Your favorite TV shows, movies, and social phenomena are approached with a queer sensibility in this anthology. Wilma and Betty finally get it on, and although Batman and Robin don't, it's not for lack of trying on Robin's part. Ex-gays get their share of ridicule, but there's also some good-natured ribbing of earnest homosexuals, including "Heather Has a Mommy and a Daddy" and "Rejection Letter from Bedsheet Books, Publisher of Lesbian Novels," in which the editor chastises the applicant for giving her protagonists unandrogynous names and creating sympathetic male characters, then queries, "Why doesn't your heroine have a cat?" In Jeff Black's hilarious "6,240 and Counting," Larry Kramer lambastes gay men for not doing enough to prevent Andrew Lloyd Webber from killing American musical theater, and reminds his readers of what it means to be Larry Kramer: "I was called a genius by the very people who invented the guillotine!" The mysterious Saint delivers parodies of half a dozen prominent gay and lesbian authors, including "Felicity Guano" and "Edmund Wimp." While the script for the "Chandler Comes Out" episode of Friends drags on far too long, and the revelations about Nancy Drew's best friend, George, are old hat to anyone who's read Mabel Maney's Nancy Clue and Hardly Boys books, there are certainly enough funny and clever bits here to bring a smile to just about anybody's face. And, as the editors remind us, "Parody is constitutionally protected. So nyah, nyah, nyah."