Rating:  Summary: Aaaahhh, the old days LONG past..... Review: I remember when I first this CD. I LOVED Pollution (and still do), and I thought this CD rock major...butt. (and it still does!). I had respect for this band back then, and I had very high expectations for their future albums. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever... and in this case, Limp Bizkit's rein on the rapcore world fell as limp as their name (I always thought that was a really corny name). But back then, I miss the old days! Same thing with Korn, man! I miss the songs like Blind! Those were the GOOD ones!WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?? The answer: $$$$ - they had too much of it for their own good. Needless to say, their second album fell (VERY) short of its hype. Many Three Dollar fans out there were wondering what the hell happened to them!... Anyway, back to the point!! And of you 14 year-old 'hardcore' kids out there who think Limp is hard now, because they're not. Fred lost his potential hardness a long time ago. You probably won't like this CD as much, because it's much heavier. I recommend this CD to anyone who likes a band's old stuff.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Decades best Metal album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This has to be one of the best metal albums of the decade (1992-2002). Unlike most of the other Limp Bizkit albums, this one is very dark and extremely heavy. Fred hasnt yet developed into a song writer. You can really tell. The lyrics dont flow very well and they dont seem to fit together. Borlands guitar playing dominates the album. He plays so well it is unbeliveble!!!!!!!!!!! Sam Rivers is one of musics best electric bass players. John Otto really knows how to work to work those sticks and ex-House of Pain member DJ Lethal make the perfect combo for a Metal album. Even thought the singing isnt that great, Fred sings it with so much felling it seems to work (even though it doesnt). There isnt one song on the album that isnt bad, like on all there other albums. The song Leech, featured on this album, is actually a the demo version that was given to Korn. I really think that this band could be one of the most influencel Rock/Rap/Metal bands in history. Although Borland quit(probably the most talented person on all three albums and in the whole band), you should still pick up this album. Pick up Borlands other album, Duke Lion Fights the Terror.
Rating:  Summary: BEST BIZKIT Review: This has got to be their best cd. fred durst screams his head off on this cd. wes's guitar is different than their other cds. sam has the best bass in all their cds. jhon has a different drum set.And dj lethal is back up. the best songs are poulltion, stuck,stink finger and has hits counterfiet faith and sour. this is one of my fav's cds. if like limp bizkit then you need this.
Rating:  Summary: Their best Review: This CD is limps best by far. It's before thier sell out album "significant other" or wutever, so its really good and it gives you a hint of wut limp was like before they let the lime let blind them. Sam's bass playing and Wes' guitar playing are superior, and Fred can actually sing. I love this cd and i say screw all the new limp fans cause without wes they suck!
Rating:  Summary: Limp Bizkit's best Review: Ah yes, Arguably Limp Bizkit's best CD. I d realize why many people don't like it though. First of all, the CD does at times sound like a garage demo. Second, They are not used to all of Fred's screaming. He screams a heck of a lot on this CD. It'l take a listen or two to get used too, but once your over it you'll love the songs. Okay, now to individual song reviews: Intro- funny as hell Pollution-5/5- Very very catchy, and has a lot of screaming. Counterfiet- 5/5- Another classic Stuck- 5/5- One of the best on the CD Nobody Loves Me- 3/5- Ok song Sour-5/5- Hands down, the best song on the CD. It really shadows of what Limp Bizkit's later classics would become. Clunk-5/5- Very catchy and cool Faith-5/5- The one that got LB famous. Stinkfinger-2/5- Catchy for a filler...... Indigo Flow- 4/5-Great but short! Leech-4/5- Is this a demo? Nah! Very good Everything-3/5- Waaaay too long! It's 20 minutes long!
Rating:  Summary: not worth 3 dollar bills Review: Limp Bizkit seems to be a bunch of immature kids, especially Fred Durst. The whole Rap/Rock thing can be good, but try being yourself when you do it. LImp Bizkit just fronts with a tough guy image.
Rating:  Summary: Weack Review: They bucther George Michaels Faith and the album is stupid like Silent Bob's Cousin Olaf( Watch Clerks) with songs that sound metal but are just stupid. Korn is better System of a Down is good but Chopsuey is to stupid in the end this album is barley worth 3 dollors.
Rating:  Summary: Before turning ALL rap Review: Limp Bizkit was a good band. This and Significant Other were both good CDs. Why? Because, unlike Choctlate Starfish And the Hotdog Flavored Water and New Old Songs, those 2 CDs actully make Limp Bizkit a rock band. Their debut album, what i'm reviewing, is a very good ROCK/rap CD. The songs I like are "Pollution", "Counterfeit", "Stuck", "Faith", "Indigo Flow", and "Leech". If you can count, that's 6 songs people, 6. Do you know how many songs I like on CSATHDFW? I like 1 song on CSATHDFW. But enough about that. This album has catchy lyrics, hard guitars, and overall good music. Songs like "Pollution", "Faith", "Counterfeit", and "Leech" make you just wanna bang your head, while songs like "Stuck" and "Indigo Flow" make it impossible not to listen because of the catchy rap lyrics. Anyway, let's hope Fred and the boys go back to the sound of this and Significant other and make SOME rock songs. Peace.-Watty69
Rating:  Summary: From Russia Review: Its great. This album is the best from Limp Bizkit. We love Limp Bizkit and want to see them in Russia.
Rating:  Summary: From Russia Review: I think it is the great album from Limp Bizkit. Its very hard. Many people in Russia love Limp Bizkit and want to see them here!!!!!!!!!!!!!