Rating:  Summary: Remembering the truth Review: Neale Donald Walsch out did himeself with Friendships. This book has had an amazing impact on my life. After reading this book I began to remember all the joy I had set aside in my life and returned to a live of loving and giving to others in this world. Neale's book is funny, inspiring, and lively. He has a way of making you go deeper inside yourself that you thought you could. After reading this book I have read everything Neale has written and have changed the direction of my life. This book reminds us all God has a great sence of humor.
Rating:  Summary: Need Proof? Review: May I suggest The Many Waters by Lauretta Lueck. It says that God is Energy and Light, but the heavenly host are the intermediaries that communicate for God, to all of us. Where does Lauretta Lueck get this information? The Bible! This is NOT a religious book, in fact it gives the origin of religion, too. Shocking!If you need or want substantiation of Neil's concepts, you must read The Many Waters. I believe that it should accompany all spiritual books.
Rating:  Summary: Meet your Self - Meet God Review: Neale Donald Walsch has really taken the dialogue far ahead! And believe me that it is worth of each word it contains. It is even worth of every thought that it provokes in you and every moment that it enriches you. It feels so good to finally have a conversation with God, and even better to have taken that conversation a step ahead and name the relationship as friendship. It is not important for any one of you to believe that this conversation has been made by God. It is in fact not even necessary to believe in these dialogues. But what I would say at this stage to all you is, "Can you find a better way to live your life?" Look deep inside you and come up with an answer. The answer is not what is important - your wisdom towards life is. Believe in the book or believe in yourself. Whatever way it is - the book contains great wisdom focussing on general decent and joyous living of life. You do not have to believe in God or any particular religion to comment on this book? In fact you just have to believe a bit in yourself. Believe in the grand cosmology! Then take up the challenge of having friendship with the unmoved mover of the universe - "God". Honestly, we do not have to believe in God. We have to believe in ourselves, to believe God, because in us is where God resides. He is in our soul or we are in his, whatever way - the truth is "We are the same". We have been created in the image and likeness of God, how can we then be different from her? Neale has talked a lot about his personal life and has talked truthfully. Truth at these stages is the toughest job, but Neale has carried that fantastically, of course what else can you expect from a disciple of Dr. Elizibeth Kubler Ross. Neale has learned a lot after the publications of his trilogy with the Conversations with God, and all that is well explained here. This time it is not only the question and answer session that Neale had with God, but a friendly discussion and conversation full of wisdom about how to live a happily satisfied life. There is no knowledge that we have to pick up from this document, we have gained enough knowledge so far. It is time for wisdom now. Wisdom is knowledge, applied. From this document we also understand and know a lot about God, the difficult part is whether we believe in that or not. My review to this is - if you believe in conversations with god, then this book is great for you. If in case you don't, then take this as a general book full of wisdom towards life, and it will be great for you, still! All we need to believe is that God is Always with us All ways
Rating:  Summary: Expanded Wisdom! Review: I am very grateful for this book! Although the first three texts answered many, many questions about the world and our purpose here; this book focuses on the very personal relationship each of us have with God. Using stories about his own experiences, Neale Donald Walsch opens up and shares his heart with the reader. Now, it's easy to see and understand why God spoke to him. Incredible! If you liked this book, another great book about human potential is WORKING ON YOURSELF DOESN'T WORK by Ariel & Shya Kane
Rating:  Summary: Be The Change Agent Review: Friendship With God and the CWG trilogy have, I believe, the power to transform our planet. If everyone were to put these ideas into practice, the world would be a much different place. It is as Walsch/God says: "You have come to the room to heal the room. You have come to the space to heal the space. There is no other reason for you to be here."
Rating:  Summary: truthfully spoken Review: I feel everyone should read this book and take it to heart. Bless you all.
Rating:  Summary: Friendship with God Review: This is definitly a "big picture" book, spiritual in nature but with limited appeal to a fundamentally structured Christian ethic. For those with an insatiable appetite, it acts as a lighter hearted continum to the trilogy, "Conversations with God" and while wordy in places with autobiographical reference, does a good job explaining in practical terms what life is all about. I would recommend it to those who want to continue down the road laid out so beautifully in the author's previous conversations. To those that have not experienced his earlier works, I would suggest starting with Vol. I, "Conversations with God" and continuing with the series before reading "Friendship"
Rating:  Summary: Come to Me along the path of your heart...... Review: I have found much comfort and joy in the beautiful words of this incredible dialogue. Despite this, however, much pain and anguish continues to find its way into my life. It seems that just knowing about this stuff doesn't quite cut it. I can continue creating the same old dramas regardless of how enlightened my thinking has become. That is why I am so grateful for Neale's latest book.....Friendship with God. Its emphasis on "getting out of our minds" so we can experience ourselves as the Masters we are,was just what I needed to hear. Now I know God in my heart.....and my life will never be the same again.
Rating:  Summary: Friendship With God another masterpiece Review: I highly recommend Friendship With God as I do the entire Conversations With God trilogy. I've never read anything written so powerfully and brilliantly as these books. They finally give us permission to lighten up a bit and enjoy the ride. The often hilarious dialogue seems to jolt us from our doom-and-gloom outlooks--opening us to a Perfection which is limitless and all-encompassing. To live these Truths is to find peace within. To know one is loved without condition is to be free of the fear and guilt which so often rule our lives. It is time for a new gospel of goodness, oneness, and love. May we choose to joyously express these Divine qualities of Self so that we might again re-member Who We Really Are.
Rating:  Summary: More of a lot of the same stuff... Review: ...some good, some redundant, but still with a good message. Much of the first half of this book was a re-hash of the CWG trilogy. I still believe Neale continues to have a good, down home, deep souled conversation with his inner self and found much truth to dispense to us. Neale has a message, and he is trying to share what he has found out about the universe and how it cosmically affects each and everyone of us and our Great Mother Earth. Good reading, some new concepts, include more guidelines (not rules or commandments) to forge a (easy) friendship with God. This time, Neale imparts some personal examples of occurrences to support his suppositions, which helps the reader to understand where he is coming from. Its a feel-good book. This maybe about where I personally disembark from Neale Walsch's bandwagon, because its important, as Neale will tell us in this book, to find yourself and be your own reality, instead of what other people or organizations tell you.