Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Political Journey Review: If you need a little inspiration in your life and feel like your being stepped on all the time by the big guys, get this FANTASTIC read by Jim Hightower!Incredibly researched, a biting down to earth Texas humor, and above all it makes you feel like you can do your small part to make this world a better place!This guy covers all the meaty topics, from the Enron heist, to the big corporations (Walmart) destroying all the small town mom and pop businesses, to child slave/sweatshop labor, Bushes environmental 'terrorism' acts (a term I made up), and the best of all small stories of how the regular 'ol jenny and jims of this great America take on these crooked corporations and injustice in our daily lives and beat them in the end!I love Michael Moore a lot for his expose of the daily attack on our American way of life from the Bush administration, but I have to say he is lacking one thing that Hightower totally delivers, and that is optimism and a good spirit!This book could not have been better in my opinion, and it surely is not biased and/or partisan/one sided (knocks on the Republicans & the Democrats).At times, hardcore political commentary can be hard to read if it becomes to fact based with no trace of humor, but with Hightowers' unique sense of humor and great wit, you will never be prone to a sudden dose of sleepy eyes.Way to go!
Rating:  Summary: Now these are high crimes. Review: Jim Hightower has issued a call to arms in this his latest book. It is a call to action that should be answered by the vast majority of Americans for the current system is serving very few of us. Hightower has only stated the obvious in regard to our current government structure but he does so in a very clear manner that may just get the attention of America. Too often we just accept things as they are because speaking out is too much trouble. If we aren't careful, we are going to lose the America we love to corporate greed and corruption. Bush won't help us for he and his whole crew are company men all of the way and are doing everything they can to help the process along. In Jim's words, "Never have so few done so much for so few." The things Hightower documents in this book are not only unbelievable but also downright scary. The Democrats don't escape Hightower's wrath either. Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council are just about as guilty as are the Republicans. These people figure that if they don't fight the corporate greed that is ruining America they can expect large campaign contributions. It has obviously worked since as Democrats we no longer seem to have the trouble raising money that we used to. On the other hand, as a party we no longer have a soul. The reason the Democratic Party exists is to fight for labor, the poor, and all of the other good hard working Americans who look to our party for protection from the, "haves and the have mores." Quite simply, I don't care how much money Microsoft puts in DNC coffers; our principles should not be for sale. Just as the reader starts to get really depressed, Hightower hits us with the good news. People all over the country are starting to stand up and be counted. It's not a political thing, as both Democrats and Republicans have worked together for the common good of their community. From little projects like planting flowers along a highway to taking on and defeating big corporations who want to bring part-time minimum wage jobs to the community while destroying local business. Yes friends, the MacWal-Marting of America can be brought to a halt and Jim has the stories to prove it. This book also has the dirt on some of America's corporate giants and some of the things these people do in the name of profit are just downright disgusting. I'm not sure if I will ever go into a Wal-Mart again. There are also chapters that expose the food industry, sweatshops, (hello again Wal-Mart) and the decline and fall of our right to privacy. Ending on a high note, Hightower issues his call to action. He has shown the reader how corporate greed and government avarice can be defeated and at the end he gives us the contact information we need to join the fight. This is an excellent book, laced with both humor and acid. Every American should take a look at this book. You may not agree with all Hightower has to say but he will most assuredly give you something to think about.
Rating:  Summary: Information, information, information Review: If you ever wanted to know the details about how our country is going wrong this is the book to read. I learned things that the media surely isn't inclined to tell us. This isn't just a book to attack the current presidency (thought it certainly should be attacked by a populist revolution) but it is an attack on how our current politics works. Ever wanted to know how much corporations give in donations to both parties? Ever want to know how Walmart can afford to use that smiley face to indicate low prices? Ever been depressed by what's going wrong with this country and wanted a list of websites to get more information on how you might be able to make a difference? This is the book to read. If you read nothing else all year, read this.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and Funny; the Best of the Best Sellers? Review: Well, this is the internet, isn't it. Unfortunately, that means a lot of people have the opportunity to say dumb stuff about a book that they probably haven't read. Anti-American? I'd like a definition of what it means to be "American" please. I digress... In any event, I've read Michael Moore, but he is a bit too smug and self-promoting for me. I've glanced through Ann Coulter but she just hangs herself left and right. I heard Jim Hightower talk recently and liked his good 'ol boy hell raising spirit (and, more so, the fact that he looks you in the eye and is fairly methodical in answering questions down to the detail). I work for a large corporation and see first hand a lot of what he talks about, so a lot of his discussion of big business (especially as tied to government) rang true with me (and by my research is mostly spot on). In general though, I don't find many of the "Top Sellers" to be all that eye opening and prefer to try to do my own research apart from these books. So I guess my final review is: its a humerous book, seemingly more meaty than others in its class, and serves as a one of the better introductions of topics that are in the spotlight today (in that it doesn't insult you with idiotic humor, like Coulter, or the smugness of Mike Moore).
