Rating:  Summary: Favorable Los Angeles Times review Review: "The X-Rated Bible by Ben Edward Akerley and [two other books] are richly interesting, fastidiously researched and arguably important contributions to their respective subjects." Los Angeles Times Book Review, August 18, 2002
Rating:  Summary: What Does the Bible Really Say? Review: "The X-Rated Bible," a survey of sex in the Holy Bible, is simply one of the best books on the market. It should be mandatory reading, particularly in consideration of the fact that the "Good Book" is pushed worldwide as "God's Word." As "X-Rated's" author, Ben Akerley, points out in detail, the Old Testament is full of sexual perversion, not only on the part of "infidels" but also on that of the "chosen people," whom most people have been led to believe were godly, pious individuals who never did anything remotely "bad." Au contraire! The "great patriarchs" and "heroes" of the Old Testament would be considered perverts and criminals by today's social and moral standards. But the New Testament also does not escape criticism, as Akerley reveals the bizarre and pathological attitudes regarding sex therein as well.When "The X-Rated Bible" first came out in 1985, even though it was published by a small company it received some serious attention, and Akerley was forced into debates on radio and TV programs. His critics were unable to point out any serious flaws in his work and research - because he was merely quoting the "Holy Scriptures," not making anything up! For freethinkers and believers alike, Akerley has done a great service, because the Bible is a manual designed to manipulate the masses. The fact that very few believers actually read the "Good Book" and know little about its endless chronicling of perversion and genocide, constitutes proof that it serves as mind-control, as does the fact that those selfsame believers mindlessly believe the Bible is some great, spiritual work because their priests and pastors have selectively fed them "feel-good" passages. In reality, a close examination of the Bible will nauseate all but the most insensate. As the great statesman Thomas Paine said, quoted by Akerley: "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel." And the eminent freethinker Robert Ingersoll stated: "Nobody holds with greater contempt than I the writers, publishers, or dealers in obscene literature. One of my objections to the Bible is that it contains hundreds of grossly obscene passages not fit to be read by any decent man; thousands of passages, in my judgment, calculated to corrupt the minds of youth." Ben Akerley has compiled these various obscene passages in one easy-to-read book that loosens the bonds of erroneous beliefs which have caused inconceivable carnage and turmoil upon this planet. And his wonderful work has now been re-published in a beautifully done layout by the experts at Feral House. The back cover blurb runs, "That's right, friends. We're talking about the Holy Bible, a book filled with incest, rape, adultery, exhibitionism, debauchery, abortion, prostitution, drugs, bestiality, castration, scatology - all the nasty stuff!" In exposing the Bible's "dirty little secrets," Akerley cites scripture, chapter and verse, and explains sexual euphemisms and innuendoes designed to go over the heads of the common folk, which they obviously have. "The X-rated Bible" is truly a unique book that should be read by all who are interested in what the Bible really says. Acharya S Archaeologist, Historian, Mythologist, Linguist Member, American School of Classical Studies
Rating:  Summary: Another great book that explores the bible Review: Awesome book. Even if you have a "degree" from a bible college (although I don't really see how you can compare a degree from a college on made-up beliefs and nutball stories with one that came from a respectable institution such as Yale, Harvard, etc.) this would be a great book to read to see another person's perspective on that crazy book they call the bible. As for the bible being true or false. I don't really think anyone can answer that for sure one way or the other, however, the book of Genesis is quite obviously false because we now know that the earth was NOT created in a few days. If you still believe that it was, you need serious psychological help!
Rating:  Summary: It's not what you think Review: First let me qualify, I am not Bible lover. In fact, let's be honest, when I bought this book I was hoping to learn some steamy Bible stories. Instead, what I got is a sharp anti-Bible, anti-Christian polemic written by someone with several chips on his shoulder. Nothing exciting about that. It's not that he doesn't have a point here and there, he does in some places. He made me think about how Judaism was so obseessed with destroying paganism (which means perhaps paganism was more popular than we're made to think) and he made me think about double-dealing Christian and Zionist fundamentalists who claim they follow the word of God while supporting murder and mayhem in his name. So that's why I don't give it a total 1 - there's something to it, but it is not what I was looking for and not a book I desire to keep in my library. Suggest: Harlot by the Side of the Road instead.
