Rating: Summary: Useful Information Review: This book is informative. The author has researched well and provided us with a wealth of knowledge concerning choices and/or statements made by various liberal minded people in recent years. Frankly, because of the first part of the title, Useful Idiots, I had to be prodded for weeks by my son to pick it up and read it for myself. I do applaud this young author for taking a stand, alerting us to future danger, and providing warning signs to the younger generation so they will make better leaders. Keep on writing. Your earnest efforts to enlighten us to danger signals that can impact the future of America is not in vain.
Rating: Summary: Who's blaming who? Review: In the not so distant past, the author would have been found wearing a sheet over her pointed head while she burned crosses and cursed Jews and Blacks or whoever else she hates. Or in Father Coughlin's audience. Or some other nutjob faction. America's right has a disgraceful history of repressing blacks, fighting democracy in the United States, support apartheid at home and abroad and, not least, of helping to sneak thousands and thousands of their Nazi fellow travelers into the U.S. while expunging the files of their traitorous dealings with Hitler and his henchmen. It's a reality. Bush's family had dealings with the Nazis. American companies sold Tetraethyl Lead to the Nazis during the peak of the war so their fighter pilots could kill Americans. And this nut points the finger at people who did not profiteer from WWII as did the American Right. The right needs to be ashamed of its decade upon decade of bigotry that has embarassed this great nation. But if this author could see her fingers in front of her face, she'd find that this great liberal democracy fought the Nazis and then the communists. And men like George Kennen, a international hard liner who happened to be a liberal devised the policy of strategic confinement. Kennen's policy ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The sad thing is that people earn money slinging mud like this at decent people, good Americans who have fought for their country and done more than any of the current lot of chickenhawks. You didn't know? They told you about Clinton. But they didn't tell you that everyone in this administration from Bush down is a draft dodger. Some, like Cheney, many times over. And warlord Wolfowitz said he was too busy. Who's to blame. People like this author who have nothing but blame to offer and who have nothing rational to offer to our political system. Americans at fault. NO. PEOPLE LIKE THIS. It's trashy polemic. Ask yourself who's benefiting right now in Iraq. It sure is not our superb military or the reservists who have a leader who cannot articulate a legitimate reason for this war. But we're stuck. We're there and we have to support the troops. Do we also have to let the friends of Dick Cheney and George Bush make even more billions? On no bid contracts to Halliburton that were negotiated while Cheney was at Halliburton? Utter corruption. American taxpayers sweat while the American right makes profiteers from this war and American troops die.
Rating: Summary: The hate is really emanating from the right. Review: Liberals....Communism.....Red herrings. The fact is....Mona Charen HATES folks that question the motives of the ruling class among America. The ruling class despise working folks. They hate the fact that your right to vote is equal to theirs. Of course,they have money, and lobbyists. Most Americans do not.The hate America crowd are not"liberals",but the people and money that Charen represents. With their lobbyists they have undermined our system of government. This book will comfort those ascribing to the dittohead mentality. Remember,unless you're among the 2%,these folks hate the rest of us. They need the populace to be divided. Charen is an apologist, and propagandist for these interests. This book reinforces my summary.
Rating: Summary: Useless Fools Review: First, let me point out that Mona Charen believes, among other bits of amusing malarkey, that the Clintons had Vince Foster assassinated. We are not dealing with someone who has a great respect for facts. Now, her argument seems to be that 'liberals' (a term that seems to include everyone from Thomas Friedman to the Weather Underground) have historically been what the John Birch society used to call "comm simps" that is, ardent fans of totalitarian communism. Look at the long list of liberal commie-lovers: Harry Truman, who started the Korean war to keep the DPRK from owning the whole Korean penninsula; JFK, who started the Vietnam war with similar goals in mind; Lyndon Johnson, who stoked the bloody mess still further. You would have to go pretty far left to find anyone who still defended the USSR past the early fifties. Meanwhile, in the name of fighting communism, we have bombed dirt-poor villagers in Vietnam and Cambodia, murdered the democratically elected president of at least one nation, funded murderous rapists in Nicaragua (people whom Ronald Reagan called "the moral equivalent of our founding fathers) and generally caused mayhem on a scale the Soviet Union only dreamed of. What did it achieve? Why did we do it? I seem to recall we were listening to the Ann Coulters and Mona Charens of the day, and losing our sense of human decency in the process.
