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You're So Fine, I'd Drink a Tub of Your Bathwater: Over 500 No-Fail Pickup Lines That Work on the Bus, in the Bar, in the Neighborhood Store

You're So Fine, I'd Drink a Tub of Your Bathwater: Over 500 No-Fail Pickup Lines That Work on the Bus, in the Bar, in the Neighborhood Store

List Price: $9.95
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not as funny as the title would suggest
Review: I saw the title on-line and thought the concept hilarious. However, when the book arrived I thought - YAWN - these get boring real fast and most of the others aren't as catchy as the book's title.

Some may love this and some may not. I'd suggest you flip through it at a bookstore before wagering $10 + shipping. I was going to give it to a friend for a 50th birthday gag gift but I was afraid people would flip it open and expect more sidesplitting remarks and be disappointed.

To each their own...

Cheers all!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not as funny as the title would suggest
Review: I saw the title on-line and thought the concept hilarious. However, when the book arrived I thought - YAWN - these get boring real fast and most of the others aren't as catchy as the book's title.

Some may love this and some may not. I'd suggest you flip through it at a bookstore before wagering $10 + shipping. I was going to give it to a friend for a 50th birthday gag gift but I was afraid people would flip it open and expect more sidesplitting remarks and be disappointed.

To each their own...

Cheers all!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Cute, but might need to be tossed out with the bath water...
Review: Okay, I bought this book, thinking it might make an interesting writing resource. Plus, I enjoy reading good pickup lines...They are usually good for a laugh if anything. But this book was not quite as funny as the author and title suggests. Also the book is printed with 3-4 LARGE pickup lines per page. (To make it worth the price, they should have at least included much more...Ahem...Material). While its no doubt cute to read over once, it lacks any practical application and has zero re-read potential. I recommend it for only the truly desperate.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superb!
Review: While it's true, as another reader pointed out, that some of these lines are not as good as the sockdolager of a title, they have certainly been more successful for me than my old gambit of inviting women to feel my lobotomy scar.

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