Rating:  Summary: A Book about Reality Review: "Animal Farm" is a book which is based on a historical background. The themes are: "The Russian Revolution" and "Power Corrupts". The story itself contains a believable mixture of human and animal characters. All animals of this book symbolize persons they lived in reality. For example: The pig Napoleon stands for Stalin, the pig Snowball represents Trotzky etc. The end of the novel is particularly bleak. No solution is held out - the bloody and cruel way in which the animals hopes of a happy and free future are destroyed. The events are told in a chronological order. Orwell's style is straightforward and direct and we tend to take what he says at face value. We do not question his interpretation of the characters and feel that he is telling the truth. I think when you want to read this story, you have to know the history, because otherwise it would be very difficult to understand the diffrent contexts. It's a book which is surely very interesting for history fans
Rating:  Summary: all animals are equal , but ...... Review: some animals are more equal than others. The animals at Manor Farm decide to take matters in their own hands. The revolution begins with the inspiring speech by old Major. Old Major dies soon thereafter and the rebellion is led by the boars snowball and napoleon.The animals take over the farm. They are supervised by the pigs. the seven commandments are laid down.The revolution starts to stutter when Snowball is driven out forcibly by napoleon and his guard dogs.The pigs and dogs take over the farm and each commandment undergoes a change to suit their excesses. The animals are forced into slave labour. Boxer the most commited and the hardest worker in the farm is worked to death. The pigs start dealing with the humans and finally ape them. The revolution which began with "Four legs good , two legs bad" ends with "Four legs good, two legs better" with the pigs walking on two legs. Only the cynicism of Benjamin the donkey remains remains constant. Animal Farm is a work of Genius. period.
Rating:  Summary: School serves us well.. Review: I just read this book in my English One class at my local Highschool. I thought it was one of the best books I have ever read, and it had great issues on totalitariansism, and republics. It helped us learn a great deal about both of those while still give us the humor of a normal book. I would recomend this to every kid and hope they enjoyed it as much as I did.
Rating:  Summary: Understanding human nature. Review: This book has been around a long time and I know different people get different things out of it. It was required reading in my high school English Lit class and I happened to read it in conjunction with Marx's "Communist Manifesto" because I was writing a term paper on Communism and Socialism for History. For me, Animal Farm really helped me understand why equality is an easy concept to embrace in theory but a sometimes difficult one to maintain in reality. It taught me a lot about human nature.
Rating:  Summary: Let's just say . . . WONDERFUL . . . GREAT . . . THE BEST Review: This was an amazingly good book. the writing is great and understandable, and the story is really good, but the ending is the best. I also like the fact that it was so short. I was so interested after the first 10 pages that I couldn't put it down and I read the whole thing in just one night. I really don't suggest you miss this classic, because it is one of the best books I've read (among Steinbeck, Dumas, and more) READ READ READ!!!
Rating:  Summary: Human nature Review: After reading this novel, I felt that George Orwell was refering to the average human. In Animal Farm, there were many examples of human nature, today. Selfishness was expressed in Napolean's character but Snowball, on the other hand, represented selflessness.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Fable Review: This had to have been my favorite book that I read my freshman year of high school, after Harry Potter of course. I was very skeptical because I get bored very easily. But, I read it in one night and I loved it!!! It is such a great historical novel because of it's parallels with the Russian Revoulation. If you don't have time to read it, make time.
Rating:  Summary: The Revolution of Animal Farm Review: When I read the book "Animal Farm", I compared it to the overthrow of Milosevic and the revolution of Yugoslavia. Many things that George Orwell included in his book applied to Yugoslavia. I think that all revolutions begin the same way, and that "Animal Farm" can be compared to all of them. This book happened in steps, showing everything that happens during a revolution. From the very beginning with the overthrow of a leader to the rebellions that happen later. I know that in the future more revolution will occur. Even though they'll all start at different times and places, they'll all start the same way, and they'll share many common characteristics. "Animal Farm" is a guide to revolutions, and even though it was written sometime ago, the storyline still pertains to revolutions today.
Rating:  Summary: Review of The Animal Farm Review: George Orwell's The Animal Farm is a great book that bridges the gap between history and fiction. This easy-to-read book is a story of "Manor Farm" and the many animals that live there. At first glance it may appear to be an extra long children's story, however, the reader will soon pick up on the underlying story. This fable is allegorical in nature due to the fact that it tells the story of Soviet communism. This is a story that features a workers' revolt where the working class (the animals) rise up against an oppressive ruling class (humans). This revolt resembles the revolt advocated by Karl Marx, the so-called "father of communism". The animals' revolt against their oppressors only leads to a much harsher oppression within a dictatorship, once again pointing to the Soviet brand of communism. Orwell paints an accurate picture throughout this story of both the dictatorship, which is represented by pigs, and the lesser working class, which is the rest of the animals. Despite the serious nature of Orwell's message, there is some comedy as well as action that make this story a good read. Although this book was originally published in 1946, it is still relevant today. In today's world there are still residual effects of Soviet communism as well as many dictatorships. By reading The Animal Farm one is able to understand the oppressive nature of a dictatorship, and of communism in its impure state, which will allow one to have a better understanding of the tactics dictators use to seize and remain in power. This understanding will also shed light on the events occuring throughout the world today in the form of war and strife. This short book that resembles the nursery rhyme "Old McDonald's Farm" is a much more complex story than it appears. Anyone who considers themselves to be an historian or a casual reader could benefit from reading this classic tale.
Rating:  Summary: Review Review: George Orwell's allegory Animal Farm conveys a strong political message in a universal manner. Stereotypical characters and cycles in Animal Farm illustrate how oppressive governments exert their power over the masses. Written in 1943, as an allegory to Stalin's brutal reign in the Soviet Union Animal Farm outlines how a socialist system can shift towards totalitarian. The corrupt owner of Manor Farm, Mr. Jones, is driven off his land after the wisest of the animals, old Major, has a vision. Driven to starvation and ignited by Old Major's speech, the animals launch a rebellious insurrection. In the period after Jones is driven off the farm, all animals coexist in momentary harmony. A system of government called Animalism is developed under which codes of conduct are introduced in the form of commandments. While the paint from the commandments is still wet, the pigs begin to manipulate their fellow animals. Blatant propaganda is the device used to shepherd the weaker animals into the exploitative pigs regime. Napoleon is the quintessential Stalin both in character and tactics. The very vices and ways of man, once rebelled against, are adopted by the dominating pigs emphasizing the theme: a powerful class need not censor itself, once established. The theme of ignorance runs rampant in Animal Farm. The destruction of Animalism and the behavior of the ignorant are intended to impassion the reader, as well as educate mass society. Orwell's brilliance outlines the nature of power struggles in the relationship of animal to master. Through the manipulation of these relationships Orwell is able to create a universal political message that is as relevant today as it was when it was written.