Rating:  Summary: A Great Book That Connects The Generations!! Review: For any of lover of Star Trek The Original Series or The Next Generation this would be an excellent book to read. I love both and let me tell you I've read it at least 3 times and it's still as good!Shatner did a wonderful job of blending the two generations. The reuniting of Kirk, Spock,and McCoy was done so well you would have guessed that no time had passed between the friends. Plus, by the end of the story I was sure that Picard and Kirk were going to see more of each other in the future. This was an excellent follow-up to "The Return" and I hope that Shatner wries another to tie up loose ends and with the way this guy writes... I'm sure he'll come up with a few more ideas. If you haven't had a chance to read this book yet and You like Star Trek I strongly recommend this excellent book.
Rating:  Summary: For Trekkers who love Star Trek: The Original Series Review: The way Shatner and Reeves-Stevens tied into the story lines from episodes of the original series was excellent. They provided a new way to look at the motives behind characters who in 1968 were considered one-dimensional villains. The added depth leaves the reader to question the definition of what is evil. The mixing in of the Next Generation Cast will also be pleasing for ST:TNG fans as well. While reading this well-written book my imagination was more satisfying than any television movie or film sequel could ever be. The only reason I give it a 9 is because of Shatner's petulance towards some of the characters of ST:TNG. So far in three novels, Kirk has beaten-up Worf, out-smarted Data, beaten-up Riker, and now decked Picard. Are you trying to tell us something Bill? My final word is buy it! You'll want to read it more than once.
Rating:  Summary: Shatner RULES!!! Review: For all those complaining that this book is self-serving on Shatner's part, realize this book is about KIRK and SPOCK, not about the Next Generation!!! That said, Shatner writes the BEST Trek books, no doubt. Although RETURN is my true favorite, this one still weaves a good tale, and includes all the best characters. Yeah, I love Shatner, so I may already be a little prejudice in regards to other STAR TREK characters, but to be honest, KIRK was the smartest captain. Kirk was the strongest, coolest, toughest and perhaps, THE BEST! And with that, I recommend this book to any fan of the STAR TREK continuum...
Rating:  Summary: A Good Read Review: I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I look forward to 'Spectre'. Mr Shatner's writings are bringing Star Trek to life in a way that TV + movies + James Blish failed to do. (But I'd love to see another ST/TOS movie or two) Keep it up Mr S!
Rating:  Summary: Kirk lives - and that's a fact! Review: Picard is fantastic, Sisko is great and Janeway gets better and better in every episode, but face it, Kirk is the original, the real one. And I'm glad there are people left who care about Kirk. Well, in my opinion no one cares more about Kirk than Shatner. That Shatner is a science fiction author who is able to tell a story - you can see that in his TekEtc series. His Star Trek books are good stuff and a good read and it's relieving to see that Kirk, Spock and even McCoy are still around and not dead to the creators of Star Trek. The books of Shatner tell good stories which fit into the Star Trek universe neatly; to me the most important part is that Kirk is back - to kill Kirk would mean to kill a valid part of Star Trek. Let Kirk be dead for the movie-goers. For the rest of us who where there in the seventies or even the sixties: Kirk is alive - and that's a fact!
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek Avenger - A great conclusion to the first trilogy! Review: Star Trek "Avenger" is a good conclusion to William Shatner and Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens first Star Trek trilogy that spans well over a century of "Star Trek" time. The first two, "The Ashes of Eden" and "The Return" were absolutely phenomenal in so much as telling a good story about Captain Kirk just before the events of Star Trek "Generations" and after the events of that movie with his return from the dead in "The Return" bringing this compelling character back to Star Trek readers if not moviegoers. The one unfortunate aspect of "Avenger" is that while it is a very good novel it doesn't quite live up to its two predecessors. The story in and of itself is a pretty good one, it just reaches into some areas of Star Trek that leaves one wondering where the authors were going; by that I mean in the areas where the dialogue more or less puts Captain Kirk in such a glorious light and in doing so demeaning such STNG icons as Captain Picard and Commander Riker. That being said, the overall story is still a very good one where all three authors deftly put together a truly good story that is in good fashion in Gene Roddenberry's universe. The pacing of the novel is exceptional and the overall plot set up and execution is well on the mark. The cover art for "Avenger" is pretty much more of the same bland stuff that was very typical of Star Trek novels at the time of its publishing. The Premise: In true Star Trek style and fashion, William Shatner and the Stevens brought together a story that clearly ties up many of the loose ends set up in the first two novels and set up a reunion between Captain Kirk and Spock. The two storied heroes eventually come together when Captain Kirk, long thought to be dead, sets out to discover the source of a lethal virus that is destroying crops all over the Federation causing famine throughout the Federation with the situation worsened by over population. At the same time, Spock returns home to Vulcan to investigate whether his father died of natural causes or could there have been foul play involved. Both investigations lead them into a long awaited reunion that is told extremely well... What follows is an exceptionally well written novel with only few technical errors that aren't too difficult to overcome. Overall, I would highly recommend this and the first two novels in this, the first Shatner/Stevens trilogy to any and all fans of good Star Trek fiction! {ssintrepid}
Rating:  Summary: You're not dead, Jim! You've got mojo! Review: Having read the first 2 books of Shatner's "Star Trek" novels, I was more than eager to read "Avenger" when it came out 4 years ago! Once again, you have Kirk and Spock back together again (oh but look for 144-year old Admiral McCoy in this novel) along with the "Next Generation" crew to save the Federation from this lethal virus! What Shatner does with this story is go against Gene Roddenberry's theory that by the time period of the 24th Century, poverty, desease, war, and hungar will all be obliterated, and we will all live in a heavenly universe! Not so much the case when you have this group of anarchists trying to prove their point to the Federation by unleashing this virus upon solar systems! Shatner must have had this idea a long time ago, because if you read his novel "Teklords," it's the same type of story-telling and style! But it's still fun to read! Again, Shatner works with co-writers Judith & Garfield Reeve-Stevens for this book! They truly have clear knowledge of the "Star Trek" universe, and you can see how creative they are with their story-telling! What's more interesting is Kirk's statement in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" of how he's always known that he will die alone! Finally, Shatner answers that question with this novel! Also, he re-unites Kirk with Teilani from "The Ashes of Eden!" She is probably the most perfect person in Kirk's life, and the 2 of them are great together in this novel! Although, we may never see him again on the big-screen or in TV episodes, Shatner keeps Kirk's torch lit with each new novel! Like the saying goes: "To boldly go where no man has gone before!" Keep it up Bill!
