Rating:  Summary: Star Trek DS-9 Avatar Review: A book that is a combination of DS-9 and STNG. We have Colonel Kira Nerys holding down the fort at DS9 after the Dominion War. A Jem'Hadar ship cripples the space station and power is at a minimum after the jetison of part of the core power unit.We get to read about Kira's thoughts and the others characters are fleshed out in this book. A good sign to the reader. Now, we get to feel the characters as the go about thinking, instead of just the doing. The peace that was is fragile and is threatened. We have Kassidy Yeates pregnant with Capt. Benjamin Sisko's child, the Avatar, hence the name of the books. Capt. Jean-Luc Picard makes an interesting discovery... yes but it wouldn't be fair to disclose it here... please read it and enjoy why this discovery will effect the Deep Space 9 and those of the Alpha Quadrant. A good book for reading and getting character development. Also, this is where we get to know Kira Nerys better. There is a great chornology of events that happen in linear time at the beginning of the book. Great to keep everyone in perspective perspicaciousness. Read and enjoy this book as it will be refered to in future writings in this genre.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek DS-9 Avatar Review: A book that is a combination of DS-9 and STNG. We have Colonel Kira Nerys holding down the fort at DS9 after the Dominion War. A Jem'Hadar ship cripples the space station and power is at a minimum after the jetison of part of the core power unit. We get to read about Kira's thoughts and the others characters are fleshed out in this book. A good sign to the reader. Now, we get to feel the characters as the go about thinking, instead of just the doing. The peace that was is fragile and is threatened. We have Kassidy Yeates pregnant with Capt. Benjamin Sisko's child, the Avatar, hence the name of the books. Capt. Jean-Luc Picard makes an interesting discovery... yes but it wouldn't be fair to disclose it here... please read it and enjoy why this discovery will effect the Deep Space 9 and those of the Alpha Quadrant. A good book for reading and getting character development. Also, this is where we get to know Kira Nerys better. There is a great chornology of events that happen in linear time at the beginning of the book. Great to keep everyone in perspective perspicaciousness. Read and enjoy this book as it will be refered to in future writings in this genre.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific continuation to the DS9 saga! Review: As a reader and owner of all the Star Trek books, I found Avatar to be a terrific continuation of DS9. So much so that one cannnot help but view this as the season premier for the eighth season. S.D. Perry is a welcome addition to the world of Star Trek authors and it's great to see more Star Trek stories from her. The creation of the new characters adds an element of unpredictability that is not normally found in the world of Star Trek novels. This is evident in Avatar with some surprising plot twists that you just don't see coming at all. The DS9 relaunch is a complete success and I'm sure the entire series will be a defintate must read.
Rating:  Summary: Great Writing - Great Characters - One Unnecessary Loose End Review: Author S.D. Perry has done a nice job capturing the characters of Kira, Bashir, and reintroduces Ro Laren with great success - particular in describing her current (and future) relationship with Picard. Such great writing makes an "obstacle" to Kira's faith described at the end of the book all the more "out of place", unnecessary, and inconsistent with Kira's storyline. Let's hope this is resolved quickly in an forthcoming book.
Rating:  Summary: Just the Begining Review: Avatar book two opens up new possibilities for the future of the trek book series. Finally, books which are consistant with one another, and individual books build on a richer picture to continue an ongoing history. I greatly enjoyed this book, it's well writen, the charachters portraied very well. There are some incridibly tense situations as past personal histories are brought together, and new charachters brought in as well, including one very intriguing Commander Elias Vaugn. Ezri Dax is more thoroughly explored as she comes to terms with the depth of meanings of being a joined Trill and the possibilities and consequences this brings for her. Quark brings some humor to the story in an oh-so-Quarkish way. Jake is on a mission alone to find his father, and I'm looking foward to the future book which explores this adventure. For now, this is only the begining of a great new era in trek books.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed too Review: Avatar is advertised as a two book series. As such, one expects the introduction of interesting plot lines - ALONG with their resolutions. Thus to say I feel cheated by this series is to put it mildly. While I liked some of the characters' interactions (Julian and Ezri, Kira and Ro, etc), overall the story was plodding. It did not deserve two books worth of 'plot development'. I moved through them swiftly, not because they were necessarily engrossing reads, but because I wanted to get to the good parts - the parts which actually moved the story or characters along. The unfortunate thing is that these were somewhat few and far between. And the REAL subplot which moves ALL of the story along is left UNRESOLVED. I don't know if this is because Paramount will not allow it to be resolved - or because they are going to produce MORE books to the series labeled 2 of 2. In other words, BECAUSE of the advertising, I was led to expectations which were NOT met. The story does NOT end. In fact, these two books seem simply designed to set up thing for further stories. In fact, the book ends not with "The End" but with "The Beginning". One last thing - the tie in with the Enterprise is totally wasted. They had no real connection to the story or to the characterizations. You could have substituted ANY anonymous persons or ship and it would have made no relative difference to the story. All in all, call me disappointed too. The only reason I give the two books 2 stars is because they do set up interesting characters. But that is ALL they do. This is character study, not storytelling.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent continuation to the DS9 Saga! Review: Avatar: Book 2 has action, adventure, excitement, and all the other plot benefits that DS9 fans have come to expect! If all the future DS9 books are this excellent, then fans are certainly in for a treat!
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: Beginning with the return of the Jem'Hadar and a prophecy that could change Jake Sisko's life forever, Avatar: Book One continues the Deep Space Nine saga in an action-packed way!
Rating:  Summary: And the saga continues... Review: Did you feel a sense of loss when you watched the series finale of Deep Space Nine? Well, then this is the perfect book for you. It picks up nicely where the series left off and gives the reader a sense of continuity. If you were a fan of the show, you'll love this book.
Rating:  Summary: opens up more questions than answers Review: Eagarly reading this book to find answers to certain questions and plot resolutions, I was sorely mistaken. It advances some plots, but others are left dangling. One of the most disappointing things about the book was the fact that "Avatar" has not happened yet and the plot involving Jake has not gone anywhere. The mystery involving the mysterious Jemhadar soldier "Kitana'klan" was resolved to my satisfaction and opens up some interesting possibilities for future novels. There is one good fire fight and I'll add that S.D Perry describes them well. The action, character development and the overall writing style compels me to give this book 4 stars. Were it not for the dangling plots, I would have given this book 5 stars. Oh, and the awkward relationship beween Ro Lauren and Quark is rather annoying and a waste of space.