Rating:  Summary: A Pretty Good Book but it beggars belief in spots. Review: "ENTERPRISE" is an interesting series, and this book does appear to be a fairly handy introduction to "The Star Trek Universe before Captain Kirk" but after reading it (and after watching the pilot episode on which it is based), I was left with one nagging question: Where and how did the conflict between the Klingon Empire and Starfleet Command arise?? In the afterword at the end of this book, Rick Berman and Brannon Braga, the show's producers, tell us that in the new ENTERPRISE series, which takes place a century before Captain Kirk's time, the Klingons will be portrayed as "gnarlier, nastier, and more warlike" (their words). But after reading this book and watching the entire series so far, I have yet to find any evidence of the vicious hostility with which Klingons of this time regarded other races. Before Kirk's time Klingons were supposedly little more than a warlike band of savages! The Khitomer peace accords were still 150 years away and yet, in this story, the role of "villians" are assigned to a race of time-traveling conspirators called the Suliban while the Klingons behave with a certain degree of deferrence to Captain Archer and his crew!! Klaang behaves like Worf drunk on bloodwine! I understood the Klingons of this time saw no dishonor in attacking their enemies!! What's wrong with this picture?! I always expected the first encounter between Starfleet and the Klingons as being far more bloody and violent!! How did the enmity between Klingons and Starfleet Command begin?? Weren't the Klingons of this time a race of conquerors? This book ,and by extension, the whole series so far, could use some historical corrections. Thank you for reading this.
Rating:  Summary: The adventure begins... Review: A great story about mankind reaching for the stars. After almost a century of being held back by Vulcan guidance Starfleet's first Warp 5 starship commanded by Capt. Johnathan Archer embarks on a mission to return a wounded Klingon named Klangg to his people. Along the way they run into temporal cold war agents-the Suliban and must try and prevent them from killing Klangg (as he carries valuable information back to the Klingon Empire). Archer must also overcome his distrust of Vulcans and his new Vulcan first officer T'pol. This pre-federation chapter of Star Trek is just as enticing as the other Star Trek series'. Even though the technologies featured (Only Warp 5 capable Engine designed by Archer's dad,no tractor beams on Enterprise,no phasers or photon torpedos) are a bit primitive compared to the other series you get to witness the early Starfleet deep space missions. An excellent story nonetheless and well worth reading or watching.
Rating:  Summary: Just a Great Book!! Review: Diane Carey has written another wonderful story in the Star Trek universe!! It helps that the whole concept of going back to the Trek origins is so cool anyway... She is definitely one of the people you want to see bring this TV series to the written word.
Rating:  Summary: Broken Bow Helpful for TV series; not a terrific book Review: Diane Carey is an established Star Trek author. "Enterprise: Broken Bow" is not one of her better books--BUT--it must be understood that the story line is from the TV script of the pilot episode of the new Star Trek series, "Enterprise." So Diane is not entirely to blame if the book did not meet my high Star Trek expectations. Could the script have been fleshed out better in a book? I don't really know, maybe some. If you did not watch the pilot episode of "Enterprise" and wonder what is going on, definitely read this book. If you are looking for another great Star Trek book, this one rates three stars. Again--not all Diane's fault. But, to understand my mid-range rating of this book, you must understand my point of view when it comes to Star Trek books: I enjoyed viewing all of the various Star Trek series on television until both the cast and story lines wore out. I am an avid reader and enjoy some, but not all, of the Star Trek: Next Generation, Deep Space-9, and Voyager series books. I do not enjoy nor read books about the TOS (the original series). I am enthusiastic about the new "Enterprise" series but I wasn't when the pilot episode aired. I changed my mind and began to appreciate and enjoy the new series after reading "Broken Bow" and some articles in Star Trek: The Magazine and Star Trek Communicator magazines (recent issues which explained the focus and differences of the new Star Trek show). Diane's book also contains a very useful section at the end of the book explaining much of the same as the magazines. I tried to watch the pilot episode twice (it airs on Wed and Sun in my area). I was not interested enough to watch either airing all the way through, but I like the series, anyway, after watching subsequent episodes. I found the initial TV episode somewhat confusing. I thought that if I read Diane's book, it would fill in the gaps of the TV episode that I did not watch. It did. What the book is about: "Broken Bow" is set prior to the original TV series with Captain Kirk and is about the maiden voyage of the Enterprise. In this book and series, the captain is Starfleet, but there is no Federation. He is the first captain to have warp 4.5 capability and is the first to have the opportunity to go beyond the known and travelable universe. Earth is aware of aliens (Vulcans and some others). The crew has two aliens: the doctor and science officer. Of course, there is plenty of drama and action. Do you want to read this book? Yes, if you want to know about the crew members of the Enterprise and what makes the captain tick. Yes, if you want to read a new Star Trek book--but it is not as well done as it could have been had Diane been left to her own imagination. I look forward to reading other "Enterprise" books. I hope Diane Carey writes some of them and that she can use her own skills and imagination. End of comment.