Rating:  Summary: Another epic leap! Review: After reading The Return, I wondered how Shatner could top an all time showdown with the Borg, whilst having Kirk and his friends fighting alongside with Picard and his crew, but this story actually continues on just like you would expect the epic saga known as Star Trek to. (Unlike the watered down tepid crap they have been putting on TV and in the theaters these past few years or so) This book takes a story that originates back to Kirk's youth, and it involves Sarek and Amanda and Spock. A possible Vulcan defection? Maybe... Just watch the amazing character development that takes place in this thing. The Kirk/Spock friendship gets a new and deeper dynamic here. An intruiging tale that involves seeming corruption even to the highest ranks of the Federation, and an incurable disease that is spreading throughout the galaxy. I just wish with all my heart that Shatner's books would be considered canonical (I already consider them that way) and were put on the big screen instead of watered down hooey like Insurrection and what not. This is awesome, and just like all the others, you will read it again and again and realize "Hey, this is the way Star Trek used to be!"... and it should be again. Dear Mr. Shatner, Maybe you and Leonard Nimoy and some others that really care about Star Trek and its future ought to consider taking some kind of leadership role in its future.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek Avenger - A great conclusion to the first trilogy! Review: Star Trek "Avenger" is a good conclusion to William Shatner and Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens first Star Trek trilogy that spans well over a century of "Star Trek" time. The first two, "The Ashes of Eden" and "The Return" were absolutely phenomenal in so much as telling a good story about Captain Kirk just before the events of Star Trek "Generations" and after the events of that movie with his return from the dead in "The Return" bringing this compelling character back to Star Trek readers if not moviegoers. The one unfortunate aspect of "Avenger" is that while it is a very good novel it doesn't quite live up to its two predecessors. The story in and of itself is a pretty good one, it just reaches into some areas of Star Trek that leaves one wondering where the authors were going; by that I mean in the areas where the dialogue more or less puts Captain Kirk in such a glorious light and in doing so demeaning such STNG icons as Captain Picard and Commander Riker. That being said, the overall story is still a very good one where all three authors deftly put together a truly good story that is in good fashion in Gene Roddenberry's universe. The pacing of the novel is exceptional and the overall plot set up and execution is well on the mark. The cover art for "Avenger" is pretty much more of the same bland stuff that was very typical of Star Trek novels at the time of its publishing. The Premise: In true Star Trek style and fashion, William Shatner and the Stevens brought together a story that clearly ties up many of the loose ends set up in the first two novels and set up a reunion between Captain Kirk and Spock. The two storied heroes eventually come together when Captain Kirk, long thought to be dead, sets out to discover the source of a lethal virus that is destroying crops all over the Federation causing famine throughout the Federation with the situation worsened by over population. At the same time, Spock returns home to Vulcan to investigate whether his father died of natural causes or could there have been foul play involved. Both investigations lead them into a long awaited reunion that is told extremely well... What follows is an exceptionally well written novel with only few technical errors that aren't too difficult to overcome. Overall, I would highly recommend this and the first two novels in this, the first Shatner/Stevens trilogy to any and all fans of good Star Trek fiction! {ssintrepid}
Rating:  Summary: Book 3 of Shatner's trilogy, but not the end. Review: This is real good ST and real good Sci-Fi. Lets see, Picard is what, about 50, Ricker about 19 and Data 8 years old. Alone come Captain Kirk, who has been in star fleet for 100 years, spock 150 year and Shatner (WHO IS KirK!!!) is attacked for writing a book where Kirk and Spock outshine Picard. Why Shatner haters even read Shatner books (maybe they don't?). I know why they should read this one. Even if you hate Shatner, this is a good stuff. Shatner and his friends, and I don't care how much Shatner actually writes, tell good stories. I wish they would keep writing ST books and include the characters from DS9, TNG and Voyager. Maybe even get caught in a time warp and go back to visit Capt. Archer. Also, Picard thinks enough of Kirk that he went into the stream to get him, an event that ended in kirk dieing again. Might not Picard defer to Kirk for a plausible rational when he lacked one? I think so. Picard was great at sounding out his officers before acting. Once they are finally on the same side, Picard and Kirk are a great team. This book has a lot in it. If you like the pacing and style of this book, try Shatner's Tek War books for the adventures of a futuristic PI Jake Cardigan.