Rating:  Summary: This information changed BOTH our lives!!! Review: A few months ago I went in search of something that could help my husband achieve greater sexual satisfaction. He had always wondered, somewhat wistfully, about women's potential to enjoy multiple orgasms or orgasms that seemed so much deeper and longer than males. After browsing Amazon I came across Jack Johnston's seminar which seemed to offer just what he was hoping for but without years of meditation and uncomfortable squeeze techniques. Too good to be true? Intrigued I got the cd but thought I'd check it out before passing it on to my husband.I listened with an open mind and no real expectations but my goodness - I had NO IDEA how much this seminar was about to change both our lives!!!! For starters I had never realised before that orgasm and ejaculation are two separate things in a man. Wow - why was this vital piece of infomation never written about in all the women's magazines I'd read? Its because FEW people, men as well as women understand the distinction. Just gaining this one simple fact was empowering. Ejaculation effectively signals the end of any male orgasm. Johnston has discovered a unique way of using a sound, which he calls the Key Sound to bypass the ejaculation response. The Key Sound ENHANCES your sexual arousal triggering a non-ejaculatory orgasm that does not result in loss of energy. AND IT WORKS FOR WOMEN TOO!!! It seemed such a simple technique that I tried it and almost instantly discovered that using the Key Sound triggered gorgeous pleasure waves that were sweeter and more refreshing than my regular feelings. Not that there's anything wrong with those but now I had an extended orgasm repetoir! Encouraged I gave the cd to my husband. Within a few days he had significantly increased his levels of sexual and physical sensitivity. It did take him a few weeks to fully achieve the results that he desired but the fun and freedom that we have both gained through this method have enhanced every area of our lives. Our communication in all areas flourishes. I can believe that we can both enjoy a full and satisfying sexual life together into our old age and that's some way off yet! The cost of purchase doesn't just get you the seminar cd. At no extra cost you have access to Johnston's online website which provides invaluable information and an extremely interesting forum for discussion on all aspects of the technique. We've both found this to be enormously supportive and useful during the learning process. You can even get FREE online coaching!! Very good value I'd say. Johnston comes across as very genuine and sincere in his desire to help others. I would certainly recommend this to others - and I have!!!
Rating:  Summary: This really does work Review: I came to this book via some of the other methods, having made them sort of work. I say sort of because the techniques which involve approaching the point of no return & then squeezing your PC muscle actually do sort of work with one problem - they aren't really any fun. Jack Johnston's book is unique in so far as he has a method which is totally new & does not require any sort of holding back & what's more the feelings (that's what it's all about right?) can be far greater than those that accompany normal ejaculatory 'orgasm'. If you do want to ejaculate afterwards of course it's very easy to change gears but the difference in the level of feelings were a very pleasant surprise. This also works for women in exactly the same way, in fact my wife learned it first. ...
Rating:  Summary: Replacing performance with Pleasure Review: I discovered Jack's work about 18 months ago whilst going through a low period in my sex life. It is no exaggeration that Jack's work has caused me to totally re-map what I thought the male experience of sex and sensuality was about.
In this seminar, Jack introduces a new approach to investigating sexual response in terms of excitement and arousal. The seminar describes a series of simple techniques to allow you to 'tune in' to your own responses and through practice, foster a deeper experience of sexual arousal to the point that the conventional 'conditioned' routes of sexual response give way to something deeper; far deeper. Not only a richer experience, but vastly more satisfying. It moves far beyond a 'technique' based approach to 'better orgasms' - it describes the opening to a pathway of great self-discovery.
I have found this seminar and the resources that Jack maintains online to support his work have helped me to regain and far surpass my expectations and hopes in my sex life.
If you are thinking of investing time and energy into enriching your approach to sex and sexuality, I do not think I could recommend this resource more highly.
Best wishes
Rating:  Summary: THE REAL DEAL Review: I had been researching ways to ... um ... heighten my response (ahem!). Lots of writings promise the same great results, but - bottom line - THIS is the seminar that got me there. IT WORKS. There is a learning curve, but with patience and practice, I picked up great abilities and have sensations that take sex to a whole new level. There's even a support website (BBS & chat) where you can anonymously ask questions of the author and trade pointers with other learners. Am I a satisfied customer? That is DEFINITELY the word!
