Rating:  Summary: depressing beyond belief Review: When the authors said that this book may make you physically ill, they were close to my reaction. Some of it was amusing (especially in their evaluation section), but much of it was pathetic, sad, and revolting. The authors seem to be portraying their own lives (the elder a 4-time married person who has had venereal diseases; the younger apparently duplicating his co-author's lifestyle). Perhaps some of it is true, but what a depressing view theirs is of not just men but also women. I have lived through some of these difficulties but, if I thought that everyone lives under similar perceptions of reality, I would be tempted to "chuck it all." In essence, their depiction of men relegates them to an almost animalistic level of behavior. While I have few illusions regarding life-long fidelity, I also believe that most men try to maintain some semblance of monogamy. Despite everything, I do not think it is an intelligent response to regard men as the equivalent of dogs, any more than I think the solution to monogamy is to make women into perpetual givers of sexual comfort. It is sad to believe that men and women in the work force cannot maintain professional relationships. Yes, there are some useful hints in this book, but the basic message is that, if you are a wife, you'd better put out whenever your husband demands it or he will cheat on you! The other message is that the husband cares nothing about his wife, is uninterested in her satisfaction, and wants nothing to do with her after she has satisfied him.
Rating:  Summary: A message from a beatiful, intelligent woman: Review: This book has obviously been written by two 15-year-old sex-deprived boys masquerading as two fully grown sex-depraved men. Even though it's been endorsed by the world's most "respected man of integrity" (ha!) Howard Stern!! Well, since we all live our lives by The Word according to Stern, how can we go wrong? (Which is exactly the way he tells us to to go and makes millions for it). These two bozos are cashing in on weak and gullible guys who need other guys to give them the nod that whatever their sex-drive dictates, is OK and something to boast about! So now, let me get this straight. Twerps (who call themselves "men") are not biologically capable of saying no, so by nature they're compelled to play around with any female ignorant and emotionally needy enough to go along with them. But it's perfectly acceptable because it's their hormones that make them do it. Am I getting it right so far? And let me see now, if their girlfriend or wife can't or won't give them what they want when they want it, they have a right to go get it from someone else. After all, it's up to her to keep him from that, isn't it? And if she doesn't she deserves to be cheated on and lied to. How am I doing so far? And let's see now, the better they are at cheating and lying, the more points they earn from other twerps? Here's a shocker for pathetic guys like you: Any woman with personal integrity, intelligence, beauty, style, class, and natural sex-appeal won't buy into your BS because she'll have you pegged in the blink of an eye. You're easy to spot and there are many,many of you sniffing around and about. You try to hide it but you're so obviously needy it's a complete turn-off to her. She's going to have a good laugh while she passes you by for an authentic, sexy, attractive, honorable man that's willing and able to provide her with what she really wants and needs - genuine love - and she'll get it because she'll hold out for the BEST and won't settle for you. In other words, she will have the man that you guys pretend to be. The reason you're experts at deception is because you know that if a woman could see who you really are, she'd be gone! Now say you don't care! Of course you'd give your whole collection of Playboy magazines just to be seen by the other guys with a woman like her admiring you. Sorry, but you're not even on her "C" list. She's got quality taste and you don't count. Instead, you "loaded" lemmings live to be enslaved by any airheaded, lonely or desperate female starved for affection and gullible enough to believe your fraudulent pitches. You say you're choosy but you'll settle for anything female and available. Hormones? BS! It's HUBRIS guys - but you refuse to recognize that fact and admit it's making your lives pretty miserable and you're enslaved by it. Admit it. Without a babe in your life you're in a panic and you're lost. You can't make it without a female, and you think you're free? The easiest thing in the world for a woman to do is get a guy to touch her. Any woman, at any age, regardless of what she looks like, knows that, and can get it within an hour. You're not as special as you think you are and you're a dime a dozen. You fall over chairs trying to get a freebie glance at a cleavage (whoopie-do!). You wreck your expensive cars or cheap pick-up trucks because you can't keep your eyes off of an average pair of legs walking down the street. You pay high-priced and low-life prostitutes your hard earned money just to get from her what you could get from your own woman - if you knew how. You haven't figured out yet that you get what you give - and you don't have to buy it from a public escort. To gratify your Almighty Hormones and to show off in front of other duds, you make asses of yourselves daily. You spend money you don't have, deceive your girlfriends, break up your families, dishonor your marriages, lose your jobs, and dirty the office of the presidency. You live with guilt and fear of getting caught. You hurt yourself and you deeply crush those you say you care for. All for a roll around on the bed that's over for you in a minute. But you'll continue catering to Hormone Madness because that's all you know for now. One day you may get yourself in balance and find there's a much better way to live, love and be loved. No, I'm not a man-hating feminist. I'm that terrific woman I described above, who appreciates and adores a good MAN and will do anything in the world for him becase he's earned it and he deserves nothing less.
