Rating:  Summary: Funny but sadly true...Hightower for president! Review: Feeling disillusioned with the Democratic party, I turned to this book, and I am so glad I did. Hightower gives a rowdy look at the problems facing today's "two party system" that never fails to bring a smile to the reader's face. Since I am from the South, I loved the sayings and colloquialisms that dotted the pages as much as I craved the ideas they described. I was truly sad to finish the book--by the end, I not only felt encouraged to right the wrongs of society, but also refreshed to hear someone who has it together. Hightower gives us a view of capitalism that seems both revolutionary and strangely old-fashioned in that his are the views that many have harbored for years. I feel that this is a book everyone should read, even those who identify with Republican ideals. You will be surprised about how much you agree with Jim Hightower.
Rating:  Summary: Funny but sadly true...Hightower for president! Review: Feeling disillusioned with the Democratic party, I turned to this book, and I am so glad I did. Hightower gives a rowdy look at the problems facing today's "two party system" that never fails to bring a smile to the reader's face. Since I am from the South, I loved the sayings and colloquialisms that dotted the pages as much as I craved the ideas they described. I was truly sad to finish the book--by the end, I not only felt encouraged to right the wrongs of society, but also refreshed to hear someone who has it together. Hightower gives us a view of capitalism that seems both revolutionary and strangely old-fashioned in that his are the views that many have harbored for years. I feel that this is a book everyone should read, even those who identify with Republican ideals. You will be surprised about how much you agree with Jim Hightower.
Rating:  Summary: Jim for Prez Review: Gee, I read this book and thought, he's a friend of Bob harris, so he should have "Harris' loopy, self-effacing humor [which}hides deep knowledge of economics, history, and science behind pop culture references and a plain-spoken style, [which]translat[es] complex ideas into hard-hitting, often laugh-out-loud essays." quote from Bob harris, friend of Hightower's. But he just falls short of this standard. But he's a heck of a guy, hell-raising and idiosyncratic and independent and just really the kind of guy that you know cares more about stuff than all those darn bankers and executives. heck, he oughta run for President!! He'd fix up America, after all if you can express your moral philosophy on a bumper sticker, you must be pretty darn moral! right?
Rating:  Summary: Eye Opening Review: Given to my friend as a birthday present, read it in one day, amazing
Rating:  Summary: Read about the unbridled power of big corporations. Review: He has great examples that make you think about the power of corporations in America and the world. Does it really make any sense that the DOW goes up, after big corporations lay people off? If it does, then what does the DOW represent? Read about his suggestion for the Doug Jones Average which would really indicate how life is working for the average person. Nothing about the corporate world will seem benign after you finish this book. However, his colorful use of language makes this a fun book to read.
Rating:  Summary: fired up with facts Review: Hightower does his homework and gives me enough inspiration to do mine.
Rating:  Summary: awesome book Review: hightower is absolutely hilarious. Being from Austin, Texas, this book is even more incredible to hear the tales again of what goes on here, but from a more truthful perspective than the media. Unlike some "conservative" authors, Hightower criticizes the entire system that's got us where we are- including the democratic party.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a real Democrat talking about the real issues. Review: Hightower not only turns the Republican Party on its ear, but more importantly indicts President Clinton for selling out Democrat's to Corporate America. This book is a must for disillusioned Democrats looking for solutions.
Rating:  Summary: Impeach Clinton! Hightower for President Review: Hightower provides a clear formula for a sane society with a wit and humor that would send the likes of dour Rush Limbaugh et alia off to the coronary unit.The Hightower Presidency: Camelot Its Not. It would be the Good Humor Presidency. He'd probably even make the military wear Good Humor uniforms and pass out ice cream around the world. Dress for the mission. There's little doubt as to what he have the clowns on Capitol Hill wear. From the first to the last page, Hightower has you laughing as he states the problem without mincing words and lays out some pretty solid ideas on how to fix them. What a relief after years of bitter left-wing ranting. The publishers need to include a write-in ballot for the next election on the last page in the next edition.
Rating:  Summary: A lot of valid concerns, very few solutions. Review: I found out about this book listening to KPFK in Los Angeles when Mr. Hightower was a guest a few months back. It sounded interesting so I finally bought it. I agree with many of his concerns, especially the rise of corporate power and wealth and the disregard for the average citizen in our country today. I am concerned, however, that Mr. Hightower, while citing some sources in context, does not list any sources at all at the end of his book or use footnotes for statistics. On pg 29 "...80 percent of us are not stockholders..." Is this really true? I know many people who are not rich that own stocks and invest in mutual funds. In his section "Statistical Whitewash" on pgs 68 & 69 he lists many statistics about unemployment with no sources listed. On pgs 218-219 about breast cancer, he hints that pollution is a main cause, but does not list any source, assuming this fact is obvious. Is the limited amount of source citing because it is a personal commentary book? In the last chapters he is not very specific about how this change can occur except by saying people must join groups and be aggressive. He discusses Clinton's weakness on pgs 239-240 and hints that Truman, FDR, and LBJ were never hesitant or acted like wimps. There might be some historians who might disagree with him. Where is his proof? Mr. Hightower seems to love to lambaste everything; his book is actually very depressing and once I go to the middle it was an effort to continue.