Rating:  Summary: Fascinating Review: Shatner's the man. This book was a bit of a let-down after the RETURN though...
Rating:  Summary: It is The Best!!! Review: I love listening to this book. It has so much action in it. I hope you enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: I like this book. Review: I like this book. I like all the action that takes place in the book. I like all the characters including Captain Curk, and Christine MCDonald, and Embasador Spock. This book is great. It's the best book that takes place after Star Trek Generations. This is the best ever found. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Has Shatner made me dislike Kirk? Review: Star trek Avenger is a book that gives us a pretty good science fiction story. I admit that Shatner does write good trek books, the return proved that for me. And Shatner continues this good story telling with avenger. With all that said I still cannot give this book a full 5. My biggest complaint with Shatner is that he seems to belittle the next generation crew a bit too much. I agree with a previous reviewer that Kirk seems smarter than all, more innovative than all, and could figure out just about anything that confronted him. Trapped in a holodeck? fly through the air and smack into the wall and escape. The enterprise is in his way? just put the shields on full power on you little medical vessel and ram the enterprise. The way Shatner potrays Kirk made me dislike him as a character. But Shatner also seems to be saying that by comparison, the next generation crew can't hold a candle to the original, which I think is absurd. Finally, the interaction between Kirk and Picard seems to always be won by kirk hands down. This is troubling because it almost seems like shatner is trying to gain ground on star trek's favourite captain, picard. Aside from all that I still think avenger is a good book but it is all in the story, not with the characters.
Rating:  Summary: The names Kirk, James T. Kirk. Review: Fresh from the dead and a stint as a Romulan Controlled time bomb berserker- Its James T. Kirk. An opportune time to show up as hisownself, I must say. The Federation is faced with a strange plague that threatens the food supply for trillions of sentients. This one takes the brains and brawn of all our guys, Kirk, Picard, Riker, Data, and the never dying Leonard McCoy in his new suit. I Loved AVENGER. There is enough mystisism and magnetism in the book to equaalize the characters. I know a lot of people tell me that Kirk through William Shatner is the no-option -to- fail, can-do guy with the crooked grin of a thirty year old overachieving schoundrel. I say "so whats your point?" Anybody who expects anything but the classic Kirk from WWm.Shatner dont know him too well do he? Keep it up sir. AVENGER is a wonderful book and I hope as the saga of JTK continues he doesnt lose any of his hubris.
Rating:  Summary: He dit it again!. . .but not as well as before Review: I waited before I had all of the first three Shatner books before I started reading them, and I admit that this one, although not as good as the previous ones ("The Ashes of Eden" & "The Return"), "Avenger" did a great job at tying the previous, seemingly separate books together with itself, and each other. It had the same movie-like, epic atmosphere on it the prequels had, making the book an exiting read. On an analytical point of wiew though, some problems are revealed. The actual plot seems to be a bit ungroundet, and the action takes too much room from the story. The action advances the plot, but is a bit time-consuming. Nontheless the mood of the book stayes unique and interesting troughout the action, making this a good piece of storytelling. A good trilogy nontheless wich is every bit as good as it seems.
Rating:  Summary: NOT Shatners best work to date... Review: After reading the fantastic 'The Return' I was eager to devour another great visit from the literary world of William Shatner...and when 'Avenger' came out, I figured I had found my 'fix'. Unfortunately it was a few steps on the ladder below 'The Ashes of Eden' AND 'The Return' in the way of entertainment. I found it interesting indeed, and like another reviewer mentioned, I had to outright laugh when Kirk came on more physically able than Riker, smarter than Data and you could see the behind-the-scenes rivalry Shatner has with Picard because he out-thinks him at virtually EVERY turn, practically making him look stupid by comparison. It was these particular parts that I not only found overblown, but outright ridiculous. Now with that said, I STILL enjoyed the book...WHY? you might ask? Well unlike some people who read books and tear them to shreds, I understand that I am NOT supposed to take a science fiction novel seriously. C'mon, it's Star Trek for heavens sake! Kirk doesn't really exist, and neither does ANY Trek character, so therefore I understand that no matter HOW contrived the plot may be, it was written for me to enjoy, and that I did, very much (not as much as his first two Trek books, or the subsequent follow-ups, though). Shatners collaboration with arguably the BEST Trek authors in existence (Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens') pays off for the most part, but despite a lightning fast plot and fun gadgets galore, its the plot itself that brings 'Avenger' down a notch or two. I find it a bit hard to swallow that the United Federation of Planets, with the combined resources of a slew of planets and preparations, that overpopulation could sneak up on them without a tremendous plan designed to correct it in place decades before it could become a problem...but if I suspend that belief because as I said earlier the book was written for FUN, it was a fairly fun read altogether. Now Shatner's follow-up ('Star Trek: Spectre' and 'Dark Victory') are actually MUCH better overall...and I very much look forward to reading 'Preserver'...but I can't say whether or not I'll wait for the paperback...
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining but very Complex story Review: In the next book of the saga, Jim and Spock are reunited to combat the galaxy's most sinsister threat to date. A weakened Federation stands on the verge of ruin unless the galaxy's two greatest heroes can stop the spread of food shortages to various Federation planets.
Rating:  Summary: Kirk does it again Review: An entertaining end to the trilogy, however the ending is less than satisfying. This entry seemed to rely a bit too much on episodes from the original TV series's history. I enjoy stories that enhance the original episodes, but this seemed a bit overdone. In retrospect, King Rick Berman would have made a more successful, intricate movie that would have enhanced the Star Trek timeline if he had used the Shatner trilogy, rather than the "Insurrection" plot.
Rating:  Summary: Man of Action Review: Kirk is on the move, again, in this final story to the trilogy that began with the Ashes of Eden. We seem to parallel events and emotions from Shatner's own life, while, at the same time, exploring deeper the life and world of Captain Kirk. The connection to the Original Series and the continuing plot of Governor Kodos the Executioner provides the reader with a tie to the "glory days" of Trek on television. Avenger is a fine closing to a series of adventures created by the master storyteller himself, William Shatner!