Rating:  Summary: God created me for a purpose - to be loved by Him forever Review: I am 3/4 through the book and learning and enjoying each step of the way. Even as a member of Saddleback Valley Church, I was unaware of the postive impact reading "The Purpose Driven Life" would have on me and my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ.I highly recommend this book and "The Purpose Driven Church" by Pastor Rick Warren for each Christian and church to learn and grow from.
Rating:  Summary: Follow the Yellow Brick Road Review: It is not easy to find the right path in life to follow. Even those that think they have found the 'Yellow Brick Road' may find that the road does not lead to the Wizard, but to the wicked witch instead. This book is for everyone. It can be helpful for Christians as a reminder of why God put them here on earth, and it can provide a life changing direction for those seeking answers. The book is extremely helpful to those who are experiencing difficulties in life or who are questioning if God has forgotten about them or if God even really cares about their circumstances. The book is intended to be read over a 40 day period - one chapter per day. Each chapter is a quick read and only takes about 15 minutes or so. The book purposely keeps the chapters short and to the point so the reader is encouraged to think about what was read throughout the day and how the material might apply to their own life. I would highly recommend this book to all Christians and non Christians alike.
Rating:  Summary: great Review: This book and a book called Dreams: Gateway to the True Self changed my life. I believe Amazon.com sells this book also.
Rating:  Summary: Real Purposes in Practical Language Review: I always knew the basic purpose of life, or at least I thought I had an idea, but this book helped to put them into understandable concepts and gave real meaning to why God put us on earth. I am thouroughly enjoying this book and will re-read it agan when Im done to pull out some deeper meanings for my life.
Rating:  Summary: Life really does have meaning Review: This book shows us all that life is all about a few simple but super-charged life changing principles that God designed us to live by. Want meaning? Want purpose? Not sure why you;re here on the planet?....Get this book and the questions will be answered.
Rating:  Summary: Christian based. Another to read is SB: 1 or God Review: The premise of this book is purpose in a deep walk with the Christian doctrine applied to modern day environment adjustments. The bible is in no way discounted but rather researches out applications in a fast non historical purpose and meaningful life. As the bible has been misinterpreted and re translated over the years, originality is sought in this good book. I for one will not reveal my faith but found the book enlightening, and believe it would not be in best interest for a Non Christian. ...
Rating:  Summary: Incredible, life changing book! Review: If you're looking to find your purpose in life, read this book!
Rating:  Summary: THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE Review: This is such an amazing book on so many levels. At first I was hesitant, always shying away from "self-help" books, but this one isn't in that genre and is completely different from almost everything else out there. And while it deals with the idea of an overall plan that God has for us and a sort of "six degrees of separation" idea, it's not a work of inspirational fiction like McCrae's "Bark of the Dogwood" or some of Karon's works. What's in this book is simply some very important information that each one of us could hear on any given Sunday morning at our Church Services as part of our pastor's sermon. "The Purpose Driven Life" is entirely Scripture based and for the most part focuses on specific Scripture that is repeated time and time again throughout the Bible.No, this is practical, no nonsense inspiration and beautifully written. Folks, there's a reason this is such a bestseller--it's just that good. Also recommended: McCrae's "Bark of the Dogwood" and "In This Mountain."
Rating:  Summary: Unusual Review: I usually run screaming from the room when self-help, religious, or "inspirational" reads are recommended by a friend. Usually I'm right. But in this case, and a few others, I was wrong. The Purpose Driven Life may not be the best book ever written, but it is full of some great ideas and elements that get the wheels turning. Certainly it's worth the price of admission. While it's not one of those fiction books that are inspirational, books like "The Five People you Meet in Heaven" or "The Bark of the Dogwood," it is nevertheless a good read and I have to also recommend it. Just don't run screaming from the room on me.
Rating:  Summary: Can't Lose Investment Review: Without question I would have to be classified as someone who supports this book. I am in fact on my third pass through and enjoying it more than ever.
The reason this book gets a five-star rating is for several reasons. Mr. Warren quotes from scripture using well over 1600 verses, and yes, I did count them. There are 1,623 near as I could tell.
Also, there are not only chapters devoted to various struggles facing individual churches, but also individuals within the church. The work is deceptively simple in that Warren's style is so easy to read, important passages flow by without the reader realizing great chunks of life-dealing material have been missed.
It is not simply a book about life, but a book for life. Warren isn't perfect, he makes that plain enough. And there are issues not completed and important points actually missed, yet there is plenty left over to capitalize on the investment.
Well done, Mr. Warren. See you at the shout!.
TL Farley,
When Now Becomes Too Late