Rating:  Summary: A History of the Academy Awards or a Political Diatribe? Review: I thoroughly enjoyed the first Inside Oscar with its biting wit and humorous anecdotes. This one is more of a straightforward history minus a lot of the humourous quips and observations of the first. The late Mason Wiley is truly missed. Damien Bona also runs the risk of offending about 53% of the audience (after the 2002 election) with his subjective statements like "as if Republicans were dear hearts and gentle people" and general nasty comments about everyone from Bob Dole to George Bush (43). It's enough that we have to hear these comments from the Hollywood "elite" (Barbara Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Bill Maher, et al.) Recommended only for a read through, it's not quite as captivating as its predecessor.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THIS BOOK! Review: The original Inside Oscar is deservedly acknowledged as a classic, but I think I like this sequel even more. It is so much fun, constantly providing real honest-to-goodness out-loud laughs. And the writing is so lively. It's one of those rare books that you pick up and start reading and before you know it, you've spent an hour without putting it down. The detail for each year is just extraordinary - on such areas as the production histories of the contending movies, the background and backstage drama of each Oscar ceremony, the campaigns (which have gotten especially important in the years covered by the book), the arrivals at the show, and so on. The author knows exactly how to pinpoint the funny, telling detail. As for the author's opinions, I find them extremely well-reasoned and eloquently set forth. And also, he balances his own opinions with opposing stances from various film critics. As for political comments, these Republican reviewers need to get a grip. There's no more than a half-dozen remarks of a political nature. And none of them is arbitrary - they all come in the context of some political aspect regarding a campaign, a movie, an award or a comment made on the show.. Inside Oscar 2 is a wonderful book, and is a must-have for anyone who loves movies and/or is interested in Hollywood. It's amazing to me that a book can both contain so much information and also be so entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THIS BOOK! Review: The original Inside Oscar is deservedly acknowledged as a classic, but I think I like this sequel even more. It is so much fun, constantly providing real honest-to-goodness out-loud laughs. And the writing is so lively. It's one of those rare books that you pick up and start reading and before you know it, you've spent an hour without putting it down. The detail for each year is just extraordinary - on such areas as the production histories of the contending movies, the background and backstage drama of each Oscar ceremony, the campaigns (which have gotten especially important in the years covered by the book), the arrivals at the show, and so on. The author knows exactly how to pinpoint the funny, telling detail. As for the author's opinions, I find them extremely well-reasoned and eloquently set forth. And also, he balances his own opinions with opposing stances from various film critics. As for political comments, these Republican reviewers need to get a grip. There's no more than a half-dozen remarks of a political nature. And none of them is arbitrary - they all come in the context of some political aspect regarding a campaign, a movie, an award or a comment made on the show.. Inside Oscar 2 is a wonderful book, and is a must-have for anyone who loves movies and/or is interested in Hollywood. It's amazing to me that a book can both contain so much information and also be so entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Or "...and the world according to Damien Bona" Review: This book is a sequel of sorts to the original "Inside Oscar" written by both Bona and his late partner, Mason Wiley. The earlier editions were far more objective and less crassly cynical than this latest edition, written by Bona alone. Bona goes on and on, not just letting the reader know without any shred of doubt what movies are Good Bona Movies and what movies are Bad Bona Movies. If this book had been published first I might not have objected so much, but readers used to the more level headed tone of the first book may be off put many times by his acerbic "my opinion is truth" tone throughout here. In MY opinion, Mr. Bona this is NOT the place! Certain generalizations really irked me, like his calling "Pay it Forward" on page 332 "the worst reviewed film of the year". No it wasn't, Mr. Bona. Not by a long shot. Though Bona probably WISHES it was because the idealistic film ran so against Bona's crassly cynical Hollywood attitude toward everything. Time and time again he does this. He has this thing against "Magnolia" so vehemently that it makes me wonder if he is really Kevin Smith incognito. I have no problem if he doesn't like "Magnolia" but his tone "my opinions are not opinions, they are truth!" Though I will admit to liking his trashing of "American Beauty", being one of the few people who didn't admire that widely overpraised and overrated film. But again, even if I agree with him there, can't he just shut up and talk about the whole Oscar thing? Perhaps his tone is actually fitting with the whole cynicism that surrounds the Oscars every year. Like it's all a joke anyway or something. But if he really feels that way, why doesn't he just stop watching movies and do something else?
Rating:  Summary: Damien Bona Leaves No "Stone" Unturned..... Review: This review refers to "Inside Oscar 2" by Damien Bona..... What did Sharon Stone wear to the Oscar Ceremony in 1995 that caused a big stir and increased sales at "The Gap"?...And what about Oliver Stone..nominated for and Original Screenplay for "Nixon" but a no show at the ceremonies...what's up with that? What about those wacky guys who brought you "South Park: Bigger..." and the controversial song "Blame Canada" in 1999, Matt Stone, Trey Parker and Mark Shaiman. What were THEY wearing and who would be lucky enough to sing their song on stage. Find out the answer to these very important and burning questions in Damien Bona's follow up to "Inside Oscar"..."Inside Oscar 2". For fans of "The Big Night", the annual Oscar awards, this a five star book full of every detail that goes on surrounding the Oscar hubbub.It's got all the elements a good movie would have. Action and Adventure (this mostly occurs when the stars run into Joan Rivers on the Red Carpet pre-show), Mystery and Action (remember the year the Oscars were stolen and where they were found?),Romance(the stars love that little guy), Lots and lots of comedy, and even some sci/fi...who could forget that thing that Bjork wore in 2000. What was that anyway? Damien Bona has once again done an excellent job of bringing the Oscar events to us. This "sequel" covers the more recent years of 1995-2000. As in the first book, Bona has formated each year, beginning with detailed events leading up to the nominations,all the excitement of the "Big Night", who presented, Billy Crystal's opening songs, great acceptance speeches, and finally the aftermath of what went on after the presentations(find out who sat with who at what party and what they ate). And also you will find a great refrence section in the back, naming every award, nominee and winner by year. I applaud Bona for changing with the times. As over the years more attention has been paid to what the stars were wearing, those ever multiplying pre shows, and even the growing notarity of the bleacher fans, so Mr. Bona has been sure to include all those details and much more in this book.He also includes many of the critics opinions, good and bad, and is pretty open with his own feelings on certain films himself. If your as crazy for "Oscar" as you are for the films themselves, you'll love this book. It will keep you laughing at the antics of the studios and the stars, and you won't be able to put it down. And if you haven't read the first one, it's a must. It has all the info on Oscar from the very beginning of Oscar history. One little teeny complaint....Mr Bona...I was ready for my close-ups!...what happened to all the wonderful pictures of the stars and their Oscars at the beginning of each chapter..I missed those this time...Please include some in "Inside Oscar 3". I'll be waiting and thanks for the memories......Laurie
Rating:  Summary: Invaluable Resource for All Oscar Fans Review: With his Academy Award reference book, "Inside Oscar 2," Damien Bona provides the public with a simply designed, complete, and ultimately indespensable guide to the most prestigous award in film. Detailed and witty overviews of the years 1995 to 2000 give the browser an exceptional sense of the film inustry occurences of that year. Also, a complete and informative nomination index is located at the back, supplying data ideal for quizzing other Oscar enthusiasts. Meticulously collected "oscar night" information can also be found in this guide. To all fans of the world's favorite golden guy, this book, "Inside Oscar 2," is worth it.