Rating:  Summary: What regime should we change? Review: Jim Hightower is just plain funny. Thieves In High Places describe how our Politicians are being controlled by big coporations, and just with one pull of the string, they have the politicians in their hands; both parties are controlled by CEO's, which is sad to see. Now did you know that Wal-Mart has their employee's working over 8 hours WITHOUT paying them, and not cloocking out. Also Wal-Mart has kids in China paying them 5 cents a hour working 80 hour work weeks which they suffer from depression, and inhailing paint fumes for the little toys they sell in Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart also comes to town, and destroy's the little guys, and the thing is they are getting away with it! Also in this book, Jim then explains that President Bush is being controlled by big coporations, and Enron has given money to President Bush in 2000, and when Key Lay got under hot water, Bush did nothing to the people who got him in office. I guess that if you got the money, then hey they can get you in office, and when they get in hot water, then they let you suffer.
Rating:  Summary: Beware of BushCo and the Like Review: Imagine a country ruled by thieves. A country ruled by elites content upon transferring money from the many to the few. A country that preys upon your fears and worries to invade every aspect of your privacy. This is much the image we get (and rightly so) of the government of the US as told to us by Jim Hightower. This book is a modern-day analysis of our current country and the diminishing of our democracy. Mr. Hightower urges us to be vigilant, brave and to take it back once again making it a country of the people and for the people. In the first part of the book Hightower talks about the corporate greedheads and other thieves who like nothing more than to evade paying taxes and enrich themselves at the expense of those Americans struggling to make it. He later goes on to elaborate BushCo's role in not only being complicit and catering to these corporate greedheads but also enriching themselves and filling key positions in the Gov. with none other than former corporate "leaders" (?). Throughout the book Hightower uses his characteristic wit and humor to make the book highly entertaining and pleasurable. No one is spared. He pummels Bush, Ashcroft, Ridge, Democrats, Enron, Worldcom, sweatshops, and others. A part of the book that I particularly enjoyed was a chapter on the behemoth beast Walmart. Think Walmart is your friendly, cheery, happy store down the street that just loves to bring you Christian values and super-duper low prices? Think again. Hightower exposes them for the greedy sharks they are. They exploit overseas labor in China, and pay domestic workers here little-to-none all in their quest for global empire and riches. He also explains how their money is funneled out of the local economy and into coroprate headquarters in Arkansas. Something to think about the next time you go shopping at your local "roll back America" store. Anyway, anyone of any political persuasion can benefit from reading this book. You will come away being more informed, humored and angered than before. Hopefully, you will also feel somewhat compelled to stand up for yourself and to do what you need to do to help bring real democracy back to America and prevent these elitist rich boys from taking over what is so great about this country.
Rating:  Summary: Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country--And Its Review: A former Texas public official turned author and lecturer, Hightower (If The Gods Had Meant Us To Vote They Would Have Given Us Candidates) takes on the conservative political establishment, calling them "kleptocrats" and arguing that the nation is ruled by thieves who have stolen democracy from the people and used the levers of government to enrich themselves and their fat-cat friends. President George W. Bush, the "Thief-in-Chief," comes in for especially harsh criticism. With biting and often on-target wit, the author attempts to speak truth to power, calling on the public to wake up and reclaim the democracy they have lost. Hightower is a gifted humorist who often brings his considerable talents to the defense of a brand of liberal populism that has difficulty finding a voice in post-9/11 America. This book won't change any minds, and it certainly won't appeal to conservatives or supporters of the President, but it will entertain Bush's critics and help establish Hightower as one of the stronger voices of liberalism in the country.
Rating:  Summary: Kleptocrats and other dot.gov maniacs Review: It's just at that point when you realized you've been robbed, and your first impulse is to contact the authorities. But if there's any truth to this book that's the wrong approach--it's the authorities, stupid. Moral: Ashcroft heads the vice squad (meaning the opposite of what its says). Hightowers' breezy blast against BushCo is about the liveliest of the counterslaught underway against (HOWL!) and joins Franken's Lies Etc as left hook to right jab. Get the message.
Rating:  Summary: Webster's please. Review: Inbred. Dueling. Look, I can spell. If you plan to be mean to people, please consult a dictionary while doing it. My apologies to the author; I do plan to read your book.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great read! Review: James Warford (see more about me) from Mansfield, Arkansas is a low IQ idiot. His family is so inbread that he looks a lot like the Dualing Banjo guy. What do you expect from a poor white trash redneck from the sticks. Ha! Hightower is a great man and human being.