Rating:  Summary: Enlightenment from a Former Spice Girl Review: If Only by Geri Halliwell was a wonderful and enlightening book that is able to appeal to any person. The story of Geri Halliwell's life and her struggles are easily related to real problems of today. She describes these hardships with an eloquence that allows the reader to fully understand Geri Halliwell's emotions. This autobiography describes Geri Halliwell's life, from childhood, to adolescence, to the Spice Girls, and finally to the present. The story begins with Geri Halliwell's childhood and her struggle to grow up in a poor household and the later separation of her parents. Halliwell then goes on to describe her schooling and her eventual departure of university to pursue a career in raving, dancing, and partying. Halliwell also discusses her glamour modeling and the effect that the modeling had on herself, her family, and the public. She also discusses her constant search for her "big break." When her big break comes along with the formation of the Spice Girls, she goes on to discuss the girls and her problems with eating disorders. Geri Halliwell finishes her book with the reasoning behind why she left the Spice Girls and her incredibly need to discover her own self. This book was an incredibly powerful message to the reader to not let life get you down and to also love and protect yourself. Geri Halliwell was successful in portraying these messages throughout her book and deserves respect and recognition for her hard work getting to the place that she is today.
Rating:  Summary: A book you can connect to. Review: The first book in ages i really enjoyed. I was able to connect with the athor and the side of her self she wanted to portray. i was able to laugh and cry, it has given me greater respect for Geri Halliwell. although i'm only 15 what she wrote about was very real to me and in many ways i recognise her problems in myself. this book was a very enjoyable read and anybody who has read it will agree.
Rating:  Summary: I identified and I am a 29 yr old American non-popstar male Review: Sure this was a quick read, but it was enjoyable none the less. The best parts were when Geri talked about her habit of counting lights or running a little farther so that what she wanted would happen. I do that all the time and thought I was a tad weird. But if someone who has attained the kind of fame she has, then I don't feel so bad.Its an inspiring book really. I even found it uplifting and I am a lowly 29 year old American male! Geri Power, indeed!
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST OF THE BEST Review: When i read this book i feel a big emotions by the things that Geri did with the gang, wow her life use to happen to other girls or boys too, but anyways i recommend this book because you'll analize how Geraldine Estelle Halliwell Hidalgo is and was. Almost all my family used to don't like Geri ('cause i'm a fan of her) so i told them to read this book and they decided to read it just a few page because they thought it wasn't interesting so when my dad began to read it he just couldn't stop it and then my mom read it 'cause my dad recommended to her and the same thing happen. so if u wanna buy this book DO IT what are you waiting for?
Rating:  Summary: Geri you are amazing Review: I received this book as a Christmas present last year and from the day I started reading it I could not put it down. I am not a really fan of reading but I have always loved biographies I would have to say this is the most interesting book I have ever read. Geri will make you feel the some of the deepest emotions I honestly feel like I know her like a sister. You will feel her pain and joy as you live her amazing life through this well written book which gives you an understanding of the hell some popstars go through to get to the top. I really believe this book proves that money and stardom will never really make you happy if you don't have people around you who truly love you.
Rating:  Summary: A tumultuous and triumphant journey by a literary upstart Review: In reading Ms. Halliwell's first novel, I went through every range of emotion (except boredom). My heart went out to her, as the irony came in finding lonliness in a woman that one could easily fall in love with. It is a coming of age experience in full bloom. A true to life Rocky story where our hero is instead an intelligent woman raised from humble beginnings. There is an intriguing look into her family legacy, that then takes us into her adventures and misadventures of a precocious child; family and self imposed guilt; rituals in low self esteem; a scare that pushed her beliefs into focus; views of under appreciation for her conscientious and efficient work and an adament desire in establishing individuality. The ultimate transition happens from the loss of a loved one. This pushes her to evolve in order to resolve. She does this by sinking into the lowest depths of depression. This gives her greater appreciation of life, and than evokes a boost in her esteem that skyrockets a rise in her ambition and ability. She finds friends who share and work towards a simular dream to finally achieve that dream. Now looking at the world through the other side, where power is often priority over people. A proving revelation of fame's unfulfillment bring her to uphold her morality over celebrity. Geri finds a true lifelong friend who has been living the dream she has long sought for. She shoots for self affirmation as a solo artist. We delve further into the cause of her charitable ways. A frightening moment occurs where her generousity leads to near fatality. The tenacity of her heart, wisdom and spirit prevails through preserverance. The reader discovers the spritual awakenings of a spirited sage. This life is richly profound with indeliable insight. A woman who is so young and fresh is mastering her destiny. Find out how dreams come true for the girl who dare said If Only.
Rating:  Summary: READ NOW! Review: I received this book for Christmas, and read it in a day. I was absolutely hooked. It details the rise to fame of the Spice Girls, hand in hand with Geri's whole experience of the situation. It will have you crying and laughing - it is very well written, and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. It gives the reader an insight into Geri's thoughts, and you feel as if you are living out her life too. With certain events described, you can remember the events, but now view them from a different slant - Geri's true feelings. Geri - you go girl! We think you are Fab!
Rating:  Summary: Geri the novelist Review: Is there anything Geri Halliwell hasn't done, she's had a multi selling paltinum album, 2 UK number 1 hits, she's been an ambassador of the UN and now has written a bestseller. If Only shows Geri's life before Spice. The way she coped with school, work, her father death, bulimia and how desperately she wanted to be famous. It's s touching book about her life and I'd advise any Geri fan to buy it. Even if you're not paricularly fond of Geri, her book will have you in fits of laughter as well as making you cry. Go buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Read it in 4 days! Review: I bought IF ONLY with a gift certificate I had received for Amazon.com. I received it a couple days later in the mail and began reading it. From the first day, I could not put this down. I put off all my homework because I always desperately wanted to know what would happen next. I found it interesting that when I was having a birthday, watching their videos, etc., she was bingeing or had some other major obstacle in her life. This book is extremely touching and I will most likely read this book again someday. I'm actually really sad that I finished it so fast. What else would I read for fun? Absolutely nothin'! This book has their fun moments, emotional moments, and it also contains continous entertainment for the reader. I suggest this book strongly and since I want to become a singer or performer as well, I learned a lot from Geri. Geri, you rock!
Rating:  Summary: Well you dont know unless you hear it from the horses mouth Review: Im not a great fan of the spice girls but feel their climb to stardom amazing. So when I sat down to read this book, i was stunned as to the amount of work that Geri and Mel B went through to get the group off the ground. You dont realise the amount of stress and excitement that people in this business go through. And the unfortunate thing is you read stories in the papers about these girls, but until you hear it from the horses mouth (pardon the pun) you dont realise. Geri has portrayed her life very well in this book and the way it has been written is in a way of Geri herself telling the story to you in a cafe over a cup of coffee. it is emotional and makes you think that everything this girl has got now, her money and her fame is well deserved in what she has gone through to get there! In some points when she was younger you can relate to her ambitions and im sure we all went through the holding the hairbrush and looking in the mirror, making out we are stars in front of a huge audience, i know I did. Well done to geri for being so open about her life and putting the facts straight as to why she left - a great read!