Rating:  Summary: Sadly, a waste of time and money Review: A simple Internet Search of the sources of this book will show it is bereft of any truth. I cannot believe a publisher allowed this unrepentent drivel into print. Limbaugh should sue for slander.And since the libs reading this review will slam me, not what I say, keep me anonymous. Those libs are nuts! If you doubt me, read the reviews slamming me!
Rating:  Summary: The way people try to lie to themselves Review: This book is so full of outrage, based on the failure of this writer's faulty political views, that it's no wonder it's on sale. I bet this didn't even sell 10,000 copies!
Rating:  Summary: very well documented and easy to verify Review: I read this book after reading the online reviews, and have come to the conclusion that some dismissive reviewers have not read the book but instead relied on the word of others (one can only guess whom...). Rather than "provably false" and "just plain made up," the points made in this work meticulously cite sources, which are easily found for verification, including the actual Bible which Limbaugh at one point distorts to "prove" that taxes are anti-religion (the gist of the Biblical account is that Joseph *recommended* taxes during times of plenty to insure against inevitable lean years). Moreover, there is simply no reason to include falsehoods in a book like this, when every Limbaugh episode is a treasure trove of distorted and invented facts, proving the lie to Limbaugh's meta-lie, "We don't make this stuff up, folks." The extent to which disinformation passes as news and ultimately affects policy should have every rational person, whatever his political leaning, running for antidotes such as this one. If you listen to Limbaugh, you *must* read this book, so you know that, as fun as it is, it is the Weekly World News of political discourse. Conservatives should in fact be even more vigilant to disparage this sort nonsense, because it could ultimately undermine the right's credibility in the same way that extreme leftist buffoonery such the mid 20th century distortion of Stalin's horrible record has undermined the left.
Rating:  Summary: A fantastic and truthful book! Review: This is a fantastic book. Others more knowledgeable than me have gone over all of FAIR's responses and they were shown to be based on truth, and all the quotes cited were verified. An excellent book, which with out a doubt debunks the man, called Rush and his illogical ideas. A man, I might add, who claims to be a patriot? But that can only be stated if you define patriot as one who refused to be conscripted in the US military.
Rating:  Summary: Over 100?? Review: My father listens to Rush virtually every day so when I'm at his house I can't help picking up bits and pieces of it. The thing that amazes me is that the book only includes slightly over 100 Rush lies. What's with that? I must have heard at least that many, and laughed myself sick over them, in just the few hours or so I've been exposed too. It must have been a very easy book to write. I've heard Rush brag that his newsletter is printed on "virgin paper", not recycled like the stuff the democratic party prints. I guess he thinks recycling is some kind of liberal commie plot. Once I heard him claim that there are more species and more forest acreage in America now than when Columbus landed in the Americas, and of course the ditto heads just clapped and cheered. I mean virtually everything the guy says is idiotic. So why do people buy it? Its pretty obvious. Rush is telling people that they don't have to care about anyone but themselves and in fact having this attitude makes them *superior* to anyone who doesn't agree. He's telling people exactly what they want to believe. Anyone could do his job with an hour or two of preparation. His job is about as difficult as convincing a prostitute that she's beautiful.
Rating:  Summary: Randall has distorted more in this Book than Rush Review: Rendall attacks Rush as a distorter of fact, and most of his arguments and examples are provably false and willful distortions themselves. The sad this that the editors themselves did no fact checking on what this author said. I am all for meaningful dialog about the issues, but this book is nothing but false ad hominen. It would have been more interesting to take Rush on for what he believes and debate those believes with truth and facts, which is what I had hoped this book would offer. It does not. This book has already been proven to be almost 100% distortion. This author takes a statement of opinion that can be the subject of debate, declares the statement to be inaccurate and therefore a lie. The other devise used is the favorite of all debaters when they have nothing else, the Ad Hominen. Anyone who has even listened to rush will know that he is always courteous to callers even against raised voices and lies.
Rating:  Summary: They still publish this book? Review: You know,considering that FAIR's responses were shown, several years ago, to be nothing more than lies, fabrications, quotes taken out of context or just plain made up, etc., you'd think they wouldn't have taken the time to actually put them all in book form.
Rating:  Summary: AND NOW, FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY UNORIGINAL! Review: What's this? Another liberal challenging Limbaugh's veracity? What a fresh approach! Of course we must recognize that liberals do have a lot of experience with distortions and lies so let's give this book the benefit of the doubt. Whoops, just discovered he uses left-wing oriented FAIR as his basis for proving the falsehoods. LOLOL I'm working so much now to support liberal causes (welfare, free medical/schooling for illegals, AIDS research and meds for homosexuals, etc.) that I don't have time to listen to El Rushbo anymore. And guess what? When I was listening I didn't always agree with everything he said. But, MOST of what he says rings true and is ultimately proven so by the hapless (and hopeless)left. In fact, I would put his truth record up anytime against the likes of Tommy Dashole and Dick Gapheart. I did laugh at this book, but not for the reasons the author intended.
Rating:  Summary: Thank God For a book like this. Review: If rush is americas truth detector then why dosen't this man ever debate?? If this man is telling the truth about everything then he should win every debate he does. The talk show he does makes it big on BACKLASH! It is a show for people with weak minds that can't do there own thinking. it is amazing how people fall for this garbage. WAKE UP PEOPLE.
Rating:  Summary: Flock of their own Review: What is most amusing about this book is that the authors have found a venue to cash in on the success of another, and a way to amass a flock of their own to lead around. Guess that makes it worth all the trees that got cut down to print it. Otherwise, yawn...