Rating:  Summary: BOBBY FISCHER TEACHES CHESS Review: Our whole family has read and re-read this engaging treatment that teaches us to look deep into the game to see what is there. It teaches you to THINK chess, in a fascinating manner. There is no other book like it -- even children can use it. At chess club we started, we recommended it highly for those beginners who wanted to boost their skills. I am so glad that Bobby Fischer shared this simple, and delightful teaching with the world!
Rating:  Summary: Quite Strange Review: I do not mean to say I don't like this book when I say strange. But as the guy said,this book is truly different from any other chess book.For one thing,the thing in it is called program instruction.This book takes you in several complicated points where you have to find White or Black's saving shot,or how one of them can checkmate the other.It makes you a better chess player. But here's the downside:JUST checkmates and saving shots.A chess book should contain a list of openings for the beginning,some tactics for the middlegame,and the checkmates at the end.Bobby Fischer has only included the checkmates.He says that you will be able to think like he can.If you want to know checkmates and saving shots,this is the book you're looking for.But if you want the stuff I like,tactics,good openings,and strategy,you can check out,"The Complete Book of Chess Strategy." All the good players have some good things to say about it.I hope that my advice helps!
Rating:  Summary: For Beginners Review: Don't expect too much from this book. While informative and a good practice, it is not really an in-depth look at anything. Rather, it gives you different situations and runs you through them. It is easier to follow than many chess books I have read, but not that full of content.
Rating:  Summary: Just a hoax? Review: There are certainly more than enough books in this world for which a celeb gave his/her name and had it written by others, just to push sales. I purchased the german edition almost fifteen years ago when I already knew the moves and had a playing strength of ca. 1500 USCF, just because I was anxious to read what Fischer might have to say to complete newcomers. When I opened the book for the first time, I thought it was a hoax, every odd page being printed upside down. This however, was explained to be part of the instructional system (you are not tempted to look up the solutions by just switching the page), but I quickly found out, that this was about the only remarkable thing about the book. If a newcomer to the game takes the book and tries to learn the game with it, he is bound to lose EACH AND EVERY game to follow. The book, apart from the elementary rules, just delves on about 10 different kinds of combinational motives, and that's it. You're not even given a hint of how to start a game, the most elementary endgames are missing, not a word about strategy etc. Experienced players should buy this book for fun and file it under "humor" or "curiosities". Unfortunately, in order to write a review, one has to award at least one star to this book, which gives a totally wrong impression of my esteem.
Rating:  Summary: KEEP THIS ONE AROUND Review: This book is a keeper. Of the dozens of Chess books I own, This is one I read over and over. It takes only a few minutes a day and NO CHESS BOARD is reqired. So you can take it anywhere.No matter what book I am in the middle of, its easy to pick this one up, do a few lessons, and go right back to what I was reading. The programing system is outstanding. After reading Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess only once, you'll look at Chess in an totally different way. If not, maybe you should play Checkers!
Rating:  Summary: best beginner book ever Review: bobby fischer teaches chess in an organized way. Most grandmasters are great at chess but worse then reading an algebra book = BOREING when writing a book. Bobby avoids the need for knowing anything about chess except what the pieces look like and how they move.A problem solving approach with a clear diagram of a position on one page and the answer at the top of the next page. Careful organization leads you by theme through the different techniques and then techniques are combined until you are PAINLESSLY looking ahead 5 moves!!!***** 5 stars! . . . . this is mate against a castled king. . . if you still don't know its good to manditory to castle this will come with experience and play. . . these techniques work for storming any position and will be invaluable in midgame as well!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Chess Instruction Book! Review: This is a great book! Bobby Fischer goes through and sets up game-like, chess situations for you and then tells you to try and figure them out. It is a great book for you if you want to start making your mind think chess thoughts. On the back of each page, Fischer tells you which moves you should've made. Personally, I went through with a pencil and marked my moves as I went along, and then changed them as I found out what moves I should've made. I think if you are just starting to like chess, or have been interested in chess for a while, you should buy this book. I guarantee you will enjoy it! READ IT!
Rating:  Summary: In his own words.... Review: This book is a must for anyone beginner to intermediate who wants to raise their level of chess. After reading the book it will give you, in the authors words a "chess eye". It's the best chess book I've read so far, and how appropriate is it that the author is one of the greatest players known. (After reading this book you might wanna try "1001 Ways to Checkmate").
Rating:  Summary: Perfect For a Beginner Review: Five years ago when I began to dive into the world of chess I found this book on the shelf and thought I might have fun with it, and maybe finally beat my dad at chess (we all want to do this when we're kids, right?). I was 12 years old and in 7th grade. I went through this book cover to cover and back again, and it honestly made me a much better chess player. Soon after I read it I beat my dad consistently at the game : ) And soon after that I was coined a chess champion of my middle school. Since then I've gone through the book another 3-4 times, and I love it every time. If you are looking to get better at the game, this is a good place to look. This book is what made me fall in love with the game.
Rating:  Summary: Strictly Beginners Review: I would consider myself somewhat beyond beginner. I can defeat most people who play casual chess, but I have little success against any real students of the game. The first half of the book was fairly uninteresting to me as it restated what I considered obvious. The second half moved into slightly more complex situations, but nothing that made me say, "That's a good idea!" Also, there is very little explanation for any situation. In essence, this is a puzzle book where the solution is given in one line. If you're a weak casual player, this may be of some benefit. Otherwise, I would look elsewhere.