/or IRA. I know people that tell me all the time that they cannot invest in a 401 (k) or IRA but I find these same people are livin examples of what Bach talks about in his book. People who always eat out. Waste money on bottled water, coffee, donuts, cell phones, extra, unneccessary clothes and so on but have no savings, no 401 (k) and nor IRA.Bad strategy.The biweekly mortgage concept is also a great way to pay off your mortgage 5 years earlier with the same amount of money. As Bach explains, this could save you $25,000 or more. People are getting ripped off with credit card debt and the banks are certaintly no help. As Bach tells us, miss just one payment and late fees are added in and your interest rate jumps up ensuring that you will never get out of debt. Exactly what the banks want. Bach recommends making extra payments on your cards which I agree with. He also recommends cutting up your credit cards which I don't totally agree with, unless the person is just totally out of control.Lastly, Bach does recommend mutual funds as the safest way for the average investor to invest. I agree here too. The average investor has no business playing the stock market. The only thing I would suggest is to pick up a copy of Charles Givens book More Wealth Without Risk. Givens teaches a strategy called "the money movement strategy" which has you in the best investments per the economy. For example, following Given's advice you would have been out of stock funds in 2000 and not suffered the huge losses that so many other "buy and hold" investors did but into other investments that went up by 20%-40% per year from 2000 through 2003.It's true that Bach offers no "no money down" ways to buy real estate. That is not his goal here. I would suggest Robert Allen's book "Nothing Down" if that is your goal.Overall, Automatic Millionaire is a great book for anyone interested in adding to their wealth. If these concepts soud familiar, let me ask you a question: how are you doing with them? Sometimes the best advice is just a reminder of what we already know.Good book. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect for those just starting on personal finance Review: The Automatic Millionaire is a fabulous book if you are just starting to learn about your personal finances, and have not put much work into them yet. David Bach's newest book contains solid first steps to take toward a more secure future. If you are well versed in interest rates, credit scores, bi-weekly mortgages, etc and have already set up automatic debt payments, and automatic deposits to your retirement funds then skip this one. Personally, I read Mary Hunt's "Debt-Proof Living" a couple years ago and have been a member of her CheapskateMonthly website ever since, therefore the "Automatic Millionaire" book was mostly old news for me. I did appreciate the websites Mr. Bach included and the information on retirement funds. I had not done a lot of homework in this area, so I checked out many of his references and have learned alot in the last few weeks so thanks, David! Definitely check out "Debt-Living Living" by Mary Hunt! That woman is a lifesaver if you're in debt. If you follow her plan you will get out of debt and be able to live the rest of your life DEBT FREE!