Rating:  Summary: Joel Mason TIGS HOMEWORK YR9 ENGLISH Review: I have read Animal Farm for a school text and I really was dissapointed by how poor the novel really was. Even though the story was partially based on the Russian revolution I believe the story was very basic and almost childish if you knew nothing about the historic points behind it.But even knowing the historics behind the novel it was boring to the last.To many parts of the story are just recollections of what happened during the revolution and it just reads like it was copied out of a text book and the caracters are added to get the kiddies reding it. The novel was very pradictable and reads like a primary school text. The characters take to many traits from humans and not enough traits from their own species. And another point I would like to add is, who is this story meant for, adults or children, because for me it is to childish for adults(with the use of animals and primary school wording) and to old for the children (the violenceand the actual theme of the story) Thankyou for reading.
Rating:  Summary: Could this be literary perfection? Review: What defines a good book? How about fluid writing style, a gripping plot, great social commentary, great action, superb dialogue, interesting and dynamic characters, a well presented environment? Well, most books, even my favorites, don't encompass all these qualities. I've finally found a book that does.Knowing nothing about this book, I wanted to start this small classic and finish up in a few days. Less than two hours later I wrapped this book up with my mouth wide open. I could not believe how good a book could be. Basically this book captures the flaws of communism and capitalism in a fantastic fairy tale about one farm rebellion and it's aftermath. It works as a great story, it works as a mirror to modern society, and it works as representation of the Soviet Union. Pardon the cliché, but it works on all levels. Basically, read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Well worth your time Review: Like most books i end up reading, this one was for my english class. Naturally sceptical at first, considering I'm a sophmore reading what seemed like a silly childrens book, I began reading through the tiny little book. It came to me as a great surprise that this was no children's book at all. The tone it sets is that of an angry old man trying to scare his grandchildren through the medium of a story. That's the great irony in this book: that it seems innocent at first, but then burns communism in such a great way that would make any true capitalist laugh. And since the book's short, your really not losing too much by reading this. its A great read for your time.
Rating:  Summary: A parable of the revolution ... Review: Like the first books of Gulliver's Travels, where Swift's pointed satire on English-French rivalry have been lost in the striking idea of tiny people and giant people, so this allegory of the 'dictatorship of the proletariat' has quite lost its political point against the power of the story. The equation of pigs with the Bolsheviks, the pig Napoleon with Stalin and Snowball with Trotsky is ultimately quite unnecessary to enjoyment of the story - exactly like 'Gulliver's Travels'. Yet the point was not lost on the people of the 1940s, nor on the oppressed people of Eastern Europe and Russia, who read the book in secret. Nor was the point lost on fellow-travellers in the West who made Orwell struggle to have it published. This is the only English book (along with 1984) guaranteed to have been read by every Russian dissident. That in itself is a monument to Orwell. This book will last as long as Swift's, possibly longer.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm Review: This book is one of the most enspiring novels I've ever read! This book is a mixture of several concepts.There is freedom, life, stupidity , and betrayal.The book talks about a group of farm animals.There is an old man who tries to take away their rights in the story. The man gets some of the animals to help hem on the deal.But the animals won't let that hapen.There is many dramatic moves in the story.I hope you enjoy the book.
Rating:  Summary: Funny animal story Review: A concise, palatable explication of how communism "evolves" (?) into totalitarianism. It entertains as it instructs and manages to evoke a sense of genuine anger against the oppressors that a drier treatment would not achieve.
Rating:  Summary: Animal Farm Review: Animal Farm is a book that takes place on a Manor Farm which was renamed to Animal Farm do to the rebeling against the pigs owner, Mr.Jones. The Animal Farm was run by Old Major who was inspired by the first great vision of a scoialist utopia for animals beginning the fervor that leads to the Rebellion. Old Major dies three days after he tells the animals his vision, which leads to the battle between Snowball and Napoleon. These two pigs head the farm and also disagree on everything. Snowball and Napoleon battle on who will be the next leader of Animal Farm. One day, as the animals are about to vote on the building of a windmill,that Snowball supports and Napoleon opposes, Napoleon decides to have Snowball driven off the farm. From that point on, Snowball becomes a scapegoat whenever anything goes wrong on the farm. As time goes on, the pigs begin to break many of the original principles and Commandments of their Rebellion. This is justified by slight changes in the Seven Commandments and explainations from Squealer, a particular persuasive pig who also favors Napoleon. Squealer also tries to convince the animals on the farm that the memories of the past are inncorrect. Eventually, as more times passes the new leader of the farm changes the name back to Manor Farm as it was when the book began.
Rating:  Summary: The Battle of Two Pigs Review: Animal Farm is a book which takes place on a Manor Farm, which was renamed to Animal Farm do to the rebeling aginst there owner Mr.Jones. Which was inspired by the dream of Old Major,a boar who has the first great vision of a socialist utopia for animals, beginning the fervor that leads to the Rebellion. Old Major dies three days after he tells the animals his vision.This leades to the battle. The two pigs that head the farm are Napoleon and Snowball who disagree on everything.The two battle on who will be the next leader of Animal Farm.One day, as the animals are about to vote on the building of a windmill that Snowball supports and Napoleon opposes. Napoleon decides to have Snowball driven off the farm. From that point on, Snowball becomes a scapegoat whenever anything goes wrong on the farm. As time goes on,the pigs begin to break many of the original principles and Commandments of their Rebellion. This is justified by slight changes in the Seven Commandments and explanations from Squealer,a particularly persuasive pig who is also on Napoleons side. Squealer also tries to convince the animals of the farm that the memories of the past are incorrect. Eventually,as more time passes the new leader of the farm changes the name back to Manor Farm much as it was when the book began.
Rating:  Summary: awesome read Review: i love reading.i read this book in school. its the only book i have ever really LOVED.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent educational lesson Review: A story of an animal overtake of a farm is an excellent lesson on government. George Orwell creates multiple characters which each have a different symbolical representation. Similar to the lessons learned in "Lord of the Flies", this tale of pigs attempting to run a farm under the first attempt of communism, gives Orwells opinions on the success of differnet forms of government. This is a classic tale for younger kids who wish to read a good story while learning much about differnt forms of todays government.