Rating:  Summary: Pointless Garbage! Review: This book (if you can even call it that) is a complete waste of trees. The plot makes no sense and the author's sex jokes aren't funny. Why someone would make fun of such wonderful stories such as the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings series (reffering to another parody) is beyond me. Take my advice and skip this and all parodies. I reccomend this book to trolls and Saddam Hussien and that's about it.BUY THE ORIGINALS!
Rating:  Summary: Potter fans CAN be Trotter fans. Review: I have to say, I'm an avid Harry Potter fan. But I also have a sense of humour. This book isn't just for those of you who are sick of hype (which I defend as totally valid ;) ), it's also for any ADULT Harry fan who can have a laugh. I'd be suprised if J.K. herself hasn't had a bit of a chuckle at this one! I highly recommend Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody. Its not just a cheap insult at a children's book, its a valid comment on over merchandised children's fads and commercialisation. Satisfies the cynic in even the most devout potter fan. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A Fun Book. Worth the few quaters to purchase. Review: Barry Trotter not only pokes fun at the Harry Potter storyline. It also is a social satire for everyone. It angles much of its humor toward a capitalistic society that has to market every aspect of a great idea (like Harry Potter or Barry Trotter). The purpose of Lord Valumart is to make money wherever possible, and he does a great job of it too. Also, the inflection and notes from the author throughout the book are hysterical. I especially loved the last note of the book that pokes fun of post modernism. Oh, and if the reader hates the book, that is fine too. The author was nice enough to have a generic letter of offense at the back that can be photocopied and sent to the publisher that allows the readers to check off why they hate the author. The book receives four stars instead of five because some of the jokes are just beat to death in this book. Perhaps the book should have been shorter. But, then again, the book would then turn into a short story. The book is already only 174 pages long.
Rating:  Summary: Gwah, buy it already! Review: To make a long review short, I will state that 'Barry Trotter and the Unathorized Parody' lives up to its claims. It's a parody, and it's unauthorized. And most important of all ... it's incredibly funny. I'm glad I chanced upon this book - it opened up a whole new world - and if I may say so, line of thought (now that's something to think about - a parody opening up an archetypal line of thought, in accordance to laws of alternate universes ... ) - and though I had earlier not read the Harry Potter series itself, I was inspired to. Though it might be hard for a few to appreciate humor of this kind - I most certainly do so. A word to the unwise: Don't ignore the fine print. And the disclaimers. And though many might misunderstand, I'm certain that this book is more of a credit and definitely NOT an insult to J.K. Rowling's authorship. Potter people who are under the misconception that it is disparaging - it is not! I would advise you not reject this book - you most probably will like it. It inspired me to read the originals, after all ... fancy that (this does not make me ignorant of the Potter fandom. I hope). I'm making a short review long here, so I shall cease and desist with this. Just buy the book, for to say anything more would be criminal spoiling. It is indeed worth your money - and the few minutes (hours, or days, depending on your reading speed) of your life.
Rating:  Summary: Too young for this book? Not! Review: After looking for some reading material waiting for the fifth Harry Potter book I came across this book. I read the first chapter online and I automatically thought this was too old for but I checked it out anyway. I read the next chapter at Borders and I had to buy it. Barry Trotter is the funniest parody I've ever read. Only a true Harry Potter fan would get all the corny jokes. Though on the back it clearly says "If you think this book is too old for you it probably is" I think most kids with a good grasp of what is whay would love it!
Rating:  Summary: I guess they should have upped the ante Review: I was moderately disappointed in Barry Trotter. While the premise is promising, the joke level sunk to groaning and not really an equivalent to "Hey, that make sense now that they're making fun of the Harry Potter books." Some little twists are quite clever, my sympathies to Lon. I still believe it is clever, riding on the coattails of a very popular series. It is good to know that even in the world of merchandising, one does have the opportunity to thumb a nose or two at it.
Rating:  Summary: Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody by Michael Gerber Review: Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody By Michael Gerber Reviewed by: 01001100 01100001 01110100 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110111 01000101 01000011 01101000 01100001 01101110 Berry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody is one of the funniest humor books I have ever read. This book starts out at the hogwash school. Barry has just started his 11th year. He was held back for five years. He has a friend at school named Lon. He is taking special ED, because during a Quiddit match, a brainer lodged itself into his head and went through his head. Hogwash is suffering the worst event that Hogwash has ever been thought. Recently a Berry Trotter Movie has been released (not in real life, but in the book) and someone has published Hogwash's location and many Berry Trotter fans are arriving at the school every day and won't leave. Alpo Bumblemore, head master of the school, sent Barry and Lon to stop the next Barry Trotter movie. On there way to J.G. Rowlins estate they stopped at Hogsbleed to see if Ermine Cranger join them on their trip to J.G.'s estate. When they got to J.G.'s, there she wasn't their. Instead, there was her friend. He told them that J.G. was in New York City. So they went to New York. There they Meet Fred and Jorge, who has been expelled from school, you have to read the book to fine the reasons. They help them find the location of J.G. She was told to be the building of Fantastic. I will stop here, because I don't want to give away the whole book, but it gets interesting near the end. My conclusion to this book is that it is a good made fun of version of Harry Potter. Most of the character's personality is almost the opposite from the characters on Harry Potter. To those people who doesn't get what I just said, to make it short this is a really good book. I read this book seven times and I'm still not bored with it, but I would recommend that people at ages 12+ should read this book due to inappropriate parts of the book that would be bad to kids under 12. Do not contact me, because my email is a false one....For now.
Rating:  Summary: Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody. Review: In my own opinion, Barry Trotter is way better(and funnier) than Harry Potter. Why? I'm almost 13 and am begining to see the real series as just a fad for the younger readers. It started out very nice untill they made it into a movie.( Along with school supplies,backpacks,toys,games,etc.)Then I began and have grown out of it. But then I picked up Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody and found a new favorite book.This book has got to be the best parody ever! The jokes are very humorus and more my age! The story is about 22 yr-old Barry Trotter who must save his beloved school of Hogwash,or must get a job. You see, already over-run by the Barry Trotter books fans, Wanger Bros. plans to make a movie form the books! Then Hogwash will shut down because then everybody will know how to get there! So Barry,Lon,and Erminie come out of retirement to try to stop Lord Valumart and the people at Hollywood to stop the movie before it's too late! Micheal Gerber really does make fun of Potter in this book.The book inspired me to become a Trotter fan and read other parodies like Bored of the Rings. If I were you, grab a copy of this book today!If you are a Harry Potter fan and are looking forward to Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheniox this summer, Trotter fans like me will be looking to Barry Trotter and the Unnessary Sequal coming this fall!
Rating:  Summary: Too Long Review: This book would've made a funny short story, but no joke is funny enough to last almost 200 pages. This book is of course funnier than the real Harry Potter books, but then they are not meant to be very funny. The only reason I finished reading this book is because I was searching in vain for a non-potty humour joke.
Rating:  Summary: Laugh a minute! Review: I have listened to the tapes of the first four HP books during my daily commute and have re-listened to all of them. While listening and driving, I drift in and out of the story, but this tape is different. Almost every line is a gem and while laughing at one, the next comes crashing along and I have to pull off the freeway! It is best read or listened to in the privacy of your home without any distractions. I have listened to it several times and pick up something new every time. Great fun and highly recommended!