Rating:  Summary: How a nice girl, well... Review: ..as she says, maybe she's not so nice. But Ms. Kenney is forthright and nonjudgmental, which counts for more than a little. At bottom (take it how you will), this brief sketch tells the story of a tomboy who became a young woman, and lived an interesting life in the process. Ms. Kenney provides a clear window into a subculture that most of us know about in only the most veiled way. More important, she is honest in her response to it, and develops a sense of her own boundaries and limits without passing judgement on the needs of others. Her book avoids the trap of cheap voyeurism and makes for a refreshing read
Rating:  Summary: An uninhibited survey course: Subversive Gender Wars 101 Review: A feisty title, a fresh voice, and a fun read! This is a shockingly good-natured and candid true story of how a runaway teen ended up working her way through college. She hit the books and then some. What comes through behind the words in this memoir is the sense that there truly is a real person who experienced all she writes about, that she's someone you'd trust and respect and like to know, someone you'd enjoy talking and laughing with. The writing is packed with wit, intelligence, and all kinds of professional details. Warning: May not satisfy those seeking salacious corn-porn. But readers who have any kind of curiosity about pop-psych cultural sociology or, uh, sex will be seduced by the unselfconscious, often poignantly honest focus on what goes on in the world of a young 90s American woman who just happens to hire out as a professional dominatrix. And no, doms don't sleep with the guys--they get paid to slap 'em Whap-py. If you remember liking some of Studs Terkel's in-your-face Working interviews, you'll appreciate the tasty authenticity of this hitherto unexposed slice of what satisfies certain sexual appetites. The book, however, is more than Studs T. Meets Gloria the Playboy Bunny-this temp worker was on the job for real. Those who might benefit most from reading I Was A Teenage Dominatrix probably never will, more's the pity. And that includes the prudes scared off by the ironic and uncompromising title. It's a most thought-provoking book, and I'm hoping she'll write more soon.
Rating:  Summary: Over-rated Review: A short, chatty book which you can reading in one sitting, fairly entertaining but with little style. The author, who was quite frankly into dominance purely for money, but she has little insight into the psychology of BDSM. In general she loathed her clients, with the odd exception of those such as Norman the bereaved husband; that may be understandable, given that she sees only the behaviour without trying to understand the motivation. Some of the things she writes about don't completely ring true - I wouldn't say that they are lies but I'd guess that they are slanted or exaggerated. Either way, Id say that this book will appeal more to the vanilla world, looking for a little excitement, than the BDSM world.
Rating:  Summary: She's no ordinary school girl! Review: Don't be fooled by the title of this entertaining, offbeat memoir. The author, Shawna Kenney, may, indeed, have been nineteen when she began working as a dominatrix, but she was in her twenties for most of her career in domination. Of course, you can't blame the publishers of this book for choosing the title. After all, "I Was a Twenty-Something Dominatrix" isn't nearly as titillating. Also, don't be fooled by the jacket-copy on the back of the book. Gushes the enthusiastic marketer: "Kenney transforms herself from young, broke, and miserable in crappy jobs ("The worst thing was my boss who stared at my chest while he yelled at me") to successful and empowered as a self-made professional-dominatrix-slash-college-student." To read this, you'd think Kenney was something of a feminist heroine. In fact, before she took the restaurant job, where she resented the way her lascivious employer ogled her breasts, Kenney was an exotic dancer who regularly disrobed for paying customers to ogle her breasts - among other things. That's hardly the behavior of a feminist in search of empowerment! One can understand the excesses of a publisher anxious to market a book, but even Kenney herself gets into the spin-doctoring game. She spends an inordinate amount of space at the beginning of the book trying to convince the reader that she's ordinary, "the girl next door." To prove this, she drags us through excruciatingly boring details of her childhood - including what TV programs she watched and what treats she had for dessert. But in her attempts to prove her "normalcy," Kenney only manages to underline why she's so well-equipped for the job of a dom. She begins the book by relating how she nearly drowned at a YMCA pool while teaching herself to swim at the tender age of six. Far from illustrating her "normalcy," the story demonstrates her arrogance, defiance, and recklessness - all good traits for the aspiring dominatrix. Kenney is at her amusing best when she relates tales of her various submissive clients. Not a life-style