Rating: Summary: EXCELLENT review of the hypocritic Left! Review: Mona Charen is the most articulate of her breed! In this book she puts the hypocracy of the Left in proper view. Shame is, so many US citizens are in denial! READ this book and be awakened!
Rating: Summary: Nonsense Review: Hmmmm. Now let me see. Harry Truman began the policy of containment against communism, started NATO to prevent the spread of communism, began the Marshall Plan to save western Europe from communism, and initiated the Berlin airlift to prevent a communist takeover of West Berlin, then sent troops to Korea to help prevent another communist takeover. Oh yeah, that's getting it wrong! Get a life.
Rating: Summary: The left and right have become too polarized Review: I've noticed that the political books being written today are by the extreme elements of the left and right. I've read some of both, and I can tell you that all are mostly trash which distort the truth in order to support their dogmatic views. Here is a wake up call: most of America doesn't buy the trash being written by the left or right. This is why the parties (both hijacked by their radical elements) are becoming less important. This book is a waste of paper. Avoid the radicals and look for more reasonable voices even if you have to go back to people like Ike or JFK (neither of whom would last a second in the political parties of today).
Rating: Summary: Liberals obviously don't even care about their own nation... Review: This is a fantastic book to add to one's collection of anti-communist history of America and the revisionism that frequently occurs on the left. The Left changes history regardless of what the event relates to. Today, liberals like to say that the fight against the Evil Empire--the Soviet Union--was a bipartisan affair. This book places that view to rest. Even more interesting, this book gives the impression that liberals are not stupid--that is, they did not take the side of the Soviet Union through a mistake. For instance, Mona Charen cites the example of Ron Dellums, Democrat of California (from the anti-American Berkeley district), who was a card-carrying socialist and actively tried to help the Soviet Union by helping it in its military aggrandizement and usurpation of power. Liberals were always asking for caution, understanding, more deliberation to slow down the process of stopping the true aggressors--communists all across the world. The fact that media folks still give legitimacy to individuals such as Fidel Castro of Prison Island Cuba -- and praises them -- is understandable considering the Treason lobby's intense desire to harm America and give up in our quest to fight for freedom everywhere. The last Democrat president to fight for freedom, says Mona Charen, is John F. Kennedy. She's right. Name a liberal today who urges a tough response to terrorism around the world? Instead of this, we see liberals trying to understand the Islamic terrorists--just as they did with the communists of Eastern Europe, North Korea, and Cuba. And the Democrats have the nerve to say they are experts in foreign policy, or that we should trust the security of the United States to them? Read this book and the answer will be clear to that question.
Rating: Summary: The truth is out! Review: Excellent book. Exposes the left's desire to coddle communist dictators rather than confront them. Ms. Charen covers a lot of territory and backs up her points with quotes and footnotes. A must-read for any conservative or anyone else who desires to discover the truth about the extremist leftist who have high-jacked the Democratic party. Another terrific book which is available on line, not at the stores, is COCKPIT CONFESSIONS OF AN AIRLINE PILOT, by Keshner. Don't let the title fool you, yes great flying stories by a real pilot, but so much more.
Rating: Summary: Useful Idiots: give me more! Review: Bob, from ohio. In her book, Mona Charen claims Liberals have gotten it wrong on everything since the cold war. Before Medicare was instituted in this country, 50% of America's elderly had no health care provision. It was a LIBERAL (JFK) who proposed a health care provision for our elderly, and another LIBERAL (Pres. Johnson)who delivered it. It was the Republicans who fought the Liberal idea of health care for elderly "tooth and nail." My question: did the conservatives get it wrong on Medicare? YOU BET THEY DID!! I wonder how many of Mona Charen's, A.Coulter's, M.Savage's, O'Lie-lly's, R. Lumbaugh's, & Hannity's ditto heads have no health care insurance/provision, and think that a single payer, universal health care system is a communist plot? If they do they are not only idiots, they are hardly even useful.