Rating:  Summary: TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! Review: Ummmm. hello? Am I the only one who actually registered on what these books are about? They are about making fun of a man's lifes work!!!!! How any of you people can find this amusing is intolerable to me!!!!!! This is like writing a parady of say, THE BIBLE!!!!!! People make fun of the Bible but don't actually write paradies of it. As a LOTR loving atheist, I don't see the difference. I'm thourghly disgusted.
Rating:  Summary: If you're smart enough to not be too serious . . . Review: You've got 2-3 hours, tops, and killing a good part of it is the immediate goal. You've read the trilogy, you've seen the recent cinematic stab (ahem) at it, and you may even remember the dismal animated version from some two decades and more past. Since all good humor (except maybe bomb pops) has a nugget of truth, the respect and honor of Tolkien's classic will allow one to laugh even harder at page after page of dumb puns, hilarious twists and things you wish would have happened in the original. This brilliant and timeless sendup of a timeless and brilliant literary masterpiece will fill the gap all such great works create. (If somebody could parody Dickens, he'd be a millionaire overnight). Give yourself a lift you'll ride for days if not weeks. I read it in '74, '78, '82, '88 (gave my copy away, took awhile to find another), '90 and about 4-5 times over the last decade plus. I was the only one laughing in the theater last week . . . Be whole, be happy, read this book and laugh out loud.
Rating:  Summary: Parody at it's best! Review: "Bored of the Rings" completely and utterly makes the perfect mockery of The Fellowship of the Ring and company of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, all in one handy book! This is parody at it's best- it doesn't come more hilarious than this. Once you pick it up, you'll find it's hard to set down. Just one recommendation: don't read it in a public place if you're not prepared for everyone to stare at you when you begin to laugh out loud uncontrollably.
Rating:  Summary: Bored of the Rings: A Not-So- Boring Parody Review: I must say that I enjoy parodies alot,especially fictional ones like Bored of the Rings. My first parody had to be Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody. It was such a good book I had to write a review on it! Then last week I bought Broed of the Rings at my local bookstore and found it out to be almost as good as Barry Trotter! The story is about Frito Bugger, a boggie who was leading an o-k life untill he is called on by Goodgulf the Wizard to destroy his Uncle Dildo's ring before Sorhed gets it. If you know the original,you'll get this too. I like how they change names like,Frito,Spam,Pepsi,Moxie,Dildo,Goodgulf,and Stomper. Trust me,buy this book! I also reccomend Barry Trotter. And if you enjoy both,look for Barry Trotter's sequel, The Unnessary Sequel and a hobbit parody,The Soddit,this fall!!!
Rating:  Summary: Worst humor book I've ever read! Review: I couldn't get past page 45 and even that was a struggle. I really wanted to like this book. There were no clever observations, no funny events, and no funny characters. Just a bunch of tired puns, anachronisms, and stupid narrative like so and so slept with an opposum. Looking for a funny book?: For Love of Evil by Piers Anthony (I read the Incarnation Series at 15), Without Feathers by Woody Allen, The Princess Bride by William Goldman, Letters From A Nut by Sid Nancy, Big Trouble by Dave Barry, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (the first 3 chapters especially, the rest is more weird than funny), Sein Language by Jerry Seinfeld, A Clash of Kings by George RR Martin (the chapters about Theon), and Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut. I haven't read the Robert Aspirin Books, or any of the Terry Pratchett books besides Color of Magic, but they might be good too. This book was not. It didn't even feel like a story, just a really bad stand up routine.
Rating:  Summary: Priceless, irreverent bit of literary (cough) history Review: I thought this book was a hoot a few decades ago. I read it right after my first time reading The Lord of the Rings; I was just a teenager then (never you mind what year that was!) Oh, I was appalled at first at seeing my beloved Holy Characters satirized, but, it IS good to laugh at things we hold sacred, sometimes, and frankly I think The Perfessor would get a chuckle out of it too. But now that I'm older and have re-read it, well, let's face it - it was written by college students. Witty and intelligent college students, who would be fun to hang around with at a party, and after the party my sides might well be aching with laughter even more than my head would be, but still - I wouldn't call this Harvard Lampoon creation a high quality literary parody or satire. Maybe it's just that since those days, I've been spoiled by the likes of Terry Pratchet and Douglas Adams, who are true masters of fantasy-type humor. Bored of the Rings is still a pretty good guffaw for the money, though, and since its publication WAS after all a true historical chunk of the whole huge Lord of the Rings Phenomenon of the 60's, no serious Tolkien-memorabilia collection is complete without it. Get the original edition if you can - true Tolkien-buffs will certainly Grok the disclaimer that the authors parodied on the back of the 60's edition: "This book was published with the sole intention of making a fast buck, and respectors of certain other living authors won't touch this gobbler with a fifty foot battle lance."
Rating:  Summary: we need to laugh from time to time (: Review: and this is what this small book exactly makes you do. you have to know that this spoof is written by ardent tolkien fans and if you are offended that the godfather of heroic fantasy is being made fun of, don't be! get this really funny book and discover how tom bombadil is a dope smoking hippie or about an Aragorn who gets dead drunk and trashes the inn of the prancing pony, to the ground. some really silly stuff and i love it for that. if you were into "top secret" or the "naked gun" series, you'll absolutely want to own this. minus one star because it's too damn short.
Rating:  Summary: This isn't funny: it's an insult to everything I believe in! Review: Number one: the parodies are tired and predictable. Changing Bilbo to Dildo (Just sick, if you ask me, and could you have made that a little more subtle?) and Frodo to Frito is something even a baby could have come up with. Number two, as a devoted Tolkien fan, I was insulted by some of the things that were clearly meant to be funny. It could have been a little more subtle. I love LOTR and I can't stand anyone mucking it up and trivializing it and ridiculing it! The authors must really hate Tolkien to defile his work like this!!!! They as good as stripped him of his clothes and put him out on the street for public ridicule! This is the worst book ever. I could puke!
Rating:  Summary: This is sooooo funny! Review: This is a really terrific parody of the LOTR series. I would not recommend it for kids, even if they love LOTR. However, teens and above will probably find it a great deal of fun. I first read this parody over 20 years ago and it still is fun. The parody is not meant to make fun of JRRT, but just to have some fun and to honor the books (as they are worth the effort of a parody!).
Rating:  Summary: The best parody I have ever read Review: Everyone knows about Lord of the Rings now, and almost everyone has read the book. Unless you really don't want any insults toward the book, this book is for you. It was written by a group of people who have the ability to mix stupidity and humor and make a great and entertaining novel. One warning is that it is abundent in related humor, which will probably offend someone (well it was written in the late 60's). Just don't read this book before you read Lord of the Rings.