Rating:  Summary: It's everything I hoped for and then some! Review: I purchased Jack's audio seminar three years ago and I've been on a wonderful journey of unfolding pleasures ever since. Even though I'd been recovering from an old spine injury, and suffered from chronic pain at the time, I was still able to have my first multi-orgasmic experience within three weeks of practice! Since then, I've been opening up to more and more pleasures that I never knew I was capable of. As promised, I'm able to have all the multiple orgasms I want without ANY use of ejaculation control or PC muscle squeezes, etc. Jack was right, there's NO sense of a, "Point of No Return," whatsoever! I had studied Tantra and other methods in the past and always found them to be overly complicated and difficult to master. What Jack calls the Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger or KSMO was the simple, direct approach I had been searching for. I still have yet to find anything out there like it. It was surprisingly easy to learn, but after three years of practice, I'm amazed at how much I am still discovering in my practice. I had always imagined multiple orgasms would be just like having multiple ejaculations. But the sensations I get from KSMO are so much more joyful and intense than what I had expected, and even more intense than any other I'd ever experienced before in my life! The orgasmic pleasure seems to wash over my entire body in wave after wave for several minutes at a time. I am able to remain in this state for long period of time without effort or "holding back." Sometimes I even feel these wonderful rushes of pure joy pouring out of my heart. It's as if I'm bursting with love. At Jack's website, they call these feelings "Heartgasms," and that's just what they feel like! It's as if my heart is having an emotional orgasm. I wish I knew how to describe this feeling in words. But it's unlike anything I've ever felt before. For me, the best thing about KSMO is how it allows me to totally relax and let go in the midst of incredible pleasure and arousal. It's just an amazing feeling to experience orgasm after orgasm without having to maintain control of my body. I can enjoy all the pleasure I want without worrying about "the point of no return," or squeezing the right muscle at the right time. This way, I am able to be fully present with my wife when we make love. Instead of taking turns pleasuring each other and then finishing with a "Big Bang," we share our orgasms together and ride these waves of pleasure over and over again until we feel completely satisfied. Finding satisfaction together in this way has spilled over into so many other areas of our marriage. We feel more in sync as a couple and more able to express our love for each other. I could just go on and on about all the ways KSMO has improved our lives. Whether you're a man or a woman, young or old, single or in a relationship, if you are looking for a simple way to have multiple orgasms and enjoy sex more, I highly recommend this CD! You may just find that not only does it help you learn to feel more pleasure, but also able to be more open with yourself and others.
Rating:  Summary: Thank God this works, I tried everything else! Review: I tried everything, PC squeeze techniques, Taoist meditation, Tantra, brinksmanship, NLP swish techniques, ESO etc.. & thought I would never be satisfied until I found Jack Johnston's audio seminar. This has absolutely nothing to do with any of the above methods. I have no idea why it works but who cares - it's wonderful. Granted it took me a few days practice before I felt anything new and a few more weeks before I was really impressed - if I hadn't listened carefully though & stuck at it man would I have missed out! I have to say in addition that when I did feel stuck in the early stages I ventured to email Jack Johnston himself & I was amazed when he personally replied in great detail showing me exactly where I was missing the point & guiding me towards his online forum at his website. This guy really cares, I am very impressed. Also I am certain that this has increased my self confidence, joy for life and improved my close relationships Thanks Amazon for stocking this truly awesome CD! Anyone want to buy a stack of Tantra books?
Rating:  Summary: Sensuous, ecstatic, and extended sex filled with orgasms! Review: I was discussing with an ex of being able to enjoy sex for extended periods of time(you can guess why she is an ex). We talked about classes one could take, a few book titles and the next thing we know this MMO tittle came up. Her former boyfriend had taken the seminar, and she remembers how good their sex had improved. For the money of a dinner date, I thought it may be worth trying. The free weekly forum, where this author and his monitors answer questions you may have to successfully learn the protocol, and improve or intensify your experience.
I started my orgasmic experiences after two weeks. I am told by the author that I was quick/early. I strongly recommend setting your pace and not rushing or expecting the orgasms.(remember being anxious with your partner, and the sex ending soon) Instead, learning to be...less. Follow his CD and do take advantage of his free forum. If you here the CD once or twice and be in the forum once or twice, don't get frustrated. Your body might need more preparation than others. Like in all things, persistence pays. And, for God's sake don't be a drop out and blame it on the Professor or the college! It's like for the money of a dinner date(albeit inexpensive) you get a semester long class, without the pressure of the finals. Although, if you need all the GEDs the Author(through his forum) could have the patience:)
I was able to find that our(male) bodies are capable of multiple orgasms. That we are able to separate our orgasms from ejaculation. That we may have more than one orgasm during a sex session with our lover/spouse. A key sound is introduced to trigger the body memory to realize our body's orgasmic capability. It's use helps us intensify the levels of orgasms. It's up to us, how soft or loud we'd want to express the key sound. The key sound may or may not be used or needed, during sex with your partner or doing solo sex. While most sex/tantra teachings include some form of breath work, the key sound he found through iterative process and his observance of natural phenomena, does that more easily.
You should be able to look forward learning a life long skill that brings healthy outlook towards your partner or give you confidence with your new one. Your approach toward women would improve. We come to appreciate who they are, and how together we could grow or heal each other.
