Rating:  Summary: Obviously the last reveiwer didn't read the book. Review: This is an excellent book for people who seek truth in democracy. It's obvious the reviewer/simpleton who said Mr. Hightower is "in bed" with Bill and Hillary, is simply attempting to lamely smear Mr. Hightower. I'm almost certain this individual listens to and lives by every lie Rush Limbaugh spews on a daily basis.
Rating:  Summary: Thieves in High Places Review: Clearly written by a truth twisting liberal. One who is in bed with Bill and Hillary and part of their propaganda slime and spin machine.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiration and a fine account of Walmart's misdeeds Review: Hightower's forte is rallying his base, and he does a fine job. If you are on the left and don't feel a need to get active right away after reading this, please go in for a physical and mental checkup!While he covers much that is available in the public domain, he covers in a comprehensive way the whole set of misdeeds perpetrated by Walmart on its employees and those who make its products. You will come away wanting to do something about the behavior of the world's largest corporation after reading it. That alone is worth the price of the book.
Rating:  Summary: Leaves Conservatives Shaking in their Boots Review: This book is expected to recieve a review like the one from new bern NC where the police Goose Step along ticketing people for every infraction. But to those of us who do not blindly believe what is told to us this book will be much more welcome. This book reminds us that we must always question what is told to us and that we must come to our own conclusion, not the conclusion of Bill O'Reily. Yes its liberal, but its about time liberals get some media outlet!
Rating:  Summary: Not a book for naive idealists Review: If your relationship with your country resembles that of a 4 year old child where everything mommy does is just wonderful, then don't read this book. To pass this off as Propaganda as the man from New Bern NC states, is just a knee jerk reaction of fear.Sadly, this is common in most toothless ,uneducated, cross burners from North Carolina when they realize the pollitical/economic structures they have been supporting are, without conscience, globalizing american jobs to foreign countries, dilluting our bill of rights to something more akin to what you would find in Brezhnev's Russia, and attempting to make us more like Iran by turning over the countries' moral agenda to christian fundamentalists(Last time I checked the US was a democracy not a theocracy). Jim Hightower's book reminds us of what it means to be truly American: Vigilant defenders of the constitution, democracy, and social justice. I don't think any of us want to live in a country with no jobs or civil liberties, run by fire and brimstone spewing christian fundamentalcases. Jim's got it right, It's time to take back our country!
Rating:  Summary: LockStep with eyes clinched tightly closed Review: If you march LockStep to the shrieks and lies of the ultra radical liberalislamic Left then you will love this book. If you are a sane level headed thinker who is willing to actually research the information presented then this will be a good read as well. It is great to see the Anti U.S. propoganda machine cranking up in full force and watching the snivveling idiots giggling, lapping up this drool and accepting it cold as hard fact instead of what it really is. Anti American Propoganda. It is a great thing we have free speech so that these shackeled minds are revealed for what they truly are.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: You won't hear this stuff from the corporate media. Not for the country bumpkin Rush worshiper who is still waiting for that tax cut wealth to start pouring in LOL
Rating:  Summary: Good Book! Review: Very informative book. Well written, and full of good information. If you want to know the truth, read this book. We DO need to tkae our country back!!!
Rating:  Summary: Colorful, Insightful, Truthful Review: I saw Hightower a few weeks back on CSPAN's Washington Journal and decided to give his book a whirl. Fun and interesting read on the current state of affairs involving our corporate-controlled media, military and lives. Even more interesting to note is the wingnuts who leave a 1-star rating and do not leave a name. What does that say about them now?
Rating:  Summary: He's Back - and with all The Facts that Shame the Elite! Review: ... God bless Jim Hightower's courageous heart! He encourages the rest of us to pick up our crosses and start walking down the righteous path of confronting the enemy in the face. "BEGONE, YE DOUR-FACED DEMONS!" as Art Kleps once wrote. Now, Hightower is no fool. He walks his talk with the best of them. If anyone knows just how much we working folks are getting the shaft, it is good old Jim. His list of ENVIRONMENTAL sins, alone, that have been commited by this administration is absolutely startling!! ... Just check this out from pages 94 and 95: ... "HSD to the rescue! As the Homeland law was being written, corporate lobbyists suddenly got patriotic, warning that terrorists could benefit by knowing such "critical infrastructure" information as what chemicals a plant is using or producing. Therefore, a provision was slipped into the law prohibiting all agencies of government from releasing any such information that a corporation gives to HSD. Cute. Now any corporate lawyer who can spell L-O-O-P-H-O-L-E has an out from public disclosure - anything the corporation wants to hide can be sent to HSD and safely tucked out of sight. ... Bonus Gift: This HSD tuck-away also means that "critical infrastructure" information about a corporation's pollution, explosions, and other unpleasantness can't be dislodged for use in civil lawsuits that workers, neighbors, environmentalists, governments, or anyone else brings against the corporation. So why go to the expense of preventing pollution and safety problems when you can just hide them in HSD?" ... You know, in the Greek Orthodox Church, when people recite the OUR FATHER Christian prayer, they end it with: "and deliver us from the PONIROO," which does not mean "evil" - but SLYNESS, a kind of WICKED, sneaky intelligence that is selfish and evil, not noble and selfless. Indeed! All of the information Jim includes in this book will help to keep us from having the wool pulled over our eyes by the wicked, selfish, sly sharks who only care about their own crooked ways in order to satisfy their greedy desires through continuing to stay in power and glorifying themselves, not God or the common good. This current Rulership of Thieves ( "Kleptocracia" in Greek) does not exemplify how "the other half lives." It's nowhere near as large as HALF! It's as small as a fraction of ONE percent, and maybe FIVE percent of our population at the most. Anyone who does not belong to this elite club of 5 percent and votes to keep them in power is committing economic suicide! ... Right-On, Jim! - The Aeolian Kid