Rating:  Summary: The Wolf Was Framed! Review: Do you know the original story of "The Three Little Pigs"? If you don't, please read it or have someone recite it to you before reading this book, otherwise you won't get it. You'll miss all the humor and there is a lot of it in this book, "The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs", by A. Wolf (the actual wolf) as told to Jon Scieszka.Find out how the famous line, "I'll huff and puff and blow your house down" got started. Alexander T. Wolf (the big bad wolf)tells his side of the story from inside the big house (The Pig Pen). You'll be amazed at what really happened. What an imaginative story. I wish I could have thought of it. Even though this picture book, with beautiful illustrations by Lane Smith, is for kids 3-8, I think adults will also get a kick out of it. It's a perfect bed-time story. The original Three Little Pigs was more of a suspense story (maybe even a little scary) but this book is full of laugh-out-loud humor.
Rating:  Summary: The True Story Of The 3 Little Pigs Review: I thought the book was hillrious. It's about this wolf who's making a cake for his granny's birthday.Then the wolf noticed that he didn't have any sugar.So the wolf goes asking his pig neighbors for a cup of sugar.So the wolf went to house #1.House #1 didn't want to to give the cup of sugar to the wolf. The wolf had a cold so he sneezed a big sneeze and blew the first little pigs house down.The pig was dead so the wolf ate the poor little pig.The same thing happened with the second little pig.The last little pig was the "brains" of the family he built his house out of bricks.This pig didn't want to give the wolf some sugar.The wolf tried to blow the house down but he couldn't it.The wolf got really mad. Then the cops came. Now the wolf is in jail.
Rating:  Summary: My Opinion Review: I think the true story of the three little pigs was a great story. I thought the wolf was innocent because all he wanted was a cup of sugar.
Rating:  Summary: The wolf's story Review: I loved this book! Not only is it an entertaining book for children but adults as well. It is a funny and slightly sarcastic look at mordern American culture where every Criminal gets a chance to explain away or excuse his or her crime. You see the wolf realy didn't mean to blow down the little pig's houses it was all just an innocent accident. (Besides they should have built them better) And the part about him being a big bad wolf? All a creation of the media to jazz up his criminal trial and sell more newspapers. It's rare to find a childrens book these days that is fun and creative but this one is both and belongs in every house with children that have heard the pig's version of the this crime against fairy tale swine.
Rating:  Summary: To : Al : " God Bless You" Review: Talk about "the flip side!" This book was great. Jon Sceiszka has done a great job of protraying the wolf as a inocent victim. The true story was about a sneeze and a cup of sugar. The way that he inter-weaved the two stories was perfect. Jon told the wolfs side well without changing the original pattern of the story. I am a college student and a future teacher of America. I really enjoyed reading this book. I remember when it was first released and my 4th grade teacher read it in class! I loved it then and I love it now! This book is the perfect book to teach point of view, when comparing it to the traditional three little pigs story. It's also a good way to discuss the impact of media.
Rating:  Summary: Max's Book Review Review: I read the book, "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" by Jon Scieszka. This is a fantastic childrens' book based on the original story of the three little pigs. I really enjoyed the creative, detailed illustrations and the interesting plot. According to this version of "The Three Little Pigs", the wolf is completely innocent. I also liked the fluent writing style of the book. Reading this book, you gain the understanding of the wolf's side of the story, which is not often read. I would recommend "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" to someone who enjoys humorous books. I think that this book is one that both parents and children can enjoy reading together! I really enjoyed this book and i think you will to!
Rating:  Summary: An Amazingly Funny Book Review: I loved reading The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. It was very entertaining and fun to read. Not only for children, but for teens and adults as well. It shows that every criminal should get their chance to prove their side of the story. It gave the wolf's perspective of the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. This book was interesting because the wolf came up with such a hilarious story for what really happened. He said that he was going to their houses to get a cup of sugar for a cake he was making! The wolf also said that he just sneezed when the pig's houses fell down, he didn't really mean to knock them down. (They should have been built better anyways!) He said that the media just jazzed up the trial to make it seem more interesting! This book had comical illustrations to interpret what was happening in the story. The illustrations like almost like a collage. I think this is a great book, and that every child that had heard the story of The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf should definitely read this humorous book.
Rating:  Summary: A hilarious new twist on an old story. Review: Aside from being funny and having great illustrations,this book has value in showing children that there are two sides to every story.I wouldn't recommend this book for younger children, but older children and adults will definitely enjoy it. Another great book similar to this by the same authors is the Stinky Cheeseman and Other Stupid Tales.
Rating:  Summary: Funny book, but don't get it too early Review: My elementary-school age son loves the upside-down fairy tale books, like The Stinky Cheese Man, The Wolf Who Cried Boy, or The Big Bad Pig and the Three Little Wolves. This book isn't as much fun for him as those, because at least 80% of the humor is intended for somebody no younger than 12. *I* laugh my head off whenever we read it; it's certainly a five-star book. Just don't expect a young child to enjoy the book.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Review: This is one of the best books I have ever read. I loved it when I was an elementary student, and even now as a high school student it still makes me crack a smile. If you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for. And while you're at it, read the Stinky Cheeseman and Other Stupid Tales.