Rating:  Summary: Broken Bow Helpful for TV series; not a terrific book Review: Diane Carey is an established Star Trek author. "Enterprise: Broken Bow" is not one of her better books--BUT--it must be understood that the story line is from the TV script of the pilot episode of the new Star Trek series, "Enterprise." So Diane is not entirely to blame if the book did not meet my high Star Trek expectations. Could the script have been fleshed out better in a book? I don't really know, maybe some. If you did not watch the pilot episode of "Enterprise" and wonder what is going on, definitely read this book. If you are looking for another great Star Trek book, this one rates three stars. Again--not all Diane's fault. But, to understand my mid-range rating of this book, you must understand my point of view when it comes to Star Trek books: I enjoyed viewing all of the various Star Trek series on television until both the cast and story lines wore out. I am an avid reader and enjoy some, but not all, of the Star Trek: Next Generation, Deep Space-9, and Voyager series books. I do not enjoy nor read books about the TOS (the original series). I am enthusiastic about the new "Enterprise" series but I wasn't when the pilot episode aired. I changed my mind and began to appreciate and enjoy the new series after reading "Broken Bow" and some articles in Star Trek: The Magazine and Star Trek Communicator magazines (recent issues which explained the focus and differences of the new Star Trek show). Diane's book also contains a very useful section at the end of the book explaining much of the same as the magazines. I tried to watch the pilot episode twice (it airs on Wed and Sun in my area). I was not interested enough to watch either airing all the way through, but I like the series, anyway, after watching subsequent episodes. I found the initial TV episode somewhat confusing. I thought that if I read Diane's book, it would fill in the gaps of the TV episode that I did not watch. It did. What the book is about: "Broken Bow" is set prior to the original TV series with Captain Kirk and is about the maiden voyage of the Enterprise. In this book and series, the captain is Starfleet, but there is no Federation. He is the first captain to have warp 4.5 capability and is the first to have the opportunity to go beyond the known and travelable universe. Earth is aware of aliens (Vulcans and some others). The crew has two aliens: the doctor and science officer. Of course, there is plenty of drama and action. Do you want to read this book? Yes, if you want to know about the crew members of the Enterprise and what makes the captain tick. Yes, if you want to read a new Star Trek book--but it is not as well done as it could have been had Diane been left to her own imagination. I look forward to reading other "Enterprise" books. I hope Diane Carey writes some of them and that she can use her own skills and imagination. End of comment.
Rating:  Summary: Enterprise: Broken Bow Review: Enterprise: Broken Bow written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga and the novelization by Diane Carey is the introductory book of a whole new crew and Starship Enterprise NX-01. This is the twenty-second century before April, Pike and Kirk as a whole new universe begins to open, revealing wonders and dangers alike. This book follows the television episode quite well so there isn't anything that strikes out as different than what has been seen already. The only thing is a greater feel for the characters as the emotions are read. The introduction of Captain Jonathan Archer, T'Pol the science officer, Charles "Trip" TuckerII chief engineer, Dr. Phlox chief medical officer, Travis Mayweather helmsman, and Hoshi Sato communications officer are all here as we get to know them in this premiere episode. Of course the first contact with the Klingons is always interesting to read about, and this book has a bonus of behind-the-scenes section by Paul Ruditis which explains the choices that were made to bring Enterprise to televison. The book itself is written in an easily followed narrative, straight forward and can be read very quickly. It will be interesting to see what the authors will do with this format and the TREK universe... fascinating.