Rating:  Summary: Circumventing the source? Review: Hmm... It seems to me that anyone seriously interested in knowing what the Bible contains might find out by reading the Bible itself. This farcical book is for those who are for whatever reason hesitant to read the Bible and are looking for an excuse (valid or otherwise) to justify their ignorance of Scripture.
Rating:  Summary: very interesting Review: i found the book very interesting and entertaining. there was also some very good information that you can talk about in parties and gatherings and start very interesting conversation.
Rating:  Summary: What Does the Bible Really Say? Part 2 Review: I have great difficulty understanding the basis of the previous review. It is written with complete bias and used this book as an excuse to put out and elevate personal opinions on the Bible. I would like to assure you that if you were to actually open a Bible and exercise your mind enough to actually look at what the passages are saying, you would find a book which documents the great things man has done, as well as his far more numerous shortcomings (yes, that includes adultery, beastiality, rampant sex, and violence.) Now let me pose this question: suppose you were responsible for creating something to show men what they are supposed to do and what they are not supposed to do... what would you use as a reference if it was considered so vile to even mention things that are terrible crimes against humanity? I have trouble understanding how you would give people the correct morals to adhere to in their daily lives without examples of what not to do as well. I suppose the bible should say "Thou shalt not <substitute bad stuff here>." and leave the rest up to us. I think you would find that society doesn't have the moral standards on its own to decide what the "bad stuff" should be. Referenced from the previous review "In reality, a close examination of the Bible will nauseate all but the most insensate." Ok how about this as well: "...It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel." It is definitely a history of wickedness. I don't need to even begin listing the things wrong with the world that are all referenced to in the Bible. Perhaps we should write a book on how much the world sucks too... I'm sure that would be a best seller. It's just that I have difficulty seeing how something that is "definitely a HISTORY of wickedness" is able to "...corrupt and brutalize mankind." After all, my college history book tells some pretty bad tales as well. It could be said that the "real" history books are completely unbiased and that is why they are ok in comparison to the Bible. True... the bible is biased. But only against those things it mentions as evil, detestable and treacherous. Next. I assume that at this point, many will be assuming that some of the most popular and well known Christianity bible thumping advocates are doing wrong by trying to censor everything from society that the Bible uses to teach us with. I am not writing to criticize this observation, but writing a retort to explain why it is unfair to transfer the blame to the bible, calling the bible bad. If you can find somewhere in the bible where the aforementioned "X-rated" events occur and are then advocated, I would love it if you would post that information. Humans are not perfect, therefore there is nothing wrong with studying, showing, and explaining the things that make us that way. The Bible has no shame in displaying the treacherous history of mankind, and in no way should it be criticized for including examples of the things that man has done to displease the Lord. Taken from the previous review "...because the Bible is a manual designed to manipulate the masses." -yes it is... I only wish more people would listen to it.