Rating:  Summary: Ladies! A Valentines Gift that's Perfect for you BOTH! Review: I would like to say that Jack's program is written for both men and women as it has to do with arousal, not gender. I have practiced the Keysound and have noticed tremendous effects in my own intensity of Bliss. This program uses techniques for men without ejaculation control of any form. Everything else I have seen on Amazon.com, has been about Ejaculation control, which I believe reduces the openness of the intensity. Jack's discovery makes ejaculation control obsolete!
Rating:  Summary: This isn't for quiet people. Be prepared to try new things. Review: Oh, wow! Let me begin by saying you must be *VERY* open-minded when trying the techniques in this seminar. They teach you how to have an orgasm out of your mouth instead of out your penis. As anyone reading this should already know, the typical male orgasm happens in the form of an ejaculation. Well, this seminar teaches you that instead of ejaculating, your orgasm can be in the form of roaring. The author compares it to the roar of a lion and that's what you should sound like during your orgasm. In fact, he says you'll roar so loud that you'll want to be certain your mouth is nowhere near your partner's (lover's or spouse's) ear because you can injure them. Then he explains you'll need to practice getting your mouth turned away from the person you make love to because the roars will be so intense. I bought this seminar because six different people rated it at 5 stars and wrote fascinating reviews, however I can't understand why I'm the first one to mention anything about roaring your orgasm. If any of them had mentioned roaring or lions, then I wouldn't have bought it. I know some of the reviews mentioned key sounds, but roaring? That's just a bit too extreme for me. In general, do consider myself open-minded, but this is something that my girlfriend and I just couldn't do. Simply put, I wanted to learn how to become multi-orgasmic sans PC techniques. While the techniques in this seminar don't require your PC muscle, they apparently have worked for other people, but I guess I wasn't cut out for them. If you and your partner are open-minded for new sexual techniques, then this may work for you. The seminar does explain that you can do these alone, but if I did any of these things without telling my girlfriend first, she'd find a priest to perform an exorcism on me as soon as her ears stopped ringing from all my roaring. The reason you and your partner are both supposed to know of these techniques is because when you roar, they are supposed to inhale your roar and then roar it back out to you so you can inhale it, and then you roar it back to them again. All the while doing this, waves of pleasure are supposed to emanate throughout your entire body thus giving you a full-body orgasm rather than a genital orgasm we're all accustomed to. Please don't assume I'm making a mockery of the information in the seminar. I bought it two weeks ago and have listened to it five times: once in bed, twice while working on the computer, once in the car, and a final time with no distractions - just me sitting home alone quietly in my office with the lights turned down. I practiced the roaring and the breathing each time, and put forth what I feel to be an honest effort, but like I said I don't think I'm cut out for this. Would I recommend this to anyone? Probably not, especially if they have children in the house, thin walls that the neighbors can hear through, or a fear of caged animals. I definitely wouldn't recommend it if you're the type of guy who brings home a new sex partner every weekend because I'm sure you'll scare the holy crap out of them once you start roaring. That's why I gave it one star. I just wish some of the other reviewers could have mentioned a bit more about what this seminar was really about rather than what they got out of it because I'm 100% certain I'm not the only man in the world who feels the way I do about roaring like a lion during orgasm.
Rating:  Summary: From Good Sex to Joyful Ecstasy! Review: Since practicing Jack Johnston's Key Sound Multiple Orgasm method my husband and I have been on a journey of discovering new pleasures together. Gone are the days of "working" at pleasuring one another or having to control the pleasure level so ejaculation doesn't occur. Since my husband starting doing the Key Sound it is easier for me to stop focusing on a completion point and enjoy the pleasure. By doing so I am able to prolong my orgasms so they are a slower build with stronger intensity. They last longer and the pleasure of the previous oragasm builts onto the next orgasm, taking the effort out of our lovemaking. Orgasms now have a wave pleasure build versus the sharp peak and valley oragasms I experienced without the Key Sound. By doing this method we are able to enjoy one another as long as we want! - and that can be for 1/2 an hour or a few hours, either way it is always fulfilling. My husband starting practicing the Key Sound first and introduced it to our lovemaking. Even though some might think making a Key Sound during lovemaking is a little unconventional, I find it is a great enhancement to the moans that are already being made. The Key Sound has enabled us to create a common pleasure place where "reaching" for an orgasm no longer exists. Instead we are actively building on one another's pleasure which makes us feel we have a more intimate understanding of one another. As an added bonus, that intimacy flows through every other aspect of our relationship greatly enhancing our communication with one another. Not only am I amazed with the audio seminar, I am also impressed with the level of support and information Jack Johnston offers through his web site. Jack and the community of people that are helping one another is unlike any other. The support, honesty and help with each person's personal journey is something to be admired. Along with learning this great simple method through the audio seminar we also were able to get additional free help through the website. I HIGHLY recommend Jack Johnston's seminar to everyone! It is truly a gem that can help people in so many different ways - from pure plesure to becoming more intimate. My hats off to Jack and his incredible method!