Rating:  Summary: An excellent rap/metal album Review: Yeah, first albums are always the best of the bands. Here Limp Bizkit was looking for their own sound but always following the same style, the mixture between rap and nu metal. They made it sound great in many tracks like Pollution, Counterfeit, Sour and Stuck. I also loved Faith -Jorge Michael's cover-.I think it's the heaviest album Limp Bizkit has done,it is fast, has got crude lyrics and great beats.it's a pitty they didn't go back to that crude sound like Korn but well... This is my opinion about the Bizkit's albums>>> 1st place = Three dollar bill y'all$ -instrumentally cool, powerful lyrics. 2nd place = Results May Vary - no matter the bad critics, this cd rocks and new guitar man's f*cking amazing- good quality music. 3rd place = Significant Other- a sound that's softer than the first one but with many hits like Nookie and Rearranged.4th place = Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water- heavier, instrumentally good, some songs are really good, others are just fillers, no matter it's ok for me.
Rating:  Summary: Start to finish, Bizkit blend of riffs and raps are perfect Review: From the intro where Fred preaches buying a gun to kill "the pollution of satan" to the seemingly endless but well done none-the-less "Everything", Three Dollar Bill is definately for real, is anything but limp, and will not leave you wanting change. While the album has it's moments of nothing but mindless screaming, Fred Durst's redeeming lyrics are incredibly real, moving, and in many cases just f***ing brilliant. Presented in the form of hip-hop with metal backing, the engaging songs will get anyone who really appreciates either metal or rap moshing and bustin out the phat lyrics sung (or yelled) only as Fred can (a white guy rapping, go figure). The band did an incredible job of mixing both hard rocking from start to stop beats, such as Pollution, Nobody Loves Me, Clunk, and Leech, with slowly inticing, soon to rip you with killer riffs, like Counterfiet, Stuck, Sour, Faith, and Indigo Flow. The slow paced to absolute mosh can be reminiscent of the old Metallica. Although it has the slow paced openers, the album as a whole, rocks hard, fast and furious, relentlessly pounding on on your ears and all the senses. At the end of the album, you say to yourself, "What the hell just happened?" You got hit with something limp, a premeir band from Jacksonville who has a long career ahead of them. You got hit with a Three Dollar Bill...
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Debut In The History Of Music. Review: The music (if you want to call it that) is just a bunch of yelling and screaming. I am glad that I didn't have to waste 20 bucks to find out that this CD SUCKS!
Rating:  Summary: Who says Limp Bizkit are bad? Review: Because Limp are mad. Thanks to KoRn, Limp Bizkit was lead the way to great music, starting with 3 Dollar Bill Y'all$. Songs like Stuck, Nobody Loves Me and Leech show their heavy metal work that sound like they had problems in their life, while Sour, Faith and Stinkfinger are really groovy beatz, really heavy songs, while Pollution and Counterfeit are very good intro songs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1)Intro: Religious Intro, a little funny. 3/10 2)Pollution: Screechy guitars, pretty cool drums and turntable work make this song a classical Limp Bizkit song, as well as the funny segment at the end, with Fred yelling "back" over and over again with the other members telling him to shut up. An excellent song to open the CD. 10/10 3)Counterfeit: The first Limp Bizkit song. A pretty interesting intro, and then suddenly........ BOOM! They start cranking up the metal, this reminds me of KoRn's Clown, pretty solid hit. Definately one of the best songs on this CD, along with Nobody Loves Me, Sour, Clunk, Faith and Stinkfinger. At the end they start going insane one last time to end the song, and at the end, Fred's making some weird sounds. The entire song is great. 10/10 4)Stuck: This is another great hit. Finally, a song that has loads of DJ Lethal. And this is a longer version of Significant Other's Break Stuff, which is good. Limp Bizkit show just how heavy they can be. 9/10 5)Nobody Loves Me: Another anger song. Fred writes pretty good lyrics, a kinda weak outro, but the rest of the song is heavy as hell. My 2nd favourite song, totally heavy, but weak ending. Very good song. 10/10 6)Sour: Another DJ Lethal song. About Fred's ex-girlfriend (At least that's what I've heard). Insane guitars, turntables, and nice, calm drums. That made this song as my 3rd fav song. An insane song, one of the best. 10/10 7)Stalemate: Nice song. The beginning isn't too good, but the chorus is quite heavy, 6 minutes don't cut it. Maybe Pantera's This Love or Drowning Pool's Soul but not this. But still pretty hard though. 7/10 8)Clunk: Sweet stuff, interesting bass lines, unreal vocal effect, and insane turntable work by the legendary DJ Lethal. Complete metal, this gets 5th place. 10/10 9)Faith: A George Michael cover. But a little guitar and turntable work totally change. And it's one of the heaviest songs. And to top it off, this is my favourite song on this CD. Advice: skip to track 10 when it gets to 2:25 so you don't have to hear that awful hidden track. Limp Bizkit rock on. 10/10 10)Stinkfinger: Another great song, heavy, turntable-infested and a dark bass line. this makes 4th fav. 9/10 11)Indigo Flow: Uh, not so bad, but not so good either. It's great, but it's bad compared to Significant Other's Show Me What You Got. 5/10 12)Leech (demo version): The heaviest song, really cool. The only problem is that it's too short. Imagine this song at 4: 15, not at 2:11. Still good though. 9/10 13)Everything: 16 minutes long. The longest song I've heard without any skips. Really cool effect in the middle. An above average song. 8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- And that's it. 3 Dollar Bill Y'all$ is a great debut CD! I also recommend Significant Other, Chocolate Starfish & The Hot Dog Flavored Water, Drowning Pool: Sinner, KoRn's self titled album or Eminem's Slim Shady LP. Bye.
