Rating:  Summary: And CNN wants this guy to host a show?!?! Review: This should be required reading for anyone that ever tuned into this SOB's show and got confused by the difference between "reality" and "Limbaugh-ality." Unfortunately, much of what he said, while wrong, has shaped the perceptions of so many of the people who consider themselves "Right."
Rating:  Summary: A Clear and Concise Examination of a Media Demogogue Review: Media demogogues, like Rush Limbaugh, will often bend the truth, obscure the facts with specious logic, and use subterfuge to maintain the ideological grip on their audience. These techniques are used to convince the listeners that a clearly defined, "logical fallacy" actually has a basis in fact. In that department, Mr. Limbaugh is a Master. This book does a fantastic job in cutting through the foggy rhetoric of Limbaugh's monologues by tackling every errant remark with precision, wit, and wisdom. Some fans of Limbaugh's show (many of whom are featured in ALL their rage-filled glory on this very message board,) reacted to this book just like many Muslims who reacted to "The Satanic Verses." While I thoroughly disagreed with the Muslim reaction to that book's release, at least they had religious beliefs behind their opposition to the book. Dittoheads, as Limbaugh's fans have often been called, do not have equal holy (or ideological) footing from which to criticize this book's careful examination of their hero's rabble-rousing rhetoric. To ignore Rush's flawed look at the world would be to dismiss the rules of logic entirely. One look at this book proves to the reader that Rush is not a "truth-detector." It shows that he is just a guy with a microphone and a mouth who makes mistakes in reason every single day on his show. The book does not misstate Rush's position, as some have alleged here. If he had been, that would be grounds for slander. Rush knows that he would have to face his inaccuracies in a court of law, and he's smarter than to fall for that.) Every quote is cataloged with a date and a medium where the quote was found, whether it be from Limbaugh's old TV show, his radio show, or one of his books. Anyone who wishes to check Rush's own words has the facts to do the research. It would be nice if the author came out with an updated version. Yet again, Rush's influence over politics is minimal now, due in no small part to this book, so maybe this book was enough.
Rating:  Summary: An antitode for insantiy Review: Dittoheads of course will have a hard time reading this book and thinking at once, but the majority of educated citizens will see this book as a beacon of truth and information against one of the biggest blowholes of the 20th century. Although Limbaugh insists he is a political commentator, evidence siggests that he is years behind respected commentators of any political orientation. While I personally do not care for the Newshour with Jim Leherer on PBS (which is not leftwing)I at least know the host will not resort to juvenile diatribes against people with which he politically disgrees with. News is not confused with mean-spirited commedy. As a journalist, I find Limbaugh's format appaling. Even if he intends the show to be a joke, he has formated the show so listeners are either confused by the difference, or don't realize it. Of course, this makes them incredibly vunerable to whatever proclaimation he decides to issue that particular day because they have been so warped.
Rating:  Summary: A real trip of fear Review: I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. As is always the case I tend to make notations when I question the validity of something in print and this book begs to be noted. As an avid listener of Rush I was able to poke holes in all but 2 of the postulations (give me time, I'll get all of them). My only complaint is that Steve lacks the sense of humor, wit, bravado, sarcasm, style and truth that Rush offers to his audience. Nice try ... keep at it, we love you guys!
Rating:  Summary: Author of this book is in total denial of reality! Review: The author of this ... is like most liberals when it comes to a total lack of understanding of reality. History and facts have to be completely ignored to come to the authors conclussions. I recommend not buying this book...
Rating:  Summary: Another author riding the coattails for a sucess Review: Whether you agree with Rush Limbaugh or not, this book is pretty simplistic. It reads like a Kitty Kelly book, puts a successful persons name in the title and gets a big seller with unsubstantiated claims and little or no original content. Unlike most of the people piling on to trash or support Limbaugh, I actually read this book. I am not affiliated with either political party, but am interested in politics and picked this up at the airport for some light reading. I was really disappointed. I think anyone with a word processor and average intelligence could have written this book without leaving their house. Read the book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Limbaugh Exposed Review: Whether you agree with Rush Limbaugh or not, this book is required reading. FAIR, never an organization to gladly suffer distortion or misstatement of fact from either the political left or the political right, contradict numerous statements made by Limbaugh on his radio and television show with facts. Liberals will love it, ultra-conservatives will decry it. As evidence of the effect this book has had, look at the negative reviews. None of them disputed any of the book's claims with anything other than vitriolic language and name calling, most were too cowardly to put their names to their comments, and several of them contained grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. I believe this tends to show the maturity and intelligence of the typical "dittohead" who worships Limbaugh with a fierce loyalty similar to the Hitler youth of the 30's. Read the book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: insulting to liberals themselves Review: The author has never even heard Rush Limbaugh. Usually the only arguement against Rush is to pass off (or try) his sarcastic or humourous statements off as being serious. Like if he calls Al Gore the "ecological guru". A liberal will come back saying "Gore doesn't REALLY think he knows everything about the environment and has never said such a thing-so Rush-you're WRONG." Sarcasm taken out of context. I will be the first to say-Rush is NOT ALWAYS right. No one (especially on radio) is always right. He makes mistakes sometimes. I will say he is nearly always right when it comes to conservative beliefs-considring I agree with them. Example: an atheist could say he's wrong about what he says is and isn't moral, but you can't PROVE it either way. But if you're a Christian-use some common sense. And those few times he's wrong about something or just misinformed, liberals decide to use those instances to modal his ENTIRE record. And when he SAYS he's right all the time-anyone who takes that seriously (and doesn't realize he's being humorous) needs to literally get a life. And by the way-I have NEVER-even from a critical standpoint-heard him say anything (newswise) made up. He has THOUSANDS of news sources to choose from every day and picks the ones that interest him to talk about. He makes things up which he jokes about, but anyone who has the lack of personality to take him seriously has other problems they should worry about. Even you liberals-don't waste your time or money.
Rating:  Summary: Pinko Conservatives go home Review: Great book. This book exposes Rush Limbaugh as the Republican Automoton that he is (that's a robot for all you conservatives). Only a fool would disregard such an expose as false, when all statements are backed up with credible sources. Bye-Bye Rush. And good riddance.
Rating:  Summary: The way they WISH it is. Review: It's too bad these pople cannot check their own "facts". Every statement in this book can be proven false. Unreal.