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Rating:  Summary: Expected More ! Review: Frankley, I'm a little disappointed, the book is supposedly a true story of the death of Elvis, and that he has been alive these last 24 years, and living under the Name of his stillborn twin brother, Jesse Garon. First off, If I were going under cover, I wouldn't pick such an obvious name, so obvious infact, that an Impersonator in Vegas uses Jesse Garon as a stage name. Secondly, the "proof" in the book, consists mostely of photographs of personal items belonging to Elvis, as an Impersonator myself, I can produce several items, which look like items Elvis owned, it took me a full 30 seconds on eBay to track down not 1, not 2, but 3 Cadillac Gold Charms, pictured in the book.(and, Yes I did buy one, it will look good with my Black Pinwheel suit)the supposed concrete evidence is a gold tooth, which Elvis had removed on Aug 15th 1977, yet there as no documentation, by the Dentist, who removed it to support this claim. The book ( actually an enlarged phamphlet) left me with many questions, what has he been doing these last 24 years, is he planning a come back, at age 67 ? and after going to all the extent to assume a new identity,why come out now, won't that defeat the intent in the first place? which I thought was to have a private life. Does he still have contact with family, and friends from his past life? And lastly with a story of this magnatude, why was the book so thin ?( less than 100 pages ) Belive me, as an impersonator, I more than anyone wish the story to be true, I spend my life trying to capture the image, Jesse supposedly was trying shed. In the event the story is true, I understand his reasons for doing it, but until "Jesse" and Lisa Marie have a DNA test, we may never have Factual PROOF. I do find it interesting , the ties to Kansas City, Dr. Hinton,Jerry Presley ( 2nd Cousin, and an Impersonator), and Jack Snoden ( CEO of EPE ) All in all, it was a good read,just not too compelling in the fact department, but Jesse if you're out there, and it is true, Let me be the first to say ...Thank Ya, Thank Ya Very Much !
Rating:  Summary: Missouri Medical Board Investigates Hinton! Review: I don't beleive the content of the book. Why? Because the Missouri Board of Healing Arts in Jefferson City, Missouri did a full investigation of the "mysterious patient". Here is what they released as results: Dr Hinton was writing painkiller prescriptions for a WOMAN, her initials are "LS" according to the released report. He wrote her 34,000 units of painkillers over several years, falsefied his records as to amounts given her, funnelled the drugs thru 8 different pharmacies so the volumn wouldn't be noticed. This is a HUGE amount of painkillers-no one person could take them all at one time and live. The Dr. had not even contacted the patient's previous doctors to get meducal records or consult on the patient's history. It was all done over the phone, not based on office visits to Hinton's office-there were none! The board made the doctor sign a "settlement" agreement with the State of Missouri. Where did the drugs really go? Ever wonder how drugs get into schools, bars, parties when they are manufactured under tight controls and available only from a pharmacy? Maybe this is how! The doctor didn't tell the truth and falsefied his medical records-therefore I don't trust a word he says.
Rating:  Summary: I called Dr Hintons former Medical Center Review: I read the book. I live in Kansas City. I called the regional Medical Center wanting to talk to Dr. hinton. He "no longer" worked there. I ask if they had seen his patient "Elvis". By their response I could see its not true that Elvis is alive. The Dr. CANNOT offer any proof Elvis is alive. And by the way, was somebody then murdered and buried in Elvis's grave? Who would have comitted the murder? Elvis himself? This is all fiction and opinion. A fantasy book only.
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Hinton's fiction... Review: Many people want Elvis to be alive, and while I'm not 100% sure he's really dead and I am almost 100% sure the story of Elvis's faked death as presented in this book is false. Dr. Hinton paints a picture of a man he believes (but can not prove) is Elvis. Read and judge for yourself, it's hard not to raise questions when you learn going in that Dr. Hinton has always believed Elvis may have faked his death. The book is carefully written to keep Dr. Hinton from presenting himself as a quack. He believes this Jesse is Elvis based on his indirect communications with him. This approach gives Dr. Hinton a sure escape, he doesn't claim Jesse IS Elvis by fact, he only clams to believe Jesse is Elvis by his own faith in the loose evidence he has seen... had I known that going in, I would have saved my money.
Rating:  Summary: If it's not true...... Review: The evidence is very compelling, especially the photograph of old Elvis with his grandson, which I assume is one of Lisa Marie's children. I actually compared that to a young elvis photograph. If you look around the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, as well as the ball shape of his cheekbones, there's a definite resemblence, even after plastic surgery (perhaps the reason he says in one of his letters that he's unsatisfied with the plastic surgery job he got). It makes you wonder, what did Elvis think of Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson? What did he think of Lisa Marie and Nicolas Cage? Did they break up because Elvis didn't approve? Has Nicolas Cage met Elvis? True, there probably aren't dental records for his gold tooth removal. If you were a dentist, would YOU want that kind of record? No, they'd think you were nuttier than a payday candy bar. The dentist probably said let's just keep this little transaction to ourselves. Dr. Hinton seems very honest and sincere, I mean he's a psychiatrist, he's worked hard to get where he is, do you think he would sacrifice potentially his license to practice psychiatry to write a book saying he thinks Elvis is alive? Dr. Hinton knew the right people, and he was in the right place at the right time. Elvis (Jesse) wanted to tell his fans the truth, and Dr. Hinton was his writer. Great job Dr. Hinton, write another one!
Rating:  Summary: If it's not true...... Review: There was tons of information on the website until someone shut it down (it's still there, but it's blank). If it is not true then why won't they leave the website alone? Is it a threat because it is true? If it is just some "crackpot" why bother? go to http://www.thetruthaboutelvisjesse.com/
Rating:  Summary: Hmmm.... Review: Well what do you know. It's the year 2003, almost 2004 and no evidence whatsoever to support the idea that Elvis is alive. Elvis is dead, and so is this book.
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Hinton's fiction... Review: You have to understand the whole story to understand the book. The whole story goes far beyond the book. When HE reapears, he will look different. HE does not want to live the life that he once lived. Look where it got him. No, HE does not live in Kansas City, Missouri. As it stated in the book, HE moves around the country from time to time. I believe in the book and what the Doctor has written and HE has written. I believe that the book is the truth until it is proven different.
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