Rating:  Summary: Overthrowing of the government leaves them in the same place Review: Animal Farm, obviously, is a novel that takes place on a farm with barnyard animals, but it is much more. It begins with oppression and a totalitarian government with the master of the farm as a dictator. The animals manage to overthrow their master and for a while everything seems fine. The animals are equal and happy. This cannot last because of greed. The animals go through many different types of government and then end up right back at the begining. This shows that communism does not work. Although everyone is equal in the begining, the greed and desire to have power will always lead to one having more than another.
Rating:  Summary: This was a very intriguing and very well written book! Review: Animal Farm was well written and very expressive of the author's feelings about communism and the Russian revolution. I liked this allegory because it was very discriptive and oppinionated. I also like its pace. It keeps at a faster pace which is a challenge I enjoy. I read this book in one night and could not put it down until I was finished (at 2 o'clock in the morning). I also liked how George Orwell used animals as symbols, like Boxer the horse, aka. common hard working man. Also I thought it interesting that he chose pigs to represent the smart and leader types. I thought it was probably because pigs and men look the same in a way, or at least look like the stereotypical bussiness/farming man. The book was also thought provoking, especially the title. When you pick it up and read : 'Animal Farm: A Fairy Story' you would think it would be a book you could read children to sleep with, but once you read it you realize the political content. I would recomend this book to anyone and everyone who could get their hands on it, except children under 11. Unless the kid is above average and knows of the events in Russia, I recomend that they wait until they are able to comprehend the meaning before trying to read this novel. I loved the book and its creative style. I definitely give this book the best rating, meaning it's the best book I've ever read.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most excellent books depicting socialism... Review: By far one of the best novels I have ever read dealing with a troublesome topic. Orwell masterfully describes Socialism and its shortcomings, and he does it in such a way that it is enjoyable. I highly recommend this book to anyone who really wants to discover excellent literature.
Rating:  Summary: A book with great relevancy to today. Review: It is a great misconception that Animal farm is soley about communism. It bares much relevance in todays capitalist society. It is a must read for people who are sceptical of globalization and who find the word democracy being misrepresented. Once again a brilliant book, which opens ones eyes to the intrinsic misdeeds of society today.
Rating:  Summary: This is a very good book Review: this book is extremely good. It is on of my very favorite books. It touched me, even when I first read it, in fourth grade. I didn't fully understand it then, so I wouldn't reccomend this book for people that young. This book is very very good. That is about all I can say about it. You should read it.
Rating:  Summary: A great book about living in a communist nation. Review: This is one of the best books I've ever read. Although it's only 140 or so pages, it tells a great story. I really can see what it's like living in a communist country or farm.
Rating:  Summary: A different show of goverment system. Review: Animal Farm shows the socialism from a different point of view. Despite your position about capitalism and socialism, you should read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Not as easy as it looks, folks. Review: This book has long been shortchanged for three reasons: ( a ) It's short, ( b ) It features talking animals and ( c ) It is a very obvious allegory. To all the above charges, Animal Farm is guilty, but don't send it to the glue factory just yet -- it's also the most perfectly written book in the English language. Just think how much better off our literature would be if more writers had followed Orwell's standard-bearing example. Unlike Joyce and Pynchon and most other 20th century charlatans you care to name, Orwell doesn't write for himself -- to show off his technical virtuosity. He writes for the pleasure and edification of the AUDIENCE. This shouldn't be such a foreign concept nowadays, but it is. Orwell's craft, which is impeccable, is also totally invisible, and that's the way it should be. There are two lessons any young writer can learn from Animal Farm: ( a ) If you have a story that can be told in 80 pages, tell it in 80 pages ( b ) If you have a story that can be told in 700 pages, tell it in 80 pages. Compression, compression, compression! I can't tell you how satisfying it was, after reading supposedly sophisticated tripe like Infinite Jest -- a book whose only distinction is length -- to come back to Orwell, which I thought I had long outgrew, and bask in a novel in which every word is carefully chosen to drive the plot to its inevitable end. Granted, the political aspects of Animal Farm are a little faded, but the simple misanthropy of the story is still chilling, funny, and most importantly, well-earned. And better yet, you can perfectly visualize everything Orwell describes. It's a tragedy that Orwell spent so much of his short life furiously scribbling political broadsides, leaving his storytelling gifts mostly untapped. Those broadsides have come to dust, but Animal Farm lives.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm is a wonderful book. Review: Animal Farm is beautifully written and it is also entertaining. Some parts of the book are humorous, and other parts are depressing, especially when the horse, Boxer, is taken away by the horse butcher. The characters are delightful, and they have great human characteristics and qualities. It is a masterpiece of writing, and I have added it to my list of favorite books.
Rating:  Summary: Educational and easy to read! Review: A quick look into the world of Communism. Orwell is a genius