Rating:  Summary: I learned... Review: ...about this book from the head of my English department at college a year ago. She's a book addict. I'm a worse one. I lost count of my library after hitting 10,000. I buy books far, far faster than I can read them (last count: 823). I keep a master list on MS Excel of all the books I want to buy 'some day'. Current total: 1714. I have no shelf space left. No closet space left. No room in the basement or attic. And there's no 12-step group for biblioholics.This book was the perfect thing to make my husband read to show him I wasn't the only book addict in the world. The fact that it was hiliarious didn't hurt, either.
Rating:  Summary: A funny, delicious read! Review: A very funny, delicious reading experience for those of us who overindulge our passion for books! The author walks a fine line between satire and genuine all-too-familiar excesses . A really amusing grasp of the psychology of book addicts. I adored this book, and my only frustration was that the book ended so soon!
Rating:  Summary: Reading This Review? You Might be a Biblioholic Review: Do you have a good time browsing through book reviews on Amazon.com? If so you might have the serious addiction described in this book. Many of us who have strange addictions are surprised when we first find out we are not alone. I certainly could identify with a lot of the presented symptoms (My wife and I have a large 11 room house that provides the space needed for our books - why use a dining room for eating when it can easily become a library?). Fortunately the book is so funny that it squelches the guilt feelings that it elicits. If one of your ideas of a good time is to spend a few hours in a book store, then buy this one. Having been disturbed by a customer's screaming, running children in a bookstore yesterday, I would hope that Raabe's next venture would be a book for the unwashed masses regarding rules of behavior in a bookstore.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read for anyone addicted to books! Review: Have you ever ... Awakened, the morning after a book-buying spree, unable to remember how many books you bought or how much you spent? Been reprimanded or fired for reading on the job? Become suddenly deeply interested in an obscure topic and immediately bought six or more books on that topic? Had to sit down with your family to discuss your book-buying and reading habits? You are not alone. Your complete recovery awaits you--just buy one more book!
Rating:  Summary: FINALLY someone who can explain my affliction to my mother! Review: I am 23 years old and must confess I am a Biblioholic. I have a 10 page list of books I would love to own. My college friends think I'm weird because I'd rather spend a night with a book than to go out drinking. I'm so very glad to find out I'm not alone anymore!! Oh, my mom actually has had to sit me down to discuss my book buying habits. My reply??--At least I'm not a drug addict! (She couldn't say much to that) Amazon.com does not help my addiction with their horrendous ONE-CLICK ordering! AGGGHHH! For those of you who have been in similar situations, this book is most definitely for you.
Rating:  Summary: FINALLY someone who can explain my affliction to my mother! Review: I am 23 years old and must confess I am a Biblioholic. I have a 10 page list of books I would love to own. My college friends think I'm weird because I'd rather spend a night with a book than to go out drinking. I'm so very glad to find out I'm not alone anymore!! Oh, my mom actually has had to sit me down to discuss my book buying habits. My reply??--At least I'm not a drug addict! (She couldn't say much to that) Amazon.com does not help my addiction with their horrendous ONE-CLICK ordering! AGGGHHH! For those of you who have been in similar situations, this book is most definitely for you.
Rating:  Summary: What a fun book!! Review: I could have written this book - and boy do I wish I had! This book, which includes a test to find out if you are a biblioholic, is absolutely hilarious and I certainly could relate. Living in a house which has been taken over by books in every room, question #22, "When a stranger walks into your house or apartment, are his or her first words usually a comment about your books?" hit too close to home. Another one I found particularly profound was, "Do you ever lie about how many books you've bought?" How true, how true. Including chapters including "Confessions of a Biblioholic," "Collectomania," "Fantasy Bookstore," "We are What we Buy" and one on reading in all sorts of locations, readers everywhere will be able to readily identity. My recommendation, buy one for yourself AND one for every biblioholic you know. It's fun to discuss this with friends and even add to the list of questions. A great gift for readers - or even for yourself. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: What a fun book!! Review: I could have written this book - and boy do I wish I had! This book, which includes a test to find out if you are a biblioholic, is absolutely hilarious and I certainly could relate. Living in a house which has been taken over by books in every room, question #22, "When a stranger walks into your house or apartment, are his or her first words usually a comment about your books?" hit too close to home. Another one I found particularly profound was, "Do you ever lie about how many books you've bought?" How true, how true. Including chapters including "Confessions of a Biblioholic," "Collectomania," "Fantasy Bookstore," "We are What we Buy" and one on reading in all sorts of locations, readers everywhere will be able to readily identity. My recommendation, buy one for yourself AND one for every biblioholic you know. It's fun to discuss this with friends and even add to the list of questions. A great gift for readers - or even for yourself. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Caution: Tom Raabe is a Tome Pusher! Review: I didn't know there were so many of us biblioholics out there! I no longer feel alone. However, Mr. Raabe uses the pretense of helping us recover from our addition by quoting from still other books and torturing us with a dazzling bibliography! He skips over library visits almost entirely. (I understand we can't be in two places at once.) But I would have loved some clues on keeping library books and bought books separate with some kind of system to know when books are due so that scary recorded voice from the library doesn't call me. Can you imagine the horror of overdue library books! What would I tell the children? Also, he does not address the issue of when one can throw out a book. Don't get freaky on me, bibliophiles, but I have two copies of the same Kitty Kelly book and I don't know what to do with them! Garbage? Recycling? Is it okay to surreptiously drop such books in Salvation Army and Goodwill donation bins? Please, Mr. Raabe, a sequel!
Rating:  Summary: Biblioholics Anonymous Review: I have never seen a book get to the heart of my psyche like this one!!! I could not believe the descriptions! I am a compulsive bookbuyer--and reader--this book helped me realize that there are others out there.