Rating:  Summary: Best relationship book I've ever read Review: This book is an incredible tool to foster communication between couples. My girlfriend read some of this stuff and was shocked and confronted me, but I was actually really glad because they were things I wanted to talk to her about but never had the guts to say. Thanks to Smith and Doe for saying what we've all wanted to say but never could.
Rating:  Summary: What Stupid People Don't Already Know Review: This book is perfect for men who have an elevated ego. As an advice book, it is a total DUD. Real women already know what's in this book and don't need to bother reading it. I would have given it no stars, but that option was not availible!
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK RULES Review: These guys have spoken the truth: women, better give your men what they need and unload them fast, or else they'll just get it elsewhere. Stop looking at your man as a lifeboat or an escape hatch and start taking care of him. However hot you think you are, there will always be others hotter and more willing.
Rating:  Summary: Oh for crying out loud. Review: This books not only ignores the existence of such little known qualities as "self control", it ignores the existence of homosexuals. How very enlightened.
Rating:  Summary: Men in Hollywood Are Perverts Anyway Review: Such statements don't surprise me from men in Hollywood--I was formerly pursuing acting but stopped because I got sick of the leachery. So now I'm pursuing writing -- they can't see what I look like. Men in Hollywood have HUGE egos--they think it is their RIGHT to screw every attractive woman that they see. Sorry, this is crap, there are SOME men out there who love their wives and are faithful to them. Men in Hollywood are horndogs because they have a lot of money and they like to wield power over women because of their influence.
Rating:  Summary: Laughed Out Loud (Been There!) ... But Something's Missing! Review: Much of the philosophy rings true. The male ego and "eye" has no bounds, nor shame. However, trust and sharing (especially fantasies) is a huge part of a successful marriage. The authors spend too much time on the downside of the relationship between men & women and devote only one chapter to the upside -- not a balanced viewpoint.
Rating:  Summary: Heralds of the men's liberation movement! Review: I read this book the other day. I have a doctorate so I am not so stupid as to leave it lying around where my wife might find it! That nothwithstanding and after due reflection inspired by Clinton's ordeals and the subsequent blah, blah by all of the hippocritical male news people and politicians, I have decided that this book is a timely message that needs to be heard. It is time for the secrets to come out. Nothing good has ever come of secrets and it is high time that women come to grips with the real nature of men and learn to accept us for the sex-crazed animals that we are. Bravo, Smith and Doe! You are the heralds of the men's liberation movement! I truly believe that only good will come from your disclosures.
Rating:  Summary: I could NOT put it down! Review: I heard "Smith and Doe" on Howard Stern last week and immediately went on amazon.com to order the book. I got it yesterday and, even though I was at work, I started reading it. I could NOT put it down. I was actually laughing out loud. As I was reading, I was marking the pages that I wanted to SPECIFICALLY read to some of my male friends. My favorite parts of the book were about Bachelor Parties, and the story of "The Bomb." My first "victim" was a man that I have been friends with for about 13 years. Of course, he is one of those guys that always WATCHES at bachelor parties, but never participates (he held onto this "truth" even after I read to him about those OTHER men that also claim they are merely innocent bystanders!) When I read him the story of "The Bomb" he at least had the decency to TRY to look as if he didn't believe someone would do something so BAD, but we all know that deep down inside (or even not so deep down) he was thinking "now THAT'S a man! I will be recommending this book to both my female and male friends -- hopefully the females will find it as funny as I did, and the males will be able to prepare for what some of these women might start doing to them!