Rating:  Summary: Limp's Best Album? Review: Everyone I know says this is limp's only good album. Why? it sucks. It's just a bunch of noise. And filler. except for pollution, this is a terrible CD. I even liked Chocolate Starfish and Results may Very better than this. Counterfeit's name fits the song, seeing as how it totally rips off the song Fake by Korn. And another thing: It's boring. Do yourselves a favor and just download pollution and find some real music to listen to.
Rating:  Summary: This is Where it all Began Review: Once upon a time Limp Bizkit was just getting started and believe it or not, making great music. Three Dollar Bill Yall$ is one of the best examples of the fuse of rap and metal (which we all commonly now know as nu-metal). However, most nu-metal bands lack the rap background to make anything that sounds genuine unlike Limp Bizkit at the time. From start to finish this is an awesome album. DJ Lethal in particular adds a lot to the sound. Production wise, Ross Robinson did a great job as he almost always does. My favorite tracks include "Counterfeit", "Stuck", "Nobody Loves Me", and "Pollution". Unfortunatly, with time the taste of fame took away from the band's sound...especially from Fred Durst who became an egomaniac. It's hard to believe the man that wrote the masterpieces on here is now writing garbage like "My Generation". This is a great album to look back on though and see how great this band could have become. Now a days, Limp Bizkit are washed up and their success is undoubtebly coming to a close. If you ever hear Fred talk about this album now a days he bashes the shxt out of it, especially Ross's production...I guess now Fred only digs heartless pop tunes. Over all though, this one album wonder deffinatly earns a spot on my personal favorite metal CDs of all time. I suggest any fans of old-school Limp check out the band Fallguy.
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe I worshipped this band Review: It's amazing, I have no idea what sinister god of bad music possesed me. Then again my older sister worshipped hair metal bands like Poison and Ratt when she was a teen before realizing how horrible they where. I guess I was just young, naieve and just getting into music as a whole. I loved Korn and Limp Bizkit like they where the Stones and Beatles. And then I saw what a complete ego maniac Fat Freddy turned out to be, he is(or was)by far the most arrogant person in the music industry and clearly exposed the nu metal/rapcore scene as a joke. Dumb frat boy shouts, rantings against some mysterious ex-girlfriend who probably had a good reason to leave his fat highness and pathetic nasal singing are all Fred is good at. And the music? Dull, at best. I hear how Wes is often considered to be a great guitarist but I just don't see it. The man clearly has talent but I think he gets his acclaim more for his artsy music tastes and stage makeup then for real guitar showmanship and creativity. Seems his "amazing" band Eat the Day won't see the light of day either. I can't deny that Jon Otto and Sam Rivers are a good rhythym section but they honestly make laughable "jump up and then bend over up and down a lot" sounds that make nu metal so distinctive. So after some time of branching on to other music I gave this cd a spin and concluded that I had no idea what good music was back then. I'm even embarrassed to admit a 5 star review of this album written by me lurks somewhere on this page. Nu metal is dying, and Limp Bizkit clearly illustrates this. Their new album is sinking faster than a fat woman in a cotton suit and they will be dead before 2005 rolls around. If you want a good combination of metal, hip hop and hardcore then check out Orange 9mm., Candiria, Downset and the mighty and sadly departed RATM. Most of the bands began long before da Bizkit. Keep exploring new music.
Rating:  Summary: NOT GOOD IN ANY WAY AT ALL AND NEVER WILL BE! Review: Now that I've got that off my chest let me go into detail about why this band SUCKS. I cannot stand hip hop, and I think it by far the worst music genre ever thought up, with death metal coming close second. Why does this matter? Because Limp Bizkit are reputed as a Nu-Metal band. NO THEY F***ING WELL AREN'T! They are hip hop with a metal backgound. WHICH SUCKS! Hip hop is boring, droning, dull and pointless. I'm no real fan of Nu-Metal either (except KoRn, who ROCK!), but I don't so dislike it that I will insult the entire genre by referring to this boring, idiotic, moronic trash as Nu-Metal. For decent metal bands try Machinehead, Static X, KoRn (the only truly excellent Nu-Metal band), Metallica, Disturbed (they do anger SO much better than Bizkit), Marilyn Manson, Incubus, or Murderdolls. DO NOT TOUCH THIS POINTLESS CRAP!
Rating:  Summary: Buy This Album...Forget the Rest Review: Get this album and try your best to ignore the later Limp Bizkit offerings. Enjoy Fred Durst before he became an ego maniac and drove off Wes Borland. Listen to some pretty good music before he became obsessed with riding plywood around Woodstock and trashing Trent Reznor. Grrrr...writing this just makes me remember how much I liked Limp Bizkit early on. Peace.