Rating:  Summary: Purpose-Driven Life: about total surender to Jesus Christ Review: This book is about total surrender to Jesus Christ. No wonder, the book has changed so many lives. For our Bible class, the Purpose Driven Life was God sent and has helped changed others and me in our spiritual growth/walk with Jesus. Because we are just humans, we will all be arguing forever on what is spiritually true or false (as demonstrated by the offended book reviewers). After all, only Jesus Christ can reveal to us "the way, the truth, and the Life".
Rating:  Summary: We tried something different : ) !!! Review: Me and my Bible study pals got bored after reading so many similar books that we took a different approach with this one - vowing to read it while standing on our heads and watching reruns of Gilligan's island.Perhaps because of our method, we noticed some very strange things that others may have missed: 1) There is a recipe for a delicious peach cobbler, cleverly encoded in the text of the book. 2) The castaways could have got off the island a hundred times if they had just killed Gilligan in the first episode! 3) When read while standing on one's head this book seems to cause an unmistakable feeling of pressure in the top of one's head. Only later did we find out that Rick Warren has a striking resemblance to the Skipper. Coincidence? You decide. After finishing the book we made the Peach Cobbler and served it at a church potluck. Days later, we learned that someone at church, after eating the peach cobbler went three days without sleep during which they banged out a 100-page novella called "The Porpoise Driven Life" about a dolphin, who after being implanted with the brain of deranged CIA scientist, steals a mind-control machine and attempts to convince mankind that "dolphin-safe tuna" is just a myth created by an evil seafood corporation! Needless to say, we haven't unravelled the entire mystery of this book's strange power (we suspect it has something to do with the metric system) but we're going to take that peach cobbler to every church potluck from now on just to see what happens next!
Rating:  Summary: Good review, BUT..why were the 5 star reviews deleted??? Review: We've asked this many times, still no answer. Only that sole 1 star reviewer planting unhelpful votes (repeatedly) trying to making it look like there really is more than 1 satanistic devil worshiper here that actually agrees with him Peter H., just so there is no hard feelings, we don't hate you for joining the "Prince of Darkness" and we are all praying for your soul and hope you see the light instead of eternal fire. I wonder if satan will let you self publish down there? (I doubt it--you'll be too busy shoveling coal)
Rating:  Summary: Purpose-DrivenĀ® Life! IT IS!! Review: I don't know how anyone...(Mark) can say that this is not the true gospel....Read the Bible....(Don't try and intrerprit it You are only a man!!) This book is currently selling a million a month......May God continue to bless this book!! and the lives it is saving...Purpose? Do you have one?
Rating:  Summary: Must read for Christians Review: As popular as this book is a practicing Christian will have a very hard time not reading it. What I think is very important about this book is that it will have people who do not normally think in a structured manner doing so about their religion and their relationship with their savior. That is excellent. What I did not like was that with each turn of the page the reader expects Warren to recount how he was fed by the ravens or his calling down fire from heaven to consume the preists of Baal. In one of the first pages Warren writes that God intended for me to read the book. The arrongance makes the book rather difficult to read. Also I would suggest reading with a Bible handy. Many of the Bible quotations are partial and the different translations may make them at the very least seem to be out of context. But all in all I think this is a book worth the effort. Especially since it has had such an impact. If you do not normally think about why you live your life the way you do and you are a Christian I highly recommend the book.
Rating:  Summary: The Purpose Driven Hardcore Christian Life Review: Intrigued by the vague title, "The Purpose Driven Life", I picked up an unabridged CD copy of the work to listen to in my car. Having been raised as a Catholic, and now a spiritual Agnostic by choice, I thought I could filter through the author's religious bias, and find some empowering universal truths which could aid as a sort of epiphany in some aspect of my life. Unfortunately, "The Purpose Driven Life" has been as much of a disappointment for me as the cumulative sum of all the wasted seconds I've experienced while flipping across evangelical TV shows on my way to the Discovery channels. Even though I value cited texts in any authored work, the incessant references to "the Bible says.." drove me crazy! It's as if though the man cannot think for himself, nor does he seem to practically engage the reader with any memorable experiences & applications that one can relate to. He does make a good reference to the fact that there are many translations to the Judeo-Christian Bible. But, he fails to point out the little fact that that the Bible, and other translations of the text, only exist in their current form due to the Roman Empire's political adoption of the religion, and subsequent Catholic Cannon (at a point more than 400 years after Christ's death) which decided on which ancient scrolls to include in the compilation, leaving us with a biased edited version of any messages or truths that may have been uttered by Jesus, in the first place. Have you ever done the experiment in grade/high school where one message is uttered to one student at the beginning of a line, and hear what comes back by the time the final child receives the message? That's right - it's practically indistinguishable (and that's within a span of only a few minutes, not +2000 years). I digress... Yes, I have issues with strong single-minded religious thought (no matter what the organized religion) since it implies that the remaining religions are somehow wrong. How can this ever lead to universal harmony? And, since "The Purpose Driven Life" concentrates sooo much on the analysis of the Bible text, it has been a tremendously distracting turn off for me. Not to mention, outside of the religious context, the message seemed very disempowering. This was not the type of brain & Soul food I was looking for. Don't get me wrong, someone somewhere could get something out of this. Perhaps a cultish small town "Christian" community would love this thing. But for the rest of us in this world, universal truths are more applicable. My sincerest loving suggestion: Look elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Good book for confused people Review: I believe this book helps us understand what were supposed to do with our time here on this planet. It helps get our minds off being so self centered. Keep in mind it's an opinion from a human writer. I find it very inspirational. Your supposed to read a chapter a day. It's like having a devotional to me. I have two more chapters to read. I may read it again.
Rating:  Summary: Win with God Repel Satan Review: My purpose in life is to stamp out spiritual ignorance and stamp out Satan and his evil followers. This book is a great star. Care to join me?? Please do.
Rating:  Summary: A real stinker Review: I can't believe that again and again Christians can get so easily swept up in hype and trendiness. Every church around me just held their nose and swollowed this stuff. Purpose is so much simplier and does not require book after book being written about it. Did we all forget about the Bible? Last time I checked it was not that hard to understand and it is even written in English! My point is that this is written by a man, and people are just gobbling it up like a Big Mac and french fries. People, you are the victims of a huge media blitz, not true grassroots spread. Kinda like someone following you around asking you to eat a big candy bar, after a while it sounds good and you really do not have any choice.
Rating:  Summary: For all our sakes, DON'T BUY THIS BOOK! Review: Another book for the masses who buy bestselling Christian paperback non-fiction. If you like to think of yourself as an intelligent person who doesn't leave their brain at the church door, give this one a miss. I would love to believe that this book was written as a genuine effort to get people in touch with God, but it appears to be as much of an opportunistic marketing attempt as, to pick an example at random, the "Rich Dad" Series of Books and Other Junk For You to Buy. Honestly, you can now buy a "Purpose-Driven Life" fake wooden cross - one for the wall and one for your desk! What does that tell you? The book itself is smug, dictating and frankly dodgy in some of its use of scripture. For example, to illustrate a point, we are given a quote from Job 5:2 - a quote from the mouth of Eliphaz - one of Job's inept counsellors! It also uses quotes from a multitude of translations and paraphrases of the Bible - almost as if the author couldn't twist the words of a standard translation into the meaning he wanted. This all presents a terrible example to the young and beginning Christians that the book is aimed at. One last thing - I really wish I could get Christian authors and speakers to understand this: The word "fellowship" is a NOUN, not a VERB. You make people cringe when you say, "We go to church to fellowship with each other." Please, just stop it.