Rating:  Summary: What Does the Bible Really Say? Part 2 Review: I have great difficulty understanding the basis of the previous review. It is written with complete bias and used this book as an excuse to put out and elevate personal opinions on the Bible. I would like to assure you that if you were to actually open a Bible and exercise your mind enough to actually look at what the passages are saying, you would find a book which documents the great things man has done, as well as his far more numerous shortcomings (yes, that includes adultery, beastiality, rampant sex, and violence.) Now let me pose this question: suppose you were responsible for creating something to show men what they are supposed to do and what they are not supposed to do... what would you use as a reference if it was considered so vile to even mention things that are terrible crimes against humanity? I have trouble understanding how you would give people the correct morals to adhere to in their daily lives without examples of what not to do as well. I suppose the bible should say "Thou shalt not <substitute bad stuff here>." and leave the rest up to us. I think you would find that society doesn't have the moral standards on its own to decide what the "bad stuff" should be. Referenced from the previous review "In reality, a close examination of the Bible will nauseate all but the most insensate." Ok how about this as well: "...It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel." It is definitely a history of wickedness. I don't need to even begin listing the things wrong with the world that are all referenced to in the Bible. Perhaps we should write a book on how much the world sucks too... I'm sure that would be a best seller. It's just that I have difficulty seeing how something that is "definitely a HISTORY of wickedness" is able to "...corrupt and brutalize mankind." After all, my college history book tells some pretty bad tales as well. It could be said that the "real" history books are completely unbiased and that is why they are ok in comparison to the Bible. True... the bible is biased. But only against those things it mentions as evil, detestable and treacherous. Next. I assume that at this point, many will be assuming that some of the most popular and well known Christianity bible thumping advocates are doing wrong by trying to censor everything from society that the Bible uses to teach us with. I am not writing to criticize this observation, but writing a retort to explain why it is unfair to transfer the blame to the bible, calling the bible bad. If you can find somewhere in the bible where the aforementioned "X-rated" events occur and are then advocated, I would love it if you would post that information. Humans are not perfect, therefore there is nothing wrong with studying, showing, and explaining the things that make us that way. The Bible has no shame in displaying the treacherous history of mankind, and in no way should it be criticized for including examples of the things that man has done to displease the Lord. Taken from the previous review "...because the Bible is a manual designed to manipulate the masses." -yes it is... I only wish more people would listen to it.
Rating:  Summary: Tasteless Review: I haven't been to church since I was in High School. I have MANY disagreements with church doctrines. I'm not even offended by this book. However, I read it in one sitting out of curiosity at a book store and this is undeniably the stupidest thing I've read, expecting this to be an enlightening read. Being schooled in Private, Catholic school since I was six, I've leared how to decipher the bible, and interpret it with some knowledge of context. But even this author doesn't know how to do it. WHY buy a "theological" book by an author with NO theological training? It BAFFLES me. The product was a tasteless waste of time. If it was more educated and layered, then I would consider giving it a good review. This non-scandalous book made me squirm with counter-arguments, page after page after page. It's a pathetically immature work that Christians and non-Christians alike will find laughable (depending on the maturity level of the reader). His interpretations of these passages are without context. He doesn't even know WHEN and FOR WHO the Gospels were written and he doesn't even consider the context of the scriptures' times. For instance, In the highlight of his book he critisizes the passage of Mark's Gospel where Jesus says "you must hate your brother and sister if you choose to follow me." At first these words (which are NOT Jesus's but Mark's) seem hostile but you must first INTERPRET-- A simple proccess which anyone with historical knowledge can do quickly: Mark wrote his Gospel for first-century Christians during the Roman Persecuteion. A Christian, during that time, was hated, even by his family (if they found out). It would be useless for a family-disowned Christian to gain back the respect of his loved-ones. That's what it means and THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO INTERPRETATION. It's a shame that this author can't do it. There are so many passages in the book that can be interpreted this way by anyone properly educated in theology. The author has too much free time. WHY would one look in the bible for sex and sodomy and publish those invalid inferences in a book, without even bothering to look for the real meaning? You know, in the times that the books of the Bible were written, prophets wrote allegorically... not LITERALLY. It's a proven fact that this author can't seem to grasp. It's basically like reading a oily, pimple-faced seventh grader's naughty e-mails. It's just an unbelievably immature book. Recommended... if you like to debate easy things.
Rating:  Summary: Naughty, naughty Review: If you have a drop of irreverent blood in your veins, you'll get a big kick out of this book. It deals with the most believable aspect of the Bible: that people were no different then than now. Just as crazy, just as horny. Also just as nasty to one another. Mr. Akerley does a good job of presenting this ribald side of the Holy Book, and when it's not diluted by less interesting material, it makes quite an impression. I'm waiting for the companion book, tentatively titled "The Blood-soaked Bible: A Gruesome Survey of Violence in the Scriptures." I understand there's a problem at the publishers, as it's turning out to be a four-volume set.