Rating:  Summary: I Laughed, I Cried, I Marveled Review: Nothing new will you find here...only ancient wisdom brought forth in the language of today. No discoveries will you find here...only things you may wish to re-member. "The One True Path" you will not find here...for such a path does not exist. And if seek you a God, who is vengeful, and jealous and desirous of your worship, go away! Your book is elsewhere.If, in your heart of hearts, you know that Love and Joy and Forgiveness and Understanding are all a path to God, then what you are seeking you have just found. Welcome! Your timing is perfect. This book, as well as the 3 that preceded it, gave me back "God." For almost 20 years, I didn't even use that word anymore. Having grown up Roman Catholic and then embarking on a search for the "One True Path," I was jaded, to say the least. I didn't know what to think anymore. Yet still, I knew my answer was out there. And I knew it would show up at just the right time. It did. In my heart of hearts, I always imagined a God with a terrific sense of humor, kindness like I've never known, candor that I could respect, answers that made sense immediately and words of eloquence that would bring tears to my eyes. Haven't you? Guess what? That God exists! For it is not a question of who God talks to, but rather, who listens. Are you ready to listen? Really? Then order this book and thank yourself. For this book is one of the Grandest gifts, you will ever bless yourself with. Indeed, it is one of the Grandest gifts you will give to Us All. Thank you!
Rating:  Summary: The 1 star reviews are always funny. Review: I always find it amusing to read the 1 star reviews for all four books. They are clearly from "Born Agains" who need to vehemently dispute any other idea as an attempt to promote their way, if only to themselves. I also observed most 1 stars are from the South. Being from the South myself, I can make that statement not as an insult to southern intelligence but as an observation of the predominance of close-minded (Southern Baptist) thinking in the South. I also don't like some of the 5 star reviews that blindly replace one unquestionable Bible with another. If there is one thing to be learned from this series of books it is to question everything and let the truth come to you. Of course please question that as well. These books are great at giving an alternate view of God than we have generally been taught throughout our lives. Take each idea for what it is and incorporate what you like while leaving out the rest. I personally agree with most, but not all of it.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding! Review: Like all of his other books, this one is just as inspiring as the others. What is the fastest way to get news out -- by word of mouth. I challenge those who have read the book to pass it on to as any many people as you possibly can. Well worth it! I saw him last week in Washington and he is indeed a powerful lecturer. A lot of answers to my many questions were answered. Know that God speaks to all of us, each and every one through silence. You only have to listen.
Rating:  Summary: FWG has note of authenticity Review: I do not know if FWG was actually written through a dialogue with God. However, it has all the earmarks of such a dialogue. It is original, insightful, relevant, inspirational and highly accurate in its portrayal of human motives and emotions, and of the consequences of our everyday madness. This is a rare achievement in my experience. I recommend the book for the Seekers of the world, and those who are fascinated by new ideas on spiritual psychology.
Rating:  Summary: Most people are stuck at ¿Shariyat¿ (Fundamentalists). Review: The experience of the author is real and great. The way the whole experience is revealed fits perfectly with every religious book that does the same, but from different level. Author rightly points towards a next step in his relationship with God. From servant to friendship to beloved to oneness. From "Shariyat" to "Tariqat" to "Haqeeqat" to "Marifat". Most people are stuck at "Shariyat" (Fundamentalists). The book is the first of its kind and does not conflict with any religious belief if understood rightly.
Rating:  Summary: Based on Wishful Thinking Review: How unfortunate that Walsch felt compelled to write this fictional dribble. At what cost will his false teachings and wonderlust damage those who seek truth and the an authentic relationship with their Creator. This book is based on his fantasy and is limited by his own thoughts, not on reality, for an infinite God is not limited by mans' finite mind. Strongly discourage reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: Friendship With God and Conversations With God 1-2-and 3 Review: Clearly Man, created God in his immage and it is not a prity picture! Now these books shows us the truth, and it will set us free! the picture that emerges is that of a God that loves us unconditionally and gave us the free will to experience anything we might choose,without judgement and without punishment or the loss of Gods love. Therefore we do not need to be saved.We were simply never "lost"and we cannot not be saved! So no hell,no purgatory,no required middleman to save us! Just a warm,wonderfull friendship with God. Theese books will change humanity and therefore the world.Read and re-read all four books and be part of a miracle!
Rating:  Summary: Friendship With God : An Uncommon Dialogue Review: This book is delightful and inspiring! I couldn't get enough of reading it and still yearn for more. It has changed my life for the better and I recommend that anyone and everyone should read it!
Rating:  Summary: Amazing - a God-Send Review: Like Lisa who wrote a couple days ago, this book came at exactly the right time. I had read the first three books but put them aside. I had since been reading different types of books in this genre, trying to find the exact answers to my questions - and this book appeared at the exactly right moment. I bought it a week ago and have tried putting the principles into action - and words cannot describe the change in my outlook on life, God, love, everything. I can only give thanks to God for the beauty and fun life is becoming. It was exactly the right book for exactly the right time. Mr. Walsh, you are so blessed to be the messenger of these good tidings. Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: What Can I Say... Review: That hasn't already been said so eloquently by others before me? I merely wanted to add my voice to the chorus, echoing the truth that God, through Neale, has put forth in all their books together: We ARE All One. A Friendship With God IS possible and once again, this dialogue blows away the cobwebs mustered in our minds that doubts this. It presents not only the 7 Steps toward this incredible friendship, but some practical insights as to the Hows. Thank you, Neale, for your courage and leading the way. And thank You, God, just for being Who You Are and wanting the same for Us. Read this book and find out how.