Rating:  Summary: Excelent rpg, and easy to learn. Review: This is an excelent rpg. It's very easy to learn, and easy to play too. It puts macrabe horror in an role playing environment. The only thing that limits you is you mind.
Rating:  Summary: Call of Cthulhu for the D20 system? NO NO NO Review: This is best RPG ever; The best seting, the best rules system, the best game. I played it for more than 10 years now, and have no words to explain how much I like this treasure called Call fo Cthulhu.It is not a RPG, it is THE RPG!!!
Rating:  Summary: Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious Review: This is indeed a great roleplayin game. And this edition is better than the old ones. :) I have held Cthulhu games for almost ten years now. Call of cthulhu gives the players and the Keeper a game that often thread the fine line of action/fighting and investigation/ communication. Often it's not too much of either but just right. And with a creative Keeper it's no problem to play games outside the Cthulhu Mythos. The rules are very simple but still gives enough of the "real deal" to be exciting. Buy it! You will not regret it.
Rating:  Summary: The pinnacle of what RPG's should be. Review: This is one (if not THE) best RPG's out there. I think that D&D sometimes gets too much fame and glory when CoC has been around just as long and has such a wonderful game. The system is intuitively based upon percentages, you know what your chance of doing something is based upon a glance at you sheet. The game itself is based upon the dark fiction of 1920's author H.P. Lovecraft, though much of the essential mythos canon was written by other greats (Lin Carter, Robert W. Chambers, Ambrose Bierce, etc.). This is a must for a Lovecraft or RPG fan. It is played at conventions worldwide by a great number of people, I'd pick this book up.
Rating:  Summary: The stars are right! Review: This is still the best RPG of all time. Easy to learn rules and a great skill system, it makes AD&D look like a kids game (which I guess it is). I recommend this game to anyone that reads Lovecraft and the other mythos authors. Ph'nglui mglw'nahf Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Rating:  Summary: Cthulhu is my master. Review: This is the first horror role playing I have played and I find it quite fun to play. After I read a collection of Cthulhu mythos storys I had to have the rpg and I was not disappointed at all. It is well worth the money.
Rating:  Summary: Superior RPG and Mythos reference work Review: This volume is a must-have for players of Chaosium's Callof Cthulhu RPG and fans of Lovecraft and Mythos fiction. It incorporates many items from supplements to earlier editions, including the 1990's RPG rules. Mythos ficiton readers will also find this a useful book for its explanation of the Mythos and their history, as well as discussions of the alien and servitor races featured in the fiction. The pictures are also very informative. For those lacking in reading material, the entire short story "Call of Cthulhu"is also included in its complete form. Buy it or else! Cthulhu naflfhtagn!
Rating:  Summary: Really documented Review: Trully documented. To make this book I think the authors made a real work of investigation. It includes extracts of the readings, source of myths, the evolution of them , and the regions where they had been found, semanthic and fonetical analysis, actual and ancient books realted to esotherism, antropological history, etc.. If you are not interested in a roleplaying, or in Lovecraft works... you will find usefull this book just because the great investigation and around it. - Verdaderamente documentado.Los autores de este libro hicieron un profundo trabajo de investigacion. No solo incluye extractos de lecturas, origen de los mitos, regiones donde se les encuentra, analisis sem‡ntico, morfol-gico y fonŽtico, relaci-n de libros actuales y viejos respecto a esoterismo, historia antropol-gica, etc. Aœn cuando usted no estŽ interesado en juegos de rol, o en Lovecraft, vale la pena poseer este libro por el nivel de investigaci-n que hay detr‡s.
Rating:  Summary: The only game I've played that scared the players so well. Review: When you're tired of beating the bejeezus out of orks, and want a game with some mental stimulation, open this book. Thorough preparation, the ability to ad-lib, and a distinct dislike for looking things up in tables are the requirements for a good adventure here. Quite possibly the only role playing game I've ever seen where the players were scared to walk outside to their cars after we were done.