The 11 short stories and one novella in Girls Will Be Girls may satisfy, for the moment, Leslea Newman's large, enthusiastic readership, who will relish her arch humor in stories like "Eggs McMenopause," in which a woman of a certain age decides that the only way she can grasp the fact of her many shed eggs is by buying several hundred chicken eggs at the grocery store, a few dozen at a time, and distributing them around her small apartment. In the titular novella, Newman turns her attention to infidelity, hovering between the comic and the tragic as she describes the breakdown of a long and stable (read: static and dull) relationship between Gwen, a therapist, and her artist girlfriend, Didi, who "couldn't have asked for a more considerate lover. No, what she wanted was a less considerate lover.... A lover who didn't care if her teeth were brushed or if she was going to rip Didi's dress or ruin her brand new manicure." What happens when Gwen's handsome new client gets a look at Didi comes as no surprise, but Gwen's quirky revenge will keep the pages turning. --Regina Marler