Rating:  Summary: Enterprise Broken Bow Review: Enterprise: Broken Bow This book is not unlike the Season Premeire Movie Broken Bow, however there is a bit more detail and the characters seem to come alive in a much better form within its pages. We also get a glimpse into what the writers and producers were and are expecting with the Enterprise series in the Concept Log that has been bound with the story.
Rating:  Summary: TV vs Book Review: I don't know what some people's problem is with Enterprise, the show, or the books. Both are incredible. I love all the Star Trek series, but Enterprise (and it IS Star Trek people, so get over it) is by far my favourite. It is just so awesome. They've got a great cast of characters, played by excellent actors, with great episode plots. The writers and so on, are doing a great job, that is not easy, because they have to recall all the things about the other series so as not to mess up the timeline. If they do once in a while, give them a break, they have three other seven season shows, and one 3 season show to recall. The book, Broken Bow, is awesome. I should have read it after I saw the premier not before. The premier was great, but the book really goes into more detail, with some extra scenes and more in depth characterization. So, watch the premier first, then read the book, and it'll all be good.
Rating:  Summary: Enterprise Rules! Review: I don't know what some people's problem is with Enterprise, the show, or the books. Both are incredible. I love all the Star Trek series, but Enterprise (and it IS Star Trek people, so get over it) is by far my favourite. It is just so awesome. They've got a great cast of characters, played by excellent actors, with great episode plots. The writers and so on, are doing a great job, that is not easy, because they have to recall all the things about the other series so as not to mess up the timeline. If they do once in a while, give them a break, they have three other seven season shows, and one 3 season show to recall. The book, Broken Bow, is awesome. I should have read it after I saw the premier not before. The premier was great, but the book really goes into more detail, with some extra scenes and more in depth characterization. So, watch the premier first, then read the book, and it'll all be good.
Rating:  Summary: Enterprise the series could be better Review: I like most of you am a fan of STAR TREK but when it comes to enterprise let's just say this it dosen't live up to the exptations of most fans. Now as you know when you hear the name Enterprise you aoutmaticly think of Captain Jams Kirk and the crew of the orignal Enterprise NCC-1701&A that was lauched in 2245 and 2286 or we think about Captain Picard and the crew of both the Enterprise NCC-1701-D&E. But now that this new "enterprise" is not the real history of both StarFleet and the founding of the Federation even though the predusiers of the show think that it would be fun to head to the twenty-second century and show us how both the UFP and Starfleet came about but they don't do that. The real events of the twenty-second century was the major Earth/Romulan War witch is what formed the United Federation of Planets. And No the Starfleet of that time didn't run into the Feriengi because Captain Picard made First Contact with them on the Stargazer. Do you people remeber the early Next Gen Episode "The Battle" if you do then you would agree this series is trash on a stick and the Trekkies who watch it don't know better becasue they don't know their Starfleet history and neather do the producers. And what's with this temperal cold war. Plus don't you think that by now we would have heard of the adventures of this enterprise and her crew but we didn't becasue the enterprise of the twenty-second century is a Declaration Class starliner witch wasn't lauched until 2180 and by that time the Earth/Romulan War had been over for nearly sixty years. Now if you want the real history of both Starfleet and the UFP pick up a copy of Star Trek: Starfleet Year One and one of Diane Carey's best trek novels Final Frontier and that one is prased by Gene on the back cover if you can find a copy that's in print becasue they go togeather. But if your only a Dian Carey fan pick this one up just remember that it's not the real history of both Starfleet and the UFP. I'm shure if Gene Roddenbarry was alive today he would have fired the two people responsable for this trash on a stick call Enterprise. One other thing the past Five series reflected the times in witch they where shot in, like the Orignal reflected the 1960's and so on. This series in eather book for or on the TV dosen't. Please take that into consideration when you watch the show. And for those trekkies who like this series pick up a copy of the Star Trek Encliopeda! And Read it. Becasue the producers and writers of the series are not.