Rating:  Summary: I love this book Review: i think this book is hilarious. i just started to read it. I <3 AMERICAN IDOL
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and quick read Review: I was not sure what to expect from Simon, certainly didn't expect a book I actually would enjoy reading. I was more curious about what he said about the back stage happenings of the show. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying the book and found I could not put it down until I reached the end. I found that I grew to admire Simons' determination to make his dreams come true, even though he is so egotistical that he does not need any admiration from others. Overall, good book.
Rating:  Summary: Very Entertaining! Review: I thouroughly enjoyed this book. For anyone who's an Idol fan, I would highly recommend it. You get to relive the whole first two seasons of American Idol in Simon's own words, with the same sort of witty attitude that you're familiar with from the show. Plus he gives all kinds of behind the scenes stuff that we didn't get to see. By the way, I notice there's a couple of negative comments posted below, which seem to stem from some criticism that Simon made on the show toward their favorite contestant. To those people, I would still recommend reading this book. I think you'll find that Simon actually has some very complimentary things to say about a lot of the contestants, and Clay in particular.
Rating:  Summary: I hate to be rude, but did you READ this??!!? It's FUN! Review: Despite how you feel about Mr. Simon Cowell he is honest and funny. He may take potshots at your favorite IDOL, or even Madonna, Britney and Michael Jackson (they all deserve it)! But here is a man who knows music and the industry! And he is an egotistical hack that has written one of the most readable books of the year. It should be REQUIRED reading for music fans, aspiring singers, and IDOL junkies! Not only does he dish music and the show that made him famous, but he offers advice on how to nail an audition and how to make it in the business!Get past the life story bit, and the book whirls into a comedic journey of AMERICAN IDOL stories and pop culture criticism. Simon is an intergral part of the show - he's the man you love to hate, but honestly folks he knows his subject! You watched from a distance, but he was 10 feet away the entire time. Seems most people are ready to dismiss this book on the grounds of the author's television persona. But I find him witty and engaging as an author. You can't go wrong! Unless of course you plan on audtioning for the next IDOL and dress like a giant banana and sing a poor karoke imitation of another singer. Then you can go VERY wrong!
Rating:  Summary: Only for diehard American Idol fans Review: I DON'T MEAN TO SOUND RUDE BUT... will only be of interest to diehard fans of the show "American Idol." The format of the book is reminiscent of a teen pop magazine, the gossip is juvenile and uninteresting (did you know that during the competition Clay Aiken bought his shoes one size too large?), and the so-called advice that will make you a star is nothing the average hopeful does not already know: have something to say; work really hard; have an interesting look; the odds of making it are astronomical. The interesting thing is that while each winner of the American Idol competition has certainly had a hit record and single, their success has never been divorced from this show, and the real breakout artists of the past few years have in no way been involved in the show, 50 Cent and Avril Levigne, for example. It is the show itself that has become the idol, the phenomenon, and the careers of the singers hinge on its notoriety. I think the same could be said for Simon Cowell. Without the show he's nothing. And that's why I recommend this book only to those diehards out there. As for Simon's theory that Madonna is "over" ... his assessments of her media ventures this past year - the Gap ad, the kiss with Britney - miss the fact that these were tributes to her 20th anniversary in the business. Rather than do it the usual way (something even he admits Madonna has never done) and put out a box set, she made appearances with artists she has inspired and who wanted to pay her tribute. In 2013, when she's celebrating her 30th year anniversary, American Idol will have been cancelled, Simon will be long since forgotten, and if you bought this book will most likely feel as though you've wasted your money. Andrew Parodi
Rating:  Summary: Interesting read Review: This book has some interesting views of the contestants, the show and the people behind the show. For those of you who loved Simon on American Idol, you'll enjoy this book. He also explains why he is deliberately blunt on the show. The folks who give it a bad rating are probably fans of someone on the show who got bad reviews by Simon and are trying to sabotage the book. Notice the ones that give bad ratings do not give any reasons- they have no clue what the book is about. I give it 4 stars because it is a little overpriced.
Rating:  Summary: This was dreadful! Review: I only read it because he talked about CLAY! And he is eating crow folks! I also preferred with my eyes closed....
Rating:  Summary: horrible Review: horrible! Absolutely horrible! Everything about it was horrible! I prefer reading this book with my eyes closed.
Rating:  Summary: WICKED FUN FOR POP CULTURE JUNKIES AND IDOL FANS Review: If you're a fan of American Idol, and, like most viewers, think Simon's scathing, hilarious commentary is one of the show's biggest attractions, this book is a must read. Not only do you get the low-down on all the show's personalities and untold dramas, but what could be better than listening to Simon slice and dice today's biggest celebrities? He is one of the most entertaining critics of popular culture and the music industry around. And just as fun in book format. Go out and buy this book immediately. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: A rating for Simon...!! :-) Review: Stir clear,this book is all drawn out.Its boring and lacks lustre and reveals nothing valuable.Its poorly written and too long.If you've watched Pop or American Idol,then you've seen it all:- 0 out of 10...