dominatrix, Kenney is in the BSDM scene only for the money, but she shows an amazing amount of empathy for her patrons. Contrary to what other reviewers may have found, I found Kenney surprisingly sympathetic with her paying subs, including one heart-broken man devastated by the loss of his wife. Kenney actually turned this man from customer to friend. She is also amazingly understanding with her transvestite clientele, showing considerably more compassion for them than most "good" women do. In some ways, Kenney is too sympathetic to her subs. For example, she cannot bring herself to service one black submissive client because he insists on Kenney, a white woman, hurling racial slurs at him. Kenney is too offended by his request to comply. Like many "true-life" stories, "I Was a Teenage Dominatrix" fails to build to a convincing or satisfying conclusion or climax. Instead, at about page 110 of this 122-page book, the story begins to fade as Kenney approaches graduation from college. This isn't Kenney's fault. After all, real life rarely hands us the satisfying but inherently artificial structure of a dramatic narrative. Our last picture of Kenney is as an aspiring young writer transplanted to Southern California from D.C., having abandoned her life as a dominatrix - partly because of the competition. (She informs us "doms are a dime a dozen" on the West Coast.) Still, in the back of her closet, Kenney does have "a shiny red patent leather outfit with matching shoes and paddle" - "just in case." If you're looking for a reflective account one young woman's coming of age, a feministic critique, or insight into the BSDM scene, this book isn't for you. If, however, you want a fun, intriguing account of one struggling student's very unusual way of putting herself through school, you'll really enjoy "I Was a Teenage Dominatrix."
Rating:  Summary: Awesome read! Review: I couldn't put this book down! Well written and entertaining. I don't think this book goes enough into the lifestyle per say, but is very amusing. This woman was not a lifestyle Domme. She pretty much did it for the money. If your curious into what can go on behind closed doors this is the book for you! Don't expect a BDSM guide book or many many tips. I'm a natural born dominate and believe you are born that way. Not made. This girl kinda got made to make money. This is a good read though!
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: I enjoyed the book about her adventures to her success. I wanted to learn more about becoming a domme myself. This was a great stepping stone for beginners. It give you a realistic view point of a "girl next door", who you would never guess she would become a domme herself. I recommend this creative and well written book for anyone who likes a diary formatted approach to a abnormal lifestyle. Do not hesitate to buy.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining and insightful Review: I had the pleasure of meeting Shawna Kenney at a publishing convention earlier this year. (I'm also an author.) She is a very bright, engaging woman who has seen some fascinating aspects of both men in particular and of life in general. Shawna is one of many attractive women who discovered that, if you approach it intelligently, doing various types of what is known by the general term of "sex work" can result in being paid (a lot) better and in being treated considerably better than is true of many mainstream jobs. She started out working as a private erotic dancer and then switched over to working as a professional dominatrix. After learning her craft and working in two professional domination studios, she established her own independent practice. Her work as a professional dominatrix allowed her to put herself through college and become the first person in her family to graduate. (The discipline she learned from her father, who was in the navy, also helped her.) She always treated her clients ethically and respected their privacy scrupulously -- including in the writing of this book. She also discovered that men have more varied reasons than the average person might imagine for hiring sex workers. While many had a unique aspect of their sexuality that they want to explore or further experience, particularly as it related to their erotic submissiveness, others merely wanted some female companionship. The descriptions of these latter encounters were among the most poignant passages in Shawna's book. Her description of the pain and loneliness these men endure is very moving. I don't see how anyone could doubt how sex workers often make a deep and positive contribution to the well-being of their clients after reading these passages. Shawna also discovered that doing sex work, of any kind, has its emotional stresses, including its taboo aspect. It cost her at least one personal friendship. Other friends of hers wanted to hear all about it. Shawna's book shows both the professional dominatrix and her clients for the human beings that they are. It also shows how irrationally and inconsistently society treats and values its sex workers.
Rating:  Summary: I love doms Review: I have been a sub for 30 years .Email me if your a woman trying to dominate a man .I can help at redford444@2die44.com
Rating:  Summary: An Off-Beat Feminist Memoir Review: I knew I had to read this book when I saw the cover. Not the covered pictured here, mind you. The cover I saw depicted a voluptous woman in cartoon character form wearing a leopard print dominatrix costume. From the looks of the cover I assumed the book was some sort of graphic novel or comic book. To say the least, it intrigued me. When I opened I Was a Teenage Dominatrix I was surprized to find plain text within its pages. No matter, I read onward. And I am sure glad that I did. Shawna Kenney was born to young poor parents in Upstate New York. She spent her formative years in a housing project trying to avoid being a girl. She was loud at home and quiet in school, a quizzical paradox. Her family moved around a lot and eventually settled in Maryland where kids made fun of her for "talking funny." She found this bizarre since they were the ones saying weird phrases like "ya'll." At age 17 Shawna left home with $400 in her pocket to move to a big city. She settled in Washington D.C. She tried several part-time jobs to stay afloat such as waitressing and babysitting both of which bored her and did not allow her to make much money. Plus she had decided that she wanted to go to college and let's face it, babysitiing ain't going to pay anyone's tuition. One day she say an ad the local paper for exotic dancers. She answered the ad and tried her hand at being an exotic dancer for a while. She ended up hating it. She felt like the men who were watching her dance were the ones in control. This loss of control really got to her. The one good thing that came out of her stint as an exotic dancer was that it opened her eyes to possible careers in the sex industry. Shawna had a friend whose sister was a practicing dominatrix. She observed a few of these sessions and then conducted a few sessions of her own. She realized that this was a far more satisfying career than exotic dancing. In the world of a dominatrix it is the woman who has control not the man. After working a bit for her friend's sister Shawna answered an ad in the local paper calling for dominatrixes. She then began to develop herself as a professional dominatrix. Kenney's book is a masterpiece. Before reading I was a Teenage Dominatrix I had little to no idea of what being a dominatrix entailed. The whole sex industry was one mysterious blur to me. After reading this book I have gained great insight into what it is like to have a working career as a professional dominatrix. The book is informative and personal. It is a memoir but also a successful work of non-fiction. As a reader I began to hold great respect for what a dominatrix does. It is truly not an easy career. It is certainaly quirky but also seems to have rich rewards. One aspect that I really liked about the book was that Kenney painted the position of dominatrix to be one in which it is the woman who is truly empowered. I found this point to be true. As a dominatrix you are in control of the man or "slave". Being a dominatrix taught Kenney a lot about her own sexuality as well as informed her about who she was as a woman and an indiviudal. A lot of the sessions that Kenney describes are non-traditional. Some of the men she comes into contact with do not want to simply be spanked. A fair number of these men are lonely and need someone to talk to. Kenney describes one session where she and client talked for an hour and a half about literature. Kenney's writing style is simple and accesible. She has a wonderful sense of humor and is a joy to read. If you are looking for a quirky non-traditional book to read. Put I Was a Teenage Dominatrix on your list.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad. Review: I picked this book up on a whim at this book store I happened to walk past shortly before going on a pretty long train ride - I must say that it was a pretty entertaining read that made the time of that train ride go by very quickly. They say never judge a book by it's cover, but the title got me on this one. If you've surfed the web enough and have seen a good deal of sexual fetishes out there, you're not going to be in for much of a shock with this book. It was pleasantly surprising that the author maintained a conversational tone through out the whole book. Just as it says it the description, there are moments where you feel it's you and a friend (who happened to be a dominatrix at one point) just chatting over a cup of tea. All and all, nothing very life changing from this one - but an interesting and worthwhile read.