Rating:  Summary: Great book, but perhaps out-of-date Review: This book clearly and carefully refutes many of the assertions of Mr Limbaugh in a clearly documented manner. Again, detractors resort to name-callng or saying "he meant THAT as a joke" rather than find factual errors. FOrtunately for the U.S., but not for the book, rush is fading into obscurity. However, some of these arguemnts are typical conservative ones, so it still might be worthwhile for some.
Rating:  Summary: A very good book...and it's short! Review: My only gripe was that the book was so short. I wish they had updated it with Limbaugh's equally hilarious denials. The reason I read the book wasn't the positive reviews, but was because it seemed to upset so many dittoheads. Skim through the book and you will understand why these dittoheads are so upset and why Limbaugh's political stature has dissipated.
Rating:  Summary: Typical attack on Rush, using facts to obscure the obvious. Review: Better read the first half of "Rush Limbaugh is a Big FatIdiot" if you want to be entertained. This reads more like thesecond whiny half of same.
Rating:  Summary: Limbaugh exposed! Review: Since Limbaugh's relevance in American politics has all but evaporated since this book was published, it can now be read as entertainment. Still, it amazes me that so many idiots - oops, i mean dittoheads - blindly followed a man so inaccurate and mean-spirited that even the Republicans didn't want to be associated with him. His moronic legion of listeners, ever-dwindling in number, will certainly chastise this book. I guess they think an organization like Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting is just another liberal group trying to bring Limbaugh down. Hey, if they want to put their trust in a man that swears smoking doesn't cause cancer, then so be it. Thankfully, the more intelligent majority of America isn't ignorant enough to join them. Good Work, Rendall and Co.
Rating:  Summary: Good dittohead deprogrammer Review: I was glad to finally see a book which takes Limbaugh to task for what he does and refuses to fall for the same old, tired argument "he's just an entertainer." The authors do not permit Limbaugh and his followers to have it both ways--where he's taken seriously as a political commentator and then, when he's caught in one of his frequent lies, he's excused because he "just meant it as a joke." The authors often go straight for the jugular with biting humor, and make it clear from the beginning that the "out-of-context" and "meant as a joke" arguments against their book are invalid: "The most ridiculous claims, those that it's hard to believe anyone could take seriously, are included only because Limbaugh insisted that his audience accept them as facts."
Rating:  Summary: Poor book masquerading as fact Review: As a listener to Limbaugh's radio show, I decided to read this book to see if Limbaugh was indeed wrong about many things. This book, while proporting to show errors in Limbaugh's words, has failed miserably. Most things that are cited are taken out of context, misunderstood sarcasm, or just not true period. This book's authors had better understand that to be taken seriously they should do a better job of digging up "errors" not just throw bits of sarcasm or things taken out of context out for public consumption. However, one does understand that the few examples they DID dig up would never fill up a book.
Rating:  Summary: It's Entertainment, Folks Review: What people do not understand is that Rush, Al and Steve and others are first and foremost entertainers. Their job is to entertain, not to have a serious debate about the issues. They all pick and choose which facts to cite to back up their beliefs. They all take things out of context. They all propose simple solutons to complicated problems. This book, like Rush's and Al's are for those who want entertainment, not a serious discussion of the issues
Rating:  Summary: Typical Liberal rhetoric, full of lies void of truth. Review: Another Liberal attempt of living off someone elses success. If the author really wanted to write a book on lies, he could have written a trilogy on William Jefferson Blythe Clinton. I feel that the author was simply trying to get rich off Rush Limbaugh's detractors.
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking Review: While the premise ofthe book is good, there are several contextual errors. Many of the quotes taken at face value as being serious are simply sarcastic or designed to illustrate current events in a humorous light.
Rating:  Summary: A great critique of Rush Review: A thorough debunking of Rush's "facts". No wonder dittoheads hate it. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot.