Rating:  Summary: Osho Rajneesh`s book reedited without the infamous reputatio Review: It is very interesting that Osho Rajneesh`s book is now reedited without his full name and infamous reputation. The Rolls-Royce Guru died in January 1990 (search the web ; you will not be disappointed). Do not misunderstand me, I think this book or books (a collection of 5 volumes originally)is fantastic and I have practiced the meditations but the reader has a right to know to what end any technique can be used. Rajneesh was probably not totally and irrevocably enlightened (or else we are all in big trouble); he probably lost all contact with reality in the end, but he had incredible insight and experience on the science of enlightenment.
Rating:  Summary: His Greatest Secret Remains So Review: Many have taken the awe-inspiring beauty of the occult knowledge and DIVERTED it in order to bewilder the naive. Those who have no real understanding of occult knowledge are easily overwhelmed by such knowledge, and take anyone who speaks of it as a "great spiritual master." What many do not realize is that there are WHITE masters and BLACK masters, and both describe the same teachings, the same methods, the same laws, the same experiences, the same beautiful and awesome pictures of reality: but there is a fundamental difference, and the line that seperates them is as thin and sharp as a razor blade. And make no mistake: it is next to impossible to tell the difference PHYSICALLY. Do not be mistaken: those who teach how to awaken the consciousness by stimulating desire are teaching Black Tantra. It is Tantra, yes, but it appeals to the lowest parts of the human psyche (the parts that keep us trapped in hell) and creates karma and suffering. White Tantra always teaches that the soul must be purified of all desire for sensation, and you cannot remove the desire for sensation by feeding sensation, just as you cannot put out a fire if you keep giving it wood to burn; you must stop feeding it. For more information, read The Perfect Matrimony and The Mystery of the Golden Blossom by Samael Aun Weor.
Rating:  Summary: This is what it is about Review: On the first tape of this gentle, perceptive program, Osho explores the Secrets of Love - including the Way of Tantra, the Nature of Desire, the Purest Form of Love, and guidance to Searching for a Soulmate.
On the second tape, he turns his focus to the Secrets of Meditation - bringing you to the realization that Your Freedom is Total,
and Total Relaxation is the Ultimate, as he also explores the Seed of Buddhahood, the Joy of Knowing Yourself, and the Breath Within the Breath.
Rating:  Summary: A beautiful book for those serious about truth Review: Page after page this book re-iterates the path to freedom,to be present to , and non-judgemental of one's experience.A science of living authentically. This is true ancient wisdom conveyed in a way that modern people can understand.
Rating:  Summary: Great secrets poorly edited Review: The Book of Secrets - Osho
I am giving this book 5 stars but this is because of both the detailed list of meditative techniques that may lend insight through right application but also for the information concerning other figures of note who have either successfully practiced the items or who teach them. For the main the techniques are most helpful but the list is far from exhaustive. There are very sound insights scattered throughout the text but it takes some careful mining to expose these. Of particular interest to me were the Jain insights since Mahavira was operating at the same time that the Buddha was at work so the material covering these two enlightened beings is interesting to say the least.
A trenchant criticism concerns the presentation. The material appears to have been culled from recorded talks with very little editorial input. Thus the work is replete with repetitions, which makes it hard work to plough through but also somewhat boring after one encounters the same material time after time although often rephrased slightly. Another problem is that the varied techniques are very poorly organised with respect to content with the result that one is continually jumping from one context to another without regard for any "structure", covering one piece of territory, then another of completely different geography, then back to the first, then someplace else and so forth. Crudely speaking it needs to be completely re-edited and fitted with an appropriate index and glossary. However, this is no reflection directly on Osho but I would imagine rather it has to do with the estate of interests that remain in the world of name & form.
I must say I also have some questions about the sensual-tantra as presented. On the one hand it is admirably suited to a sex-therapy approach of humanism and therefore attractive to many many people but, on the other hand it seems to wander into areas of prurience that might take many lives to untangle. Not that I am suggesting forms of necessary sexual prohibition on the path to liberation are required for successful traverse but it does seem that sensual indulgence carries with it very considerable risks. Even for a liberated being, such indulgence might drag the individual back into samsarsa.
However, these things said, I know of no other source that covers the breadth of techniques that are dealt with in this book - that alone makes it of great value indeed. Recommended highly despite the drawbacks
Rating:  Summary: lucid and incredible Review: the book of secrets is the most penetrating and lucid book available about meditation/awareness/waking up.
an absolute must for any sincere seeker on the path of truth/self-discovery. an amazing gift for the human race
Rating:  Summary: Shows how to transform sex-consc.into super-consciousness. Review: The book, one of the ancient texts on Tantra, contains a masterful commentary on 112 techniques of meditation by the enlightened mystic, Osho. He brings into focus the central point that, such as the physical science shows techniques to transform matter, Tantra shows techniques to transform the spirit. Tantra, as Osho explains, does not condemn sex, nor does it ask to indulge into it. Tantra merely shows ways to raise sex energy for experiencing the higher states of consciousness. The book is perhaps the first in acknowledging a woman's status as an independent inquirer. Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva, asks him some of the most quintessential questions for unraveling the secrets of how meditation can bring about a complete mutation in human consciousness. Sex being the strongest desire there is, Shiva explains how the way of Tantra helps in understanding this desire and transcending it. Osho's insight is: "Tantra says, be aware of the desire; do not create any fight. Move into desire with full consciousness, and when you move into desire with full consciousness you transcend it." Osho has provided an in-depth understanding of the differences between sex and Tantra, Tantra and Yoga, the views about sex in the East and the West, male and female polarity and how both can become mutually nourishing. The core message of this incredible text on meditation is that, sex is essentially a mystery, it is a creative energy manifested in the entire universe. Tantra is helpful in the understanding of this energy and showing how to live a healthy and natural life with love and awareness. Osho's observation is: "...the days of tantra are coming. Sooner or later tantra will explode for the first time in the masses, because for the first time the time is ripe -- ripe to take sex naturally. It is possible that the explosion may come from the West, because Freud, Jung, Reich they have prepared the background. They did not know anything about tantra, but they have made the basic !ground for tantra to evolve."
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable commentry on Shiva's sutras! Review: The discourses of Osho on the sutras of Shiva (The Book of the Secrets) are just unbelievable! A human person (Osho) can go in such depths and explain the lost sutras in such practical details! I think that if one can fully understand even 1 sutra out of the 112, it can transform one's entire life!
Rating:  Summary: A Conjurer's Work Review: There are two ways to awaken the consciousness: positively, through cleaning the mind of impurity, and negatively, through enslaving oneself to one's own animal mind. There are many teachers who claim to teach the positive method, who speak of love and truth and beauty, and yet secretly they enslave their students through desire, lust, pride and fear. Thus there are saints and their are demons, and both use similar methods, terms and techniques, but they march in opposite directions. Both awaken the consciousness. Both perceive beyond the physical realm. And to us, who are so asleep and so naive, the demon can look like a saint. Do not be fooled by sweet smiles and honey-coated explanations. Be demanding in your search for inner knowledge: it is your right as a soul. Most of all, you should be able to confirm the truth of any teaching for yourself, in yourself, and that experience should be congruent with the teachings of all the truly great teachers: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc. For more information, read the works of Samael Aun Weor.