Whether you need to know where the dungeon Shame is located or how tough it might be to smite a Liche, Prima's official guide to Ultima Online has the information you seek. This exhaustive reference includes an incredible amount of information on basic game play, skill advancement, weapons and armor, magic, and all of the various animals and monsters you'll encounter in the game. Prima's book offers a quick primer on character creation and goes into great detail on most other topics. The game's sophisticated combat and magic systems, for example, are very clearly explained. The book's outstanding town maps are quite handy and can help you track down that elusive reagent shop when you're running low on Spider's Silk. The intricate moongate system is also explained, complete with a timetable that any Britannian will find invaluable. As your character develops and becomes ready for some serious adventuring, you'll be able to turn to the excellent dungeon maps to see where the next trap or monster lair lies. Of course, the detailed descriptions of each monster (complete with special abilities and hit points) can also make your sword-and- sorcery